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Everything posted by jtype_sw

  1. Dear Bioware, I would just congratulate your company on a fantastic job in developing SWTOR, especially in regards to gameplay fluidity. Combat feels very intuitive and snappy, as instant abilities immediately cast when they are pressed, and casting abilities immediately resolve when the cast bar finished channeling; I can tell that you guys have invested a great deal of time, energy, and development to ensure the quality of SWTOR's gameplay, and have done yourselves in this department. Truly, I feel that are no pressing issues at all with the combat system as I feel no ability delay whatsoever when pressing my character's skills; Dare I say no game can ever shine a light next to SWTOR's combat responsiveness. Anyways, a job well done, and happy holidays! - Dr. Bo'lined Phanboi
  2. Perhaps we can try another avenue of approach. Bump this post of mines please. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=741947#post741947
  3. I am giving Bioware 1 month to fix up these combat clunkiness issues and make gameplay more fluid. How this made out of internal testing and BETA, is beyond me. This alone is going to determine whether I am going to play beyond the free initial 30 days.
  4. No. Last thing we need is everything nerfed for baddies.
  5. After several close analysis, it seems the textures in the cut-scenes are of "HIGH" quality while that in game is of "LOW/MEDIUM" quality?
  6. Just saying... http://www.swtor.com/blog/patch-notes-update
  7. Is there a way to disable in game error messages like: - Out of range - No target - Not ready yet - you must be behind the target to do that These fill up to half my screen with huge red text and it''s kinda hard to see at times :\\ etc.
  8. It is a joke. Hopefully they'll update it soon.
  9. Anyone else experiencing this issue? It happens to me everytime I log back in, or take a speeder, or load a new area. Really really annoying....
  10. Just wondering, I thought the CE vendor items were at least suppose to be equivalent to those acquired while leveling. Is there a reason why all the armor values are 4, 6, 8 etc, when the equivalent armor value found near my level are that of 200-400?
  11. The AH is perfect. Searching is easy, painless, and intuitive. Bioware did a terrific job.
  12. A skill on a 45 second cooldown that does slightly more damage than lacerate that cannot be used on elite mobs or players, and can only be used on incapacitated targets, saved your life multiple times? Kay
  13. You're wrong. It should read: Coats your instruments in acid, causing your next Hidden Strike or Backstab to deal an additional x internal damage over 6 seconds and increase armor penetration by 50% for 15 seconds. This ability does not respect the global cooldown and does not break stealth.
  14. The Good - It does not cost any energy. The Bad - Can only be used on incapacitated targets. - On a strong target, it only does slightly more damage than laceration without any of laceration's bonuses - It does not affect players - IT HAS A 45 SECOND FREAKING CD Don't know what the devs were thinking, and how the ability made it past internal and beta testers, I will never understand.
  15. it has a 45sec cd.........................
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