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Everything posted by Kikilicious

  1. Married Torian on my Bounty Hunter, and am going to marry Vector when I get him on Imperial Agent. Female player, female cahracters.
  2. With the legacy system, I don't know how I'm going to connect Alaina and my human agent, Daaé (if you know where I got the name from, you're cool ) in the family tree.
  3. This. Hands down. The first 33 seconds at least.
  4. I just wish Torian had Quinn's hair but in blonde (same starter facial hair, though). But for the most part, I love all my guys (Skadge has grown on me).
  5. I just wish the Empire had a Formal Dress for females (and vice versa for Republic males, if they don't have it). I wanted Torian and I ot look fancy when he proposed
  6. I lol'd at this one. I always though Mako and Gault did soemthing like this while Torian and I were out fighting... But I have one for Skadge: Skadge enjoys a secret life. When sent on crew skills, he goes out to cantinas Nar Shadaa (or any cantinas on any planet for that matter) dressed in a Slave Dancer's outfit, a wig, and terrible makeup. He dances the nigth away with Huttese guards.
  7. Can't wait for these! Apparently saomeone in my guild was complaining that I was wearing level 30-ish Columni-modded gear because it did't have the extra aim and teh lack of set bonuses. Now I can tell them to stop complaining. As for the color changing, my Modified DTB-27 Bolt Blaster Pistol can finally match my RD-15B Commando Armoring. For teh social gear, hopefully they add the heavy armor opitions!
  8. I was told by a player (DS IA) that the Ligth Side was to let him regain his personality, while Dark Side is to lose him in the Killik hive mind. That's all I really know, sorry!
  9. I doooo! I love my pink one though.... I feel like a princess.
  10. Skip to 5:32. That will explain why he's so obsessed with you.
  12. Well, he's kind of asking for back story. How your character became what they are. Unless some class gives you one.
  13. FINALLY, SEXY SHIP PARTIES. You know what would be funny as hell? If we could dress Skadge up in teh Slave Dancer's outfit and use teh special dance so he'd dance too. Oh god......what have I done?
  14. Nah, Mako's still better, hes just pertty good when you gear him out. Too bad teh parts are hella expensive.
  15. Honestly I don't want her, but if everyone who hasn't killed her get her as an extra companion (I didn't kill her, did't wanna waste the time, wanted to complete story for Torian), I totally ship Thana/Skadge now. But, I don't find her nessicary.
  16. I read something similar to this over on the Bounty Hunter Forums, but this is what they said: Playing as a Bounty Hunter, your job is to complete a contract. You can choose to kill a bounty, or carbonize them. What you do is inherently evil. However, you can still go by a code of conduct and treat non-bounties with respect and act like a true Mandalorian.
  17. Hehe, I made it up over a couple nights while drifting off to sleep; it just melded.... Glad you liked it! If you're stuck, I recommend reading the Offical Species Guide; they have a section dedicated to the Chiss, and from it I figured the maturity is emotional, rather than physical. Good luck with the backstory!
  18. I actually can't link my source. I read it in the physical copy of the Star Wars: The Offical Species guide. It said that the Chiss are genetically identical to humans, but the skin/eyes are a result of a larger concentration of oxygen on the planet and some glacial radiation. I do realize that everyone has melanin. However, different skin colors in real life area result of the suns radiation and the human's location on the planet. For example, Africans are dark, as they were in a warmer area and the darker skin keeps them cool. When the humans migrated to Eruope/Asia, weather factors determined their physical appearence as well; the cold weather contributed to the lighter skin showing up in offspring. So yeah, that's how I figure that the Chiss and Humans can breed. It's like a Black/White couple having a child. A blend of both. But, that's just my though process
  19. Think of it this way; they said it was one of the poorest; there are more like it, some could be even poorer. They could haev even built over the other sectors in teh gap of KOTOR (wouldn't know, never played them). I just love the look because it reminds me of Las Vegas (now if they only had an Opera house playing something similar to a certain Opera I love....). But that's just me, my personal prefrence. The sky would be cooler if it was black with grey clouds, but no complaints here.
