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Everything posted by XcSDeadDeer

  1. Well, If boba fett killed star wars, and the sarlaac killed boba fett, did the sarlaac kill star wars?
  2. How would bioware implement a rail-shooter space pvp? It just wouldnt work. The rail-shooter is just a mini-game and is in no way instrumental to swtor. Who honestly plays swtor for the rail-shooting space combat? If they redid it and implemented a sim type of space combat, the game would have a lot more appeal to it. People compmlain that there's nothing to do endgame. A flight sim style space combat would give people something to do outside of pvp
  3. Every now and then i'll boot up my Ps2 for some Battlefront 1/2, Star Wars Starfighter (original was GREAT), or Jedi Power Battles. Also, i'll boot up my N64 for some Shadows or Rogue Squadron. Rogue Squadron blew my mind when i was young. Cant think of anymore for the moment
  4. I'm not sure how it'd work with the rail system, as you have zero control over your actual destination...
  5. or when you hold control to preview the looks to realize you're holding shift...fun moment also
  6. It may have helped if bioware implemented a system where you pick any class, then throughout the storyline you pick whether or not you want to go republic or imperial. I know quite a few people that would roll a republic bounty hunter or republic sniper but simply don't have the option
  7. I dont understand what the problem is with sorcerer's here other than people not knowing how to fight them. My lvl 50 sorcerer friend and I dueled the other day and i killed him without using any medpacs.....it's called INTERRUPTS???
  8. It'll hold up great for sure, almost the exact same build I went with with the exception of I'm using a 570 vs your 560. I didnt purchase an SSD myself (though i intend to). Load times are great with an SSD/2500k from what i've heard
  9. You can craft end-game crystals. That's about it untill Bioware (hopefully) implements newer crafting schematics that are better than raid ones
  10. I inspected somebody and saw them have an orange bracer equipped. Searched the Market and nothing was posted. Never been lucky enough to find one yet
  11. I would because of the fact that it's still KotOR. I've been wanting a third for a long time now. Hell, i'm still waiting for Battlefront 3.
  12. Ortolan FTW But for real; Wookie would be a huge option. Ithorians were always a pretty cool race, as were the Mon Calimaris. Gands are fun, but not sure how helmets would work. If Trandoshans were brought into TOR, i'd completely re-roll my bounty hunter as a Trandosh. Those are the ones I hope to see implemented. And for ALL factions, not just faction specific >.<.
  13. I dont understand.... My account right hand side - Subscription Then change billing/unsubscribe? All there for me upon just now firstly checking?
  14. This may show my level of nerdness, but I have the B-Wing lego set fully assembled and in my room. It's the only one I couldn't tear down when I got to the point where I stopped playing with Leggo's
  15. ZOMG, IT LOOK DIFFERENT, ME NO LIKEY After a month of playing, Have you not developed a rotation for your moves yet?
  16. Sorry Mr. Troll, ive been at work all day laughing at people's post saying "ban the imps" and "omg, 1.1 = dead swtor".
  17. Are you dumb? Bioware implemented world PvP on ilum because the "king of the hill" system they originally went with didnt "work as intended". So with your logic, anybody who used the original KotH system to boost their champion bags should have all their champion gear and credits earned from the daily revoked. How is it anybody's fault that Bioware didnt think about the faction imbalance on servers? Grow up
  18. Honestly, you can fault Bioware some for their design, but they dont get the entire blame. Sure, they probably could have done better with the races and the design of the jedi. Sure, they could have implemented Wookies and Ithorians for the republic side and Trandoshans for the empire to help out when it comes to customization. And sure, throwing rocks isn't near as fun/exciting as shooting lightning. But hell, everybody who plays this game had the choice to pick Republic of Imperial. And you made the choice, Bioware didnt make it for you. It's like sleeping with a chick who you KNOW has herpes, and you end up being pissed at her for giving you the herp. YOU made the choice
  19. Damn I wish i wasnt at work right now. And im supposed to go out drinking tonight. I'm considering not doing so just for this....LOL
  20. I've always loved the B Wing and the KSE Firespray. That's the main reason I never left the space in galaxies except to sell parts. I miss those ships...
  21. On Krayyt Dragon, we do have somebody that has acquired a purple crystal schematic, and it was acquired from a world boss. Also, to get one of the ingrediants, you have to start a 3-planet journey/event that starts with a moister evaporter thing on Tat. I recorded the process using FRAPS, just need to compress it into one file
  22. I havent seen anything to say there's an advantage to be gained. The other night, I RE'd 16 straight greens and didnt get a blue. I logged on the next morning, Re'd a green to a blue, then RE'd a single blue to a purple. So just log out when it doesnt work
  23. I'm going to do some research before forming my complete argument. So far, I agree as the basic lvl 50 gear isnt near a good as the mods/ehancements i can get from commendation vendors. However, im gonna take some time/money to RE lvl 50 purple armor schematics and see that stat differences. If its not worth it, hopefully Bioware adds some crafting recipes. If they dont, I just wont waste more money
  24. How about the fact that If you want a certain characteristic, you have to declare a faction? Bioware SHOULD have gone the route where you can choose your faction, as your Bounty Hunters are forced to go imperial, or if you want lightning out your fingers you have to pick imperial also. There's no "started off as a jedi knight, then went evil" opportunity. It's set in stone
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