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Everything posted by cub-lover

  1. sorry to say but i have no sympathy for you (this comign from an imp sicne launch) the imps are jsut full of people that refuse to work as a team or go for objectives the reps get all the team players
  2. as the title suggests it is so god dam f****** frustrating in AHG when your pylon gets capped due to no call or no one guarding it. It really is annoying when people cap the pylon and just leave it unattended I understand itsn ot the best and msot fun job of pvp but pvp in this game IS OBJECTIVE BASED, so failure to try and complete said objectives doesn't earn any good rewards. It'd be like a TDM game on COD where one team simply doesn't use guns or grenades when im forced to pug pvp i will say one of two things depending on what class im playing. if its my sniper i say "i do NOT trust any one of you to guard the pylon so i will do it through out the match". that way theirs almost an almost guaranteed inc call or some one guarding it to prevent a free score reset for the other team. if i am on my juggernaut i will say. "if you cap it you guard it" then make various rounds from mid to the pylon to make sure its safe
  3. wait you won on imp side? im sorry but ive been on the red eclipse server since launch and i slowly started to realize that all the mature and co-operative players went republic. All the imps are the lone wolf type that simply don't care for the objectives, it's all the usual "look at me im darth vader/maul i can kill any one i want" I rarely bother with PVP out of the 10-29 bracket just so i can help out the fresh imps get a clue in pvp, i know it may never ever happen but if faction transfers become available all my high end imps will defect to the republic i've spent too much time and effort to delete them
  4. agreed it would be nice to at least have it as a cosmetic approach, as the cyborg race is jsut pointless since EVERYONE has some form of head gear covering up any of the cybernetic parts
  5. how can you forgo partisan an go straight into conq you need to trade in the partisan for the conq
  6. personaly im hopping half the ******* transfer out
  7. *** is wrong on the red eclipse server their so ****** retarded in pvp server transfers cant come quick enough hopefully some decent players will transfer over or the ******* will transfer out
  8. it's worse on the red eclipse server, the imperials are just EXTREMELY retarded, like for example in a NC game i had today, we had 3 people guarding east, from the start of the match and neither one of them had captured it so they were node camping and not getting any points for it and they never realized
  9. cub-lover

    that stupid roll

    ugh agents and smugglers should NOT be allowed to use the roll when they have the ball working as intended i dont ****** think so
  10. i agree it would actuly give use and meanign to the alignment of your character, i mean ive got a fully light side BH and a fully dakr side guardian
  11. i repeat what blasphemy do you speak?
  12. yeah but the 44 levels give PLENTY of time to get a measly 2750 wz coms besides people are ALWAYS selling wz adrenals and medpacks on genral chat
  13. with any luck you might be able to get them to pull their fists out their back sides and actuly pay attention to the community
  14. or you could exhange them for plantry coms and gear up companion or your own gear is what i do on my jug
  15. BW get it right? what blasphemy do you speak?
  16. Holy **** this is the first EVER staff posting ive ever seen in the pvp forums since the ******* beta tests !!!
  17. ok in HB roll is just utterly unfair regardless of what any oen says agents and smugglers shouldntb e allowed to use the roll ability without resetting the ball i mean thats what happens when a conslar or sage uses FB or PW, so why should agents and smugglers be allowed to roll with it, when it's treated as a teleport and not a roll
  18. well in the 10-29 braket it's fun to see how many people use a FOTM class/spec but at levels 30-55 its jsut countless exploits hacks, gear grinding, its been clear that EA/Biocrappers dont give a rat's a** about pvp they proved that with 1.2
  19. Well from what i've learned from Hutta, smugglers don't care who they work for so logn they get paid, agents could be working under cover like their story dictates the BH could be one of the hutt's private mercs and hired to make sure there is blood split, the trooper could of just been ambushed
  20. Okay then if thats the case then why in the sith warrior story on Nar Shaddar does the REPUBLIC military help the SW, they could of jsut attempted to kill him like you suggest
  21. you know im REALLY getting sick and tired of this argument, premades happen deal with it, you cant punish some oen for wanting to play with their freidns and i pug 98% of the time, you dont hear me crying about gettign stommped by a premade
  22. VS is the only game besides ACW that i like, the mechanics of VS are understandible and can be a quick win or a quick loss but AH draggs it selfo ut regardless of whos winnign and loosing
  23. it seems like anything and everything to do with pvp is at the bottom of the to-do list
  24. ok first thing's first NEVER use a hybrid spec. Secondly its good you have some gear but, in roder to benofit from the geat, you need to get the right gear for your spec, Tank assasins are very effective being one of the best tankso ut there, sicne they can take a pounding or two, and still deal good damage, the stealth spec, ism roe so about timing, and choosign your fights carefully, if you use stealth you wanna open with spike, follow it with low slash, then use maul
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