  20. I lvoe all my companions. They all seem to have depth and personalities, regardless of the voice acting. And Torian is quite Mandalorian, in my opinion. Everyone is raised differently, remember that. They also don't let us see much of him, but rather the Mandalorian culture. We don't see his personality as much, as he takes pride in the Mandalorians because his father was a traitor. He'll probably gain more depth when tehy add more companion quests. As for the force choking thing, I had Mako out. She asks you to not piss him off any longer. Whe n I got the job, he wouldn't stand down until my character got back to the ship (got into Tormen's house right after we married). I dunno, I think he's cute, but I do agree that we should get more info on him, rather than the Mandalorians.
  21. Oh.....I'm....I'm so sorry. At least we have a common enemy, the ship droids. I ship them now. Imp-Bot/Pub-Bot with some Scoripo thrown in for some lulz.
  22. I litarally just wrote this out on the "How Old is my Chiss?" thread. I put a spoiler, just to save room: I actually wanted to make a comic strip of Alaina's back story and of the Bounty Hunter storyline and put it up on deviantArt, but I don't draw all that well (not that it's bad, I just need ALOT of work). I also wanted to add something where she goes to visit her family and is put into an arranged marriage with the same man as mentioned before (would take place before she married Torian, a whole little love-arc thing). She was kind of raised like Mai from Avatar : the Last Airbender (ironically enough, the female Bounty Hunter voice actress is the same woman who played Princess Azual, a major antagonist of AtLA). Hope you enjoyed!
  23. From when I read the species lore in the book, I read that they're not sure if it's for social purposes or actual physical aging. Personally, I think it's more social, rather than losing an entire age gap genitically. I kinda made up a backstory for Alaina, my Chis Bounty Hunter: Alaina's family, the Tapfer'keit legacy, were a prominent family on the home planet. She was raised to obey her elders and keep her emotions hidden, as the Chiss seem to have a government where maturity and politics are prominent. She was set up into an arranged marriage when she turned 18, to heighten her family's political status; however this was a decision made by the husband-to-be's family, as her father was a lower rank. She had feelins for the husband-to-be as a youngling, but nothing ever came of it. Her father refused to the marriage. Their family fell out of favor. One night, she ran into a strangly armored man in the local cantina. He told her of amazing worlds, chasing criminals for credits and glory. It sounded so much different, so exciting to her. She was raised in a world of strict order. So, she and the strange man left the home world, as he saw a large amount of talent in her. She wound up on Nar Shadaa, the Smuggler's Moon, seperated from the man who got her off-world. She tried to make money as a hunter, targeting petty criminals, as the world is covered with professional hunters. At age 21, she was in a cantina on a normal night, and heard a man looking for a hunter. They talked, and she completed a bounty for him. He told her that he was looking for someone talented to enter one of the largest competitions in the galaxy, the Great Hunt. The man, an older slicer and once-hunter, was named Braden. She accepted, and hopped a shuttle to Hutta, the Swamp Planet, within the next week. She was able to restore her family's honor throughout the course of the story line. So yeah, that explains what I feel about my Chiss, and how the social pressure of the parents and politics effect their aging. I see them raised kind of like Mai from Avatar: The Last Airbender (ironic, as the female bounty hunter voice actress is Princess Azual, one of the major antagonist of AtLA). However, my Chiss is a bit of a rebel, hehe.
  24. We don't get any corruptables on Bounty Hunters either (agents don't really get one, but Vector's personality is influenced by your alignment, either to remain a Joiner or regain his personality). Least your robot shuts it's mouth... He's a bamf healer/tank when geared, but he talks, alot. For example, on the D5-Mantis he stands right by the stairs. The second floor has the controls/piloting system. He talks every time you walk by him. Every. Single. Time. "GREETINGS MASTER, I HOPE YOU'RE HAVING AN EXCELLENT DAY, AND FEEL NO DESIRE TO DEACTIVATE ME." As for the Torian romance, Torian stands by my cargo hold. The hold is across the room from the stairs. The robot watches you. It's creepy
  25. There's an empty area in the fleet. You know the spot where the LS/DS vendors are, as well as teh speeders and GTM? There's an empty area, right in the middle of the LS/DS. They may add somethign there, just hope for it. But I started out as neutral, but I found myself going towards more ligth side, so I said screw it, I'll go light. I'm up to light 3 atm, but I'm just going to go with whatever feels right to me from now on.
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