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Everything posted by Kirin

  1. Kirin

    Ilum broken...again

    bump, because no one seems to care...
  2. Kirin

    Ilum broken...again

    I don't even know what happened between last night and this morning. Was working when I logged off yesterday at 8-ish, and now I can't even get the objectives to show up in my mission log. Just stop fixing things...you only break more!
  3. Kills never worked correctly on Ilum to begin with, or they were based on some condition that I never understood. I could kill people that I never have seen before, all by myself or in a small group and get no credit at all sometimes. Yet when I'm in a zerg of people I get credit for tagging with Saber Throw, and sometimes get credit for kills on people I never even touched.
  4. Why is the person testing these changes blind? There was nothing wrong with the action bar in the first place - you could tell when your abilities were ready at a glance. Then they make it damn near impossible to tell when long cooldown abilities are ready, which sucked, but was still playable. Now, I can't even tell what the hell is going on without either staring at the action bar or just ignoring it and using abilities as I think they're ready. JUST CHANGE IT BACK TO NORMAL - WHOEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT THE ORIGINAL ACTION BAR WAS A MORON AND SHOULD'VE BEEN IGNORED!
  5. I think it's ridiculous that any crafted item requires a certain craft and skill level to use. It really makes no sense when you think about it. If crafts give statistical advantages to only the crafter, then they also have to be balanced so that all crafts are viable. Otherwise everyone goes Biochem or whatever else the FOTM craft is, and that's never fun. There's no point in having crew skills if only one is considered competitive. I think Bioware should just remove the crew skill requirements on every item that has them, and allow crafters to trade everything they can make. That way, no craft ever becomes required because you don't need crafting ranks to use anything.
  6. Kirin

