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Posts posted by Kirin

  1. You're assuming everyone cares about PvP.


    We don't.


    You may not, but you are far from everyone, and I don't recall making that assumption.


    Appearance is another major reason for imbalance, and I really hope it's being worked on as well, but I don't think it requires a response ASAP as it isn't a broken game mechanic. IMO given one faction's classes advantages over their MIRRORED counterparts is a broken game mechanic and we at least need to hear that the developers plan to correct it.

  2. If people didn't see any good in this game, they wouldn't be posting here unless their lives were just that bad or something.


    People get frustrated and post valid complaints or rage threads because they want to love the game, but major or sometimes even minor issues prevent them from truly enjoying it like they want to.


    It's like falling madly in love with a girl that just wants to be friends.

  3. Then why haven't they at least told us that they're working to better mirror the classes? As it stands Republic players are quitting or switching faction because they get screwed in just about every aspect of the game, right down to whose attacks go off faster.


    For anyone who doesn't know what I'm referring to, please read this very informative thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=101553&highlight=mirrors


    We don't need a blog post or anything fancy, just tell us you care and that you're going to do something about it in a reasonable amount of time. Otherwise the imbalance is only going to grow, as more and more people recognize the numerous advantages of being Imperial.


    You've talked about Ilum, you've talked about Ability Delay, and it has helped tremendously to quiet the community regarding these matters.


    Faction Imbalance IS another issue that's killing your game, and unless you're at least willing to mention that you're concerned about it, it's going to rapidly become more of a problem.


    So please at least take the time to save a couple of subscribers by letting the Republic know you're doing your best to help them out.

  4. Holy ****. At a glance this looks like a terrible idea, but then when you consider the fact that it's probably the only thing that can stabilize the population at this point, it starts to look incredibly viable.


    But EA loves their money.


    And Bioware loves playing on an overpopulated faction with all the advantages that no one is supposed to notice.

  5. A hood toggle would be the BEST solution, however I'd settle for and hood down robes in the meantime.


    Your Jedi Knights are paying customers too, Bioware. All of your promotional material showed robes with hoods down. Why you decided pre-launch that all Jedi Knights had to be bald and wear hoods, I don't know, but I blame your obvious Sith fetish.

  6. Can we please get some kid of clarification on this?


    Devs, you can play Empire all you want, but when you take 80% of the population with you, the advantages need to stop. Were you that worried that the big bad Republic players were gonna gank you?


    Just announce something about it, because we're losing Republic players over this **** and we didn't have enough as it is.

  7. This and several other issues need some clarification. It's great that the Devs are willing to write up reports to let people know what's going on with Ability Delay and Ilum, and I'm not expecting that level of detail for every issue or even every major issue; However, acknowledging some issues while neglecting to acknowledge others can lead people to believe that the devs either don't care or aren't trying their best to fix the issue.
  8. I played with a Twi'lek sentinel with a hood-down robe on earlier today.


    At least I assume it was a robe, since it went down to his ankles, and I could still see his head tails.


    All Twi'lek have hoods disabled so lekku don't clip. The hood isn't down, it's just gone entirely. I'd even prefer this an option for all species until Bioware does whatever they need to do with the hood-down models.

  9. That's the one thing I do not get. On character creation screen, when You pick Jedi Knight, the models are displayed in not bad looking robe+heavy armour set, furthermore, on Corellia, You meet plenty of Jedi dressed in that exact same armour model.


    Exactly this. The armor is in the game and on your character when you make it. Adding an item that is already in the game into the game should not take that long. Items came and went fairly often in beta. People have been asking for this since before the game came out, when the armors were removed in the first place.

  10. What does having a hood have to do with faction balance?


    I'm just a little confused here.


    A lot of Imps cite their faction choice based on appearance options, and I can totally see where they're coming from. Right now Republic is weak on appearance in the vast majority's opinion.


    If nothing else I've read a lot of people complaining on the Jedi Knight forums. They're not playing the class they wanted to because as it stands you're forced to wear a hood that makes you look bald, pretty much forever unless you get Trooper/Smuggler armor and mod it.

  11. There are several hood-down robes already completed for the Jedi Knight class. They've been featured in trailers, screenshots, most of your promotional material. Hell, we had 'em in beta, so it's obvious they are just being held back to be added as "new content".


    This would only help with faction balance, and even if it didn't, I'd rather get ganked by a horde of Imps while looking the way you advertised I could look in your effing promotional material.


    Is it too much to ask? Is anyone with me on this?

  12. Actually, adding more PvE to the CvC was the opposite of what they should have done.


    The idea that adding an additional PvE element to PvP will magically make PvP more balanced is completely ludicrous. The only way to balance PvP is to remove ALL of the PvE from it.


    Your action bar versus their action bar... may the best usage of skills win.



    This = intelligent. I'd be fine with warzones removing gear stats entirely. Bolster is already supposed to make it an even playing field, so why not ACTUALLY make it a level playing field? That way, everyone's chance to gain valor is based only on their skill, not how fast they got to 50 and started grinding warzones.


    For those that want dominate with gear, there is always open world PvP, where raiders should dominate because they've cleared the most content.

  13. I have not seen the Republic lose a single match 1-49 on Jung Ma. 50's are another story...


    1.1 made it blatantly obvious that most Sith lowbies were carried by their geared up 50's. Remove or nerf expertise and the Republic will win even more.

  14. Although I wish they'd just remove this pointless stat altogether, this would at least put everyone on a level playing field again instead of favoring the people who rushed to 50 to farm valor so they could dominate.


    I'm tired of losing to terrible players just because they've been PvPing the whole time I was enjoying the leveling process and my life. Now Ilum and 1.1 have made it 100 times worse.

  15. I hope this is the breaking point where Bioware ACTUALLY starts listening to our feedback and acting on it. Or, if that's too difficult, actually using logic to make good decisions.


    First, why would you give a huge valor buff to the faction that controls Ilum when the factions are extremely unbalanced on every server? If anything, the faction with less people on the planet should get some kind of underdog buff. At least give some kind of reward for showing up to get your *** kicked.


    Second, why the hell would you make turrets, or any NPC for that matter, drop any valor at all? A PvP statistic like Valor shouldn't be able to be farmed off of mobs, it should be earned through PvP, which should be balanced so that everyone can participate.



    Here's an idea that might help balance things out a bit (in the future, after you fix the damage you've already done):


    I don't know how this could be implemented, but depending on the current Ilum population, extra NPCs could be granted to help the disadvantaged faction. It would be great to see these either freely roam or follow players around, or perhaps assault the majority faction's base on a specific timer.


    It's not a perfect idea, but it would be something to give the Imps a decent fight, and the Republic a fighting chance.

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