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Everything posted by NogueiraA

  1. 2 days ago I did Ch2 MASTER mode on my sentinel using the 100% cxp boost from the boost vendor on Fleet. I got 5160Cxp. Today after the double Cxp start I did ch2 MASTER using the same 100% boost and got 6280cxp. Am I doing something wrong? Did they ninja nerf ch2 in the past 2 days?
  2. With the new Win10 update that was released this month my Swtor stopped crashing.
  3. I can't solo the last boss, but I can solo the last boss of chapter 2. Whats your strategy with ch1 last boss?
  4. I solo Master mode chapter 2, gives me around 5100Cxp with all the boosts, I do it in 8~9 minutes. How much Cxp you gain doing Hammer Station, Veteran or Master?
  5. You are not seeing the big picture... It already is premade hell all the time.
  6. That's how you make people grind for real and stop coming to the forums to complain
  7. Stop, your way of arguing is not funny and no one will take you seriously. Bolster to 250 i'll come back to play all my characters in pvp again, which means i'll play the game more, which means i'll spend more money... That's simple logic.
  8. So Bioware will you make the game alt friendly again? I wanna play my alts in pvp but the gear gap + CxP rank just turns me off. Before GC system I had full pvp gear on all of them due to very cheap costs of the pvp gear.
  9. So we went to do the new Operation, the leader placed the guild ship on Iokath, everyone used the "exit to Iokath" option. I got kicked from the ops group because I chose to support Imperial forces and they chose Republic forces... Took us 1 hour to figure out how to put me inside the ops phase with everyone... I tried talking to a console that is supposed to let us switch sides, nothing happen. I couldn't find a way to switch sides. Everyone had to go inside the phase, then one of them went to the guild ship to leave phase, invite me, another person that was in the ops phase had to go out and summon me, that worked... Bioware WHY? Why do you have to create such inconvenience to your players? This game NEVER had a faction lock for PVE. Our choices while doing the chapters never affected the open world, grouping up and other stuff... Now i'm here trying to switch sides and don't know how, I googled a lot of websites but all of them only says "now you can switch sides".. Nice, HOW???????
  10. So I have to force myself to not use the color I want that I paid real money just because Bioware made a mistake again? That's a lose-lose situation
  11. You created A HUGE INCONVENIENCE to your players, it's not even money-sink it's just 100% inconvenience. I play only force user classes so I share the same lightsaber between my characters. Every time I'm gonna put my sabers on my Legacy bank I have to remove the crystal THAT IS ALREADY UNLOCKED FOR MY ACCOUNT, the crystal that I paid cartel coins to have it on all my characters. I 100% understand what you tried to do, but you did it in a wrong way, I should be able to put on my legacy bank ANY weapon that has an UNLOCKED crystal/tuning on it. DO NOT wait until 5.4 to fix this. I already don't have an incentive to play my alts due to CxP ranks and now this, you just kill my will to play other characters.
  12. I main a Sentinel on the Ebon Hawk and a Sage healer on The Harbinger. Some old friends came back to the game, they play Imp side and I'm gonna play a Marauder that is rank 22, but I feel so bad on playing a character that is not rank 300, because I say to myself "i'll get NOTHING good until I reach rank 300", I feel that playing this character is a complete waste of time. I know double CxP is in a couple days, but the grind is still a lot and i'll be burnt out when I get to rank 300
  13. FACT: Mostly pvp'ers used to play different characters and they stopped because of so much gear/Cxp grind. I used to do the pvp dailies on 6 different characters because was SO easy to gear up and I HATE gear disparity in pvp, I hate losing when my opponent has more stats than me instead of skill. Bolster to 250 was perfect. After they nerfed it to 232 I said to myself "i'm not gonna grind gear for all my alts". It made me play less and less. If we get 250 rating bolster back i'll be doing dailies on my alts again, spending way more time in-game logged, buying outfits and doing other stuff. Bolster to 250 is the perfect solution? NO, but it's the fastest and cheapest way to give back what we had pre 5.0: Warzones based on skill, not gear. And the convenience of playing alts without worrying about gear gap.
  14. This is exactly true and we saw it happening.
  15. BOLSTER TO 250 RATING IS A GOOD THING. I play this game since beta and we had 2 moments of completely PEACE about pvp in this game: 1 - When bolster was bugged and people could be naked + mainhand and have full stats, we had all kinds of memes and video parody in the forums, the community was literally having fun. 2 - When bolster was 250 rating. I really don't remember people complaining or UNSUBBING or saying "nothing to do, i'm gonna quit" when bolster was 250 rating. People want to log in and... PLAY the game, the less you have to worry about gear/min max or grinding CxP for main or alts the better. There's always those saying "but pvp'ers will gear up faster" or vice versa... You have to understand that it's two separate game modes with different mentality. Pvp should never be about gear, the pvp progression is about skill knowing every single mechanic from other classes and the pvp map. Pve progression is all about skill, gear and knowing every single mechanic from the boss. @Eric increase bolster to 250, the MAJORITY will thank you a lot and the minority will complain but at the end they'll settle and adapt.
  16. If the cartel market sells only COSMETIC stuff, I don't care. If they somehow introduce a way of getting any advantage STATS wise, then i'll start complaining. Don't want this game to turn into chinese p2w trash.
  17. PvP servers died WAY³³³ before level sync. Don't put that on level sync. World pvp not being REWARDING is what killed it.
  18. "if you can't beat them, join them". I refuse to do that so I stopped pvp'ing. pvp on pub side is asking to have a heart attack on how stupid and dumb they are.
  19. It's absurdly annoying, every single hit they take it's a different "UUUUAAAHHH UGH UGH UGH FML" sound. It's stupid, don't remove it but REDUCE the amount of noise they make.
  20. You guys are discussing too much and not showing any tests and results, so your discussion is useless.
  21. It's a L2P issue. You need to learn how to use your defensive cooldowns better. It depends on the classes that are focusing you, if you have all dcd's up you can survive a good amount of time against 3 dps.
  22. Test the software WTFast. It's a VPN that will tunnel your connection avoiding all the bad nodes, it may not reduce a lot your ping but it'll for sure make it way more stable. I play with 180ms and my APM as a Sentinel Watchman is the same as the top parse ones.
  23. Bioware stealth changed it. Now Vindicator = Marauder Weaponmaster = Juggernaut. Don't believe in me, go to Fleet and check for yourself.
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