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Everything posted by Liokae

  1. True, but not in the way you think.
  2. Well, for one, because giving away things you sell completely for free is a bad move in general. Look at it this way- They give out the upgrades for free. That means that it is absolutely, 100% guaranteed that they will NEVER sell a digital upgrade to these people. On the other hand, if they were to *discount* the price, they'd maintain the possibility of future sales, *and* entice people that wouldn't buy otherwise into getting it.
  3. Yeah... free upgrade would just be silly. A $10 discount on the upgrade, on the other hand...
  4. Not so much a pony, but I know that (speaking for myself at least), I'll never buy the digital upgrade package at 20, but I'd get it at 10 during this sale if it were offered. *shrug* I suspect there's more people that fall into that category than would buy the game normal price, then pay a $20 upgrade later....
  5. Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing the digital upgrade package be $10 instead of $20 during the promotion, like it is for the new purchases. Still makes 'em money.
  6. Yeah, I'm failing to see how that's "rewarding" new players; it's getting new players. There's a difference. As for rewarding old players.... isn't the single biggest complaint people are making that there aren't enough players?
  7. EA also sets release dates, development checkpoints, and the general schedule. Do you have any idea what the producer's job is at all?
  8. Or blaming students for poor test scores when their teacher didn't graduate first grade?
  9. Got into a fight with my Rice Krispies this morning... I distinctly heard "Snap, crackle, *@(% him."
  10. You'd be surprised. She didn't throw her shock collar away, after all...
  11. There's enough already in to keep me going for well over three months as is, with my progression speed.
  12. Am I the only person that, in an "Elite + several normals" cluster, just has their companion take aggro on the elite for the maybe 10 seconds max it takes to kill the normals? And however you deal with them, unless you're just being silly, the normals are non-issues for a fight like that. They shouldn't be in a comparison of powers.
  13. Pfff. Amount of pollution on that planet, you're not seeing diddly if you look at the sky.
  14. There's a less friendly, less helpful attitude over there; feels like that because they have fewer players, they assume they have *better* players, who are above the norm. *shrug* It's not any real major difference, it's just more welcoming over on the Imperial end of things for me.
  15. Funny, that's the same reason I avoid Republic on mine.
  16. You know, if anything, the Empire-based legacy Heroic Moment unlocks being "better" makes things unbalanced in FAVOR of republic characters. After all, Republic players can get ALL FOUR empire unlocks as bonuses- an empire character can only get three!
  17. Why should I be forced to play a Jedi Knight to get the /knight emote? Or a trooper/BH for their buff unlock? Because that's what's tied to them. And if you're THAT dedicated to having full up republic, then you have the option of leveling the Agent first, then deleting it. You keep legacy unlocks. Any player can make an Agent; playing only republic or only imperial is your own personal choice. Nobody's being 'punished', because everybody has exactly the same unlock requirements for it. Maybe I want that ability, play only empire, but don't like agent; I still have to go through agent to get it if I want it, same as somebody playing republic. You're *inventing* restrictions, and then feeling punished because of those restrictions.
  18. They're not mirrored because they're eight separate abilities, all available to both sides. If you think a particular one is high-powered... get it. It'll give it to all your characters on that legacy, Empire and Republic both.
  19. The problem with that is that unless there *is* some part of it interacting with the client, they are physically incapable of detecting whether or not you are running it, shy of the client running spyware on your system. So neither which way you go, the only option that doesn't put the fault at that player lying is a pretty silly conspiracy.
  20. Okay, which would you say is more likely: That the programmers of the most widespread parsing program, on which they've built a good deal of goodwill and reputation, have included an undocumented piece of coding interacting with the client to violate the TOS, for no purpose that the user has access to, and without it being necessary for the program to fill its purposes.... Or, somebody is lying about cheating to save face?
  21. I used an old video driver and Bioware hacked it to crash. DOWN WITH BIOWARE
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