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Everything posted by Beastfury

  1. I love how you conveniently ignore all my mentions of RIFT which does not have 7 years of live, and didn't have any of the core issues that SWTOR has... But anyway this thread asked for opinion i gave it. Don't pollute it with this argument.
  2. How about we compare it to RIFT at launch? 10x less bugs, several innovations, alive world, solid MMO basics etc... Stop with this WoW is 7 years old BS 95% of the old content in wow is ... Old.... it is never played through anymore.
  3. It was the best 1-50 MMO experience so far. But at @50 it is WAY below WoW or Rift.
  4. You just don't get it do you? 18 k hp is OVERGEARED for normal raid end or willpower stacking.... Same for HM flash points, they are mostly dps checks anyway. I tanked all Eternity vault the day i hit 50 mmk... i had 15.5k hp 22% shiled chance and 25% absortion and 22% defense.... So yes you can stack cunning over endurance and tank it just fine. The entire point you missing is that for progression fights HP is needed, and in fact EXTREMELY viable. at 15k hp we had me die to 10k+ damage + some boss damage on the pyramid drops, last night with 20k hp this was NEVER the issue. But then again i have most full T2 gear so i dont even need most drops in that raid aka I AM OVERGEARED. Yes there were many time in my wow carrier when i would start tanking heroics in dps gear, for added dps and Rage. But that is for content that is 1-3 tiers below my gear level..... Not once could i afford to lose hp for some worthless dps on a hardmode progression fight. If you in fact can stack willpower over endurance and do fine in nightmare raids, then this game needs tuning