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Everything posted by Newyankalt

  1. I played this to level 12 im a jug and I dont like it so far the inquister story was way better to this point does the sith warrior get better later on is it worth playing?
  2. I havnt played much of it but being a jedi shadow is fun so far.
  3. I watched it too and im looking forward to next weeks episode.
  4. Why is the imperial agent such a under used class? I was on dromund kaas today with about 50 people on the planet and I was one of the 2 imperial agents on the entire planet.Theirs nothing bad about the agent it has a good story and being a sniper is fun just taking people out from a far. Yes it is a more difficult class to play and might not be as good in pvp but im more of a PVE person and i think this is my favorite class after the Trooper. When this game came out everyone went for the guy with the lightsaber,The dude that can shoot lighting or the BH cause they are cool no one ever went for the IA even tho its a great class.
  5. Im on the ship the justice and Im behind a door I cannot open it wont let me so im stuck on the ship its been 2 days now Im honestly paying 14.99 a month for this crap service.
  6. I liked revan he was so awsome I still want them to make a kotor 3.
  7. Not all masters used green obi-wan used blue,plo koon used blue and the grandmaster in TOR with the double bladed lightsaber used blue.
  8. I replayed number 1 right before this TOR came out.
  9. Boba fett is awsome and the bounty hunter is the coolest.
  10. I was hoping for better graphix but it would just make the game have more lag then it allready has I would also like to have 2 companions again.
  11. People have work and school this game came out over christmas break.
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