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Everything posted by Newyankalt

  1. The Nar Shaadaa heroic missions triggered through the planetary missions in the Galactic command interface seems to complete automatically, didn't do any Nar Shaadaa heroics this week
  2. Well if majority of the playerbase is in Europe where the company is located then it makes sense to me... However with SWTOR, that is not the case. It's an American company with a majority American playerbase.
  3. Except Bioware Austin is only located in America... it's just not something they would do, and haven't done to date.
  4. Because early morning in Europe, would mean evening in North America... why would they do that and piss off majority of the player base?
  5. Tbh the decoration does look like crap... looks like the same thing they usually release now days, nothing special to show off 5 years. And it's a decoration, nobody is going to see it except yourself.
  6. Lol no, keep thinking that... I have the Founder title and I wasn't subbed the entire time from December 20th to the cut off date.
  7. Just saying, some of you may think you been subbed this entire time. But there's going to be a lot of disappointed people who won't get the statue due to a peyment error or what not and they may have been unsubscribed even for a single day.
  8. Should have just been for anyone still playing since Launch... probably not that many people. And free to play brought in a huge crowd that wouldn't have been around at launch since everyone left by then. Oh well, it's just a statue which is kind of junk. Nobody is ever going to see it
  9. Idk EA only put their stamp on it in 2010, game had been in development for 4-5 years before that time
  10. True but with the prequels and everything, the OT Obi-Wan is too old IMO.
  11. I wonder how they will make Kenobi look... at the time of Order 66 he was only 30ish, which means he should be in his late 40s/ early 50s now. In Episode 4 they portrayed him much older then that. I wouldn't mind if they kinda rebooted Kenobi a bit to fit his age better in regards to the timeline
  12. But in this case it's true lol, light side consistently wins on all servers except one so far from what I'm hearing
  13. I think this passive dark vs light command thing is good indication that we should never have another Dark vs Light event with a companion reward. Light side would win, and if it doesn't we have pretty good evidence the event would be rigged...
  14. Sorry but isn't this the spoiler thread?
  15. This episode was pretty good but it seems like it's too early for it, if Maul vs Ovi-Wan is being hyped for the finale then we still have quite a ways to go first. Anyways I guess it makes sense Obi-Wan is the key to defeating the Sith, otherwise Luke wouldn't have left Tatooine or would have known to go to Dagobah and see Yoda. I was thinking Luke was the key earlier. Dathomir was really well done though for the standards of Rebels adapting a Clone Wars location to Rebels animation.
  16. Just saying but people said this with Shadow of Revan and KOTFE... get over the idea that everybody is going to quit... the forums make up an insignificant amount of the total player base
  17. Well they said they have a planned major update being estimated for March. If they're going to release a new operation, it will probably be then. Would be awesome if they did some kind of Oricon like thing again but that's too much to ask....
  18. ROTHC was by far the best expansion, and the content that followed post expansion launch up until 3.0 was the best as well.
  19. And whys that? Just because I don't PVP often doesn't mean I'm an AFKer or one of the guys that goes and plays team deathmatch. But having no rewards at all wouldn't make me want to PVP at level 70.
  20. The Stream Team, Dream Team. Dream Team, Stream Team. Is back Regardless of the state of the game or the elusive answers they always give... I quite enjoy the trio of Musco, Ben and Charles
  21. They didn't miss out on Scourge. He's just not interested in romance. And you can't really blame him, he has hardly no sense of humanity for the last 300 years.
  22. I just don't really care for the romance aspect, it's not what makes the story what it is to me. And I don't think anyone wants Senya ever since 5.0 new faces... she's a close second to Darth Zash... and not Blonde version.
  23. Oh I like Arcann, as a bro. Just not as the relationship type
  24. I'd replace the word people with "females". In your comment. Nothing wrong with what people want but we knows its true
  25. Then have fun with you're extremely long queues...
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