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Everything posted by Denchet

  1. I wasn't complaining about MK-2 gear; I already have full Battlemaster anyway (and have since March, I don't PVP anymore though). I was just responding to someone asking how good it was. How does "still worse than Battlemaster though" sound like complaining? It was just a statement of fact.
  2. Yeah... I'm guessing one of them was originally supposed to be Nightmare mode gear? IDK. Or maybe they thought the black and white theme was boring. I like the new colors better, but I play a Consular, and no color scheme could make me want to use that gear. I like the Guardian a lot though.
  3. Yes. Well, assuming it works like Campaign Armorings. You can put them in any moddable gear and get the set bonuses.
  4. "New" Guardian armor: http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/image309.png News post from July 5th (aka, two and a half months ago) http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20120705 http://cdn-www.swtor.com/sites/all/files/en/na/blackhole_commendations.jpg While I do appreciate that they changed to these better colors, it isn't new stuff. Its just what it should have been in the first place. Also, if you watch this video: http://www.swtor.com/info/media/trailers/developer-dispatch-%E2%80%93-terror-beyond from September 7th, you can see that more of these colors already existed. I wonder why the Banana Sage (and all the other... interesting color choices) even existed in the first place.
  5. Watchman Spec PVE perspective How others perceive: My guild thinks it is super overpowered. I play Sentinel as an alt, and walked into a raid with full Recruit PVP gear and a Battlemaster mainhand and pulled competitive DPS, beating out some people in Rakata/Campaign. A well played Watchman Sent just does ridiculous damage compared to most other specs (note that I do have better gear now; an even mix of Columi and Rakata). How I perceive it: Watchman has perhaps the most complicated "rotation" in the game, using 10 different skills on a priority system, plus cooldowns. Your average skilled player pulls good DPS, but highly skilled players spiral out of control, doing way more DPS than most other specs in the game. I like the high skill cap, and would prefer other classes were made more like Watchman.
  6. Kinetic Combat PVE from a high end raider's perspective (we've cleared HM Kephess 9 times now and are gearing alt specs). Wearing perfect, or at least extremely close to perfect mitigation gear: Armor: 6141 (40.25%) Defense 399 (27.66%) Shield 570 (65.66% with Kinetic Ward) Absorb 576 (60.28%) How others perceive Shadow Tank: My guild has no problem. My partner tank, a Vanguard, jokes about how OP I am due to resilience and our dodge cooldown. Healers also seem to have no issue, though they have commented that the 1.3 nerf was noticeable. How I perceive Shadow Tank: Still quite capable after the nerf. I'm tanking all of HMEC and Nightmare Pilgrim without issue. I think the nerf was slightly overdone; we are a bit squishier when it comes to sustained mitigation than Vanguard at least (according to our spreadsheets). I don't have any experience with Guardian. Useful tools like Resilience help to make up for this a bit, but we need our armor a little higher to help when we go on unlucky streaks with dodge/shielding.
  7. Its still completely viable in PVE. Ran a full clear of HMEC tonight and had no problems tanking anything. Toth and Zorn were glitching like crazy (randomly wouldn't jump sometimes, sometimes the yellow circle for Baradium Heave would randomly switch to a different target then immediately turn blue, leaving us with an endless enrage). No wipes due to my survivability though, and we even one shot the other three bosses.
  8. Tried with it on and off, makes no difference. Also messed with all the in game graphic settings, made no difference. I'm having this problem using an ATI card btw (Radeon 5870).
  9. mmo-mechanics.com (used to be sithwarrior.com) Look through the old tanking compendium, its in there somewhere. Rapid recovery ends up being hundreds of healing per minute or something terrible. We have 5 points we have to spend in either rapid recovery, double strike damage, or health. All of these are fairly useless, but double strike damage and health seem to be the least useless.
  10. That thread must be outdated. Here is the standard KC build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601rIMokrskbsZZf0cM.1
  11. Anyone else getting this weird glitch where the War Hero Stalker's Robe is the wrong color in game, but the correct color in cutscenes and on the character select screen? Broken (Not in a cutscene) Ugly Beige Color http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m71/Denchet/Screenshot_2012-04-21_14_27_15_851291.jpg Correct (In a cutscene) Dark Brown, like the rest of the set http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m71/Denchet/Screenshot_2012-04-21_14_28_30_793577.jpg I submitted a ticket, wondering if anyone else is having this happen to them, thought.
  12. Flashpoints would be most important, followed by heroic quests. If you do one for operations, please don't do it like WoW. The raid finder in WoW is herpderp free epics. An OP finder for Story Mode OPs (without nerfing the difficulty) would be decent though, I might use that on my alts. For the love of God though, please don't make cross server group finders. They sucked in WoW, they ruined Rift, and they will ruin TOR too. A sense of community in an MMO server is important, please don't ruin this.
  13. Are Nightmare KP bosses still dropping BH Comms? It doesn't mention it there. Also, what about EV? Still just Columi comms on NiM?
  14. Shadow/Assassin tanks can solo it, use that spinning kick move that knocks enemies down for 2 seconds, then use your knockback. Don't know about other tanks.
  15. Its the same for all the Republic classes, the Rakatta weapons are worse than the lower tier weapons (other than color crystals, iirc).
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