    Champion Gear Bag

    Better get 'em while you can, before they're Centurion bags...
  7. Couldn't agree more. They need to suck it up and admit they need to try something new. In the meantime, making it even harder for new PvPers to catch up to people who have Champion gear is several steps in the wrong direction. For every one person I've seen praising this change, I've seen 10 damning it, but GZ acted like it's actually what we wanted? Maybe when the game launched, but not now. Though it's already too late. Once something goes into the patch notes it will be in the game no matter how many people are dissatisfied with it. Really just disgusting, and I used to be an ultimate fanboy.
  8. The reason people are upset is the fact that this fix would've worked ages ago, if they had listened to us then, but now that the majority of players in the 50 bracket have a good amount of Champion gear, it just creates a barrier that can't be surpassed(unless you have godlike luck) until you grind Valor 60. The only people I've seen get excited over this are the ones who don't seem to understand the vast gap in core stats between Centurion and Champion gear. They think that Centurion gear will make them competitive in PvP, which is untrue unless they are much better than their opponent. I was cutting through Centurion's before I even had a set bonus. Who wants to fight people in Centurion gear? Let the newbs have it as easy as we did so we can finally have fair-ish fights.
  9. Yet now all the people who got it quickly will still have it, while everyone stepping into PvP will be at a wall until Valor 60, unless they have Godlike luck. Oh wait, there is no luck, there's the Force. The Force wants half of the galaxy to get nothing/duplicates and the other half to be fully geared. So this is just an immersion factor...
  10. Actually, to get COMPETITIVE gear you will have to grind a lot more. Wear your Centurion gear and fight someone in Champ gear who's not terrible; you'll get punked every time unless something throws the battle into your favor. Now to be on the same level as all who came before, you'll have to grind out Valor 60 (And with crappy Centurion gear, you'll probably want to do most of it swapping kills on Ilum, because warzones will not be friendly territory.
  11. We know exactly what you were saying, but it's definitely NOT what anyone asked for. Having to get to Battlemaster just to wear Champion gear? Maybe if it had been that way from the start, but as it stands punishing people for reaching 50 late when there's already a huge gear gap is just a terrible idea. You guys have really lost touch with your customer base. I've never thought about unsubbing until I read this comment. You let me down hard, Georg. The lack of understanding of the situation makes it look like you're trolling us. That, or you really have no clue what people are asking for.
  12. Really the biggest problem here is that it forces a progression on new players that those who came before mostly skipped. If Champion gear was always hard to obtain until Battlemaster rank, then this wouldn't be such a problem. But almost every 50 playing right now has some Champion gear, which already gives them a huge advantage over any newcomers to the PvP crowd. If you make new players start at Centurion, it will just take them even longer to catch up to us. Centurion gear sucks, really. It should be craftable, or just bought with Warzone commendations or credits. Champion commendations should drop out of Champion bags, or just be rewarded in place of them. Same with Battlemaster. When you start off with an illogical system that makes it too easy for some people to get things, and too difficult for others based solely on RNG (which cheats btw, because there is no way the odds favor me getting so many implants and pants before anything else), the solution isn't to make items that a majority of players already have rare and impossible to complete sets on until Valor 60.
  13. Really, that's the best solution to the gear imbalance at 50 and the stupid RNG that I've heard so far. Two birds with one stone, and I don't see how that could be hard to implement. If only someone could get the PvP designer to actually read this, or have a coherent thought.
  14. Contrary to what GZ said, it seems they want BMs and Champs to dominate the new 50s. Centurion gear is terrible compared to Champion, but it's what people who gear up after 1.1.2 will be wearing until until Valor 60 when they can start opening BM bags and start actually getting champion gear.
  15. It's only going to get worse since they're changing the bag system to give new players more Centurion and less Champion. It's already gone into the 1.1.2 patch notes, which means there's no way Bioware will reconsider now.
  16. This change is a terrible idea. People are already complaining that they got to Valor rank 60 with barely any Champion gear, and BW's solution is to make the RNG worse? There is a vast difference between Tier I and Tier II PvP armor, so why gate new players off from Tier II? 50 brackets are imbalanced enough as it is without making fresh 50's work even harder (or get even luckier, rather) for Tier II. If you want steady progression, take the RNG out of the system entirely. Until then, don't create even more barriers between players based on luck.
  17. This would be great. OWPvP needs more purpose and story than just zerging Imps on Ilum for Valor.
  18. Apparently no one agrees. Here's my opinion: The mitigation on Guard is 50% to give people a real reason to focus on the tank instead of just ganking whoever he's guarding. The philosophy is that tanks can make people reconsider going after healers/DPS by sharing damage and adding mitigation via taunts. One of the only intelligent things BW's PvP crew seems to have done has been giving tanks a true role in PvP, even if they did make tank stats next to useless. The reason you see DPS in tank stances with Guard is (at least in my case) because Defense, Shield, and Absorb are not nearly as useful PvP-wise as in PvE. So really, a better way to make true tanks excel at tanking in PvP would be to tweak the mechanics regarding Def, Shield, Absorb.
  19. I concur. This idea should be implemented until a decent system is released.
  20. Riposte still won't activate if another animation is in effect. Hoping the 1.1.1 fixes resolve this as Defense Guardians need to use Riposte on cooldown for the 6% defense.
  21. The game's been out for over a month now, had its first major patch, and still not even a WORD from anyone about this. Really, I'm kinda sad that I'm giving Bioware until 1.2 in March to REinsert COMPLETED content that the game should've launched with. It wouldn't be so bad if the hoods weren't so rushed and sloppy-looking. Not only did they not bother with hair (which would have been quite a bit of work, but considering how obviously bald they make you look, and how long they had to work on this game, you think something could've been done), many of the hoods don't even look like they belong on the armor to begin with. Either make hoods look halfway decent, give us hood down options, or implement a hood toggle. One of these has to be done by 1.2, and the sooner Bioware tells us what they're doing, the better.
  22. Yeah, this would be nice. Right now I'd like to greatly increase my view distance; I'm tired of grass and people popping up so close to me, especially when I'm on a speeder. This game on max settings only uses like 10-30% of my computers resources, so I'm pretty sure I could handle it.
  23. Actually I think it was more or less to give PvP players gear progression that could put them on even terms with raiders in PvP, but not in raids. This seems to be the philosophy, anyway.
  24. Kirin

    Problems with PvP

    I wish, at least, the PvP team would tell us what the hell they were thinking. If they were thinking at all, that is. I'd love to hear the drugged reasoning for this lazy of a system.
  25. While that post was very rant-ish, you have a point. Mirrored classes should not have differences that only favor one faction. This is because the devs are playing Sith, and I guess they wanted to see how long it took the mainstream playerbase to find out. The cannons even fire faster for Empire in Alderaan. Fixing the class inconsistencies should be the first thing done to help balance.
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