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10 Good
  1. The game is still 2 Months Old, I am having fun with so many other things like leveling different classes and charectors, to get a feel for what I like the best, but to answer your questions specifically, I don't do Flashpoints because it hasn't always been easy for me to group with people for them, but now as more people level, get on and what not, I plan to get around to it, so the answer to your question is, I just haven't gotten around to it.
  2. "Pulling your weight" This is a game played for fun, There is no need for a meter to see who is doing more damage. There are plenty of other games that have this feature and it all = the very worst about the online gaming experience. The game right now is fine, if it doesn't appeal to the types of people BioWare is better off without so be it. Whatever BW does, it should just do what it does best, makes a great game and keeps moving forward, and this is a great game and FUN by the way.
  3. What it comes down to for me is this, I don't really care about other people playing this game, I paid my 15$ to have fun, now sometimes that includes socializing and engaging with others that I PICK, or bring to the game. I am not interested in learning or experiencing this game with anybody their personal problems that I don't want. Why play a MMORPG? Because sometimes, I do. But I don't want to be forced into it, and this is an aspect I think is far superior about BW,
  4. I say no, it is not needed, I really love SWTOR, and some of these same people suggesting a combat log, are the very people I left another mmo I enjoyed, because the developers didn't have a back bone enought to tell the community NO! There is no need for a combat log, and the game works just fine without it, trust me imo anybody stressing otherwise, really are customers better off left for EVE or WOW or some other game that is stale and littered with people less about having a good time, and enjoying THE GAME, and more concerned with ego. Again I say NO!
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