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Everything posted by FAAmecanic

  1. Baloney.... people like you always equate 12x XP to a new player coming in a having it easier and that is male bovine *****. I for one, who has played during closed and open beta, leveled 8 toons to 55 the hard way. I still have two Im leveling and just could not stomach doing the SAME missions again for a 9th time. So 12x XP brought me back to the game (and my sub money as well as I unsubbed for about 9 months prior to SOR release). And even if a new player levels to 55 they will still have to learn the fights, get warzone coms...etc etc to get that same level of "leet" gear you have. So I don't see the harm. The only slight bit of harm I see is that new player will not be as proficient in their class doing HMs.... so what. NONE of us were very proficient the first time we ran Eternity Vault. They have to learn sometime. And if you are not willing (or they not willing) to teach/learn then either join a guild or get a good list of friends that you do trust (I have both) to run HMs with......
  2. ROFL...was going to say exactly that! All those gripes the OP listed have absolutely NO impact if you want to play the game your way. I just love the people in MMOs that scream bloody murder and want the game made to their specs, and expect all others to play the way THEY want you to play.
  3. Cutscenes...would be nice if they fixed, but I have noticed on some cutscenes the graphics bug out once, but do them again and its fine. So it seems like a random bug. Now Capes going thru your mounts....been there since beta and still here today. Would love to see that fixed.
  4. Not sure why the assumption is everyone that participated in 12x XP were newbies and just wanted easymode to level 55. I know A LOT were, like myself, burned out after running 8 alts through the same planet story quests, and quite frankly 12X XP is the ONLY thing that brought my day 1 sub back to SWTOR. I NEVER used GF because I always seemed to get the group where the DPS were undergeared, or the tank acted like a dps, or the healer didn't know how to heal.... that's why I am in a guild, and teamed with a few other guilds. While I agree there probably was a fair share of newbies that power-levled up and have no clue how to play the game, there are FAR more of us that are experienced that enjoyed being able to play the story line without interruptions, on toons that we haven't seen the storyline on (I know I did A LOT). Now back On Topic..... I came back after playing TESO since launch and find SWTOR does in fact do a lot of things right (like the variety of end game content), and some wrong. It has been a breath of fresh air to come back to SWTOR. And for a game that is 3 yrs old that had maybe 1/2 the budget of TESO....that's is a compliment.
  5. After leveling 5 Imp toons, and 4 Repub toons to lvl 55 the hard way..... I have very little interest in doing those side quests for a 10th time (and I have a level 5 Sith Maurauder, and lvl 41 Jedi counselor to level yet). 12X XP allowed me to level my smuggler from lvl 10 to 55....and what a blast it was to go thru the entire storyline without distractions. My counselor is the last toon I have that I have not seen the story on...but I will wait until 12X XP or never finish. I think if you have 1 max level toon on both sides....you should have a legacy toggle that will allow you to level with storyline missions only..... just my .02 cents.
  6. ^^^ THIS^^^ Been unsubbed for over a year. 12x XP brought me back to play through some quest story lines. Otherwise I would have not come back. And the excuse of 12x XP caused people to not know their class is hogwash.... there were PLENTY of people that didn't know how to play in OPs when leveled the normal way. Hence why I hate PUGs and joined a guild.
  7. Im sure all that will be coming out..... for Cartel Coins (most likely in a Pack so you have a .0001% chance of spawning that item you REALLY want....) Sarcasm off....
  8. Seriously BIOWARE...this is getting REALLY old. I know its a holiday...but in my line of work when the Stuff is hitting the fan I have to work...holiday or not...
  9. Somehow my Combustible Gas Cyl was off.... hur dur....Im such a newb
  10. Ding ding ding..... you got it. Somehow my Combustible Gas Cyl was off.... THANKS!
  11. Yesterday using Flame Fist = proc to Rail shot and Flame burst (3 times) or was it Scorch) = proc to Flame Sweep. Now today the only proc I can get is on flame burst..... Is this a bug, was something patched, or was I dreaming? Sorry I also posted this in the Powertech class forum...but would like an answer....thanks!
  12. Yesterday using Flame Fist = proc to Rail shot and Flame burst (3 times) or was it Scorch) = proc to Flame Sweep. Now today the only proc I can get is on flame burst..... Is this a bug, was something patched, or was I dreaming?
  13. I think I found my UI and keybind settings C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\SWTOR\swtor But what about Game settings....
  14. Title says it all...looked thru my folders and didn't see a file to copy over. thanks!
  15. Yes its a bug.... you will notice the same thing with Pets. They patched some of the issues this week (it was impacting fabricated furnishings...)
  16. You most certainly CAN run class quests together. During 12x XP myself and 2 guildmates ran jedi councilors together. You just have to run each mission 3 times...lol. And we didn't do that for every mission (you can anticipate the big fight missions vs. little to no fighting missions). Would be nice if BIO removed that restriction as well. Again this is a MMO and to create missions that exclude friends/guildmates from running together is just silly. I have left another MMO recently and came back here mainly because they were even worse that SWTOR with this (glares at TESO devs).....
  17. Ummm... WOW?!!! But, as Im sure others have stated, that just means BIOWARE will find OTHER things to act as credit sinks. So really we net 0 gain..... and that's OK. Credits were easy to get anyway.... It does make me feel better that, at least on the surface, I do not have to pay for training.
  18. Agree...the OP did a good job at suggesting ways to accelerate your leveling. I for one...with 9 lvl 55+ toons though hate PvP, hate Space PvP and PvE...so those are not options. So that leaves me with legacy XP boosts, guild boosts, and cartel boosts. I still have to do at least every other planet quests and side quests. BOOORRRING. I don't get the resistance to 12x XP IF 1) you have at least one MAX level toon in the faction you are wanting a boost on or 2) you have legacy level 50. Either of those two methods ensure "NooBs" aren't just power leveling their first toons, and wont have a clue how to play (this was the only sane argument against 12x XP for all that I agree with). So if I want to level a toon to enjoy JUST the story line...why shouldn't I have that option. Its not hurting you and it makes the game FAR more enjoyable for me.
  19. YES YES YES Thank you .,.... now I know why half my stronghold decorations are gone, missing.... thank you.
  20. ^^^This exactly^^^ my group left off at lvl 40 Hoth.... you DO notice a difference...a fairly substantial one. But one I feel you can overcome with correct gear/near level gear and some re learn 2 play (I know some of my tank abilities changed.)
  21. My normal group noted this as well on the very first mission in HOTH. We went in as normal (me as tank, one dps, and one healer)...... comments went like this "Damn (tank) you health is dropping fast, I cant heal you quick enough".... tank dead "Oh wow...what did they do to the damage mobs do" dps dead "Yup its harder" Healer dead I cant remember the last time all three of my group members died to normal mobs.... I will say we were all running with green gear (some 3 or 4 levels below current level). We spent the time last night to gear back up and we shall see if its still this bad. However I would say we were facerolling Quesh just prior to the patch. So maybe this "balance" is really what was needed.... I will reserve opinion until after playing more tonight.
  22. Well stated...... very well stated. With little emotion or bias! The players that will be totally ticked are the dedicated hybrids. The play style they played is forever gone. And I am a bit peeved by the 100,000 credits I had to pay for skills on my smuggler (even after I THINK I chose the same class and skills...hard to tell with all the renaming of skills and class). But I will get over it. I will play for a good bit....if its too bland...I will just unsub (like I did last year due to boredom and not wanting to do planet and side quests after leveling 7 toons to 55).
  23. 50K..... hell I just spent over 100k on my Smuggler! And I even spec'ed into what I THINK was the same tree he had. Between class name changes and ability changes its hard to tell if you are in the same class, let alone same talents. This is no bueno....
  24. Not calling you names LordArtemis...but the idea (and I see others agreeing) that if its a new skill you should pay for it is male bovine fecal matter. Here is my reasoning.... if they have so drastically altered the skill trees (which removal would definitely qualify) the you should be able to retrain anything at least to your level 1 X for free. I may no longer want to be in the discipline I was and want to go to another.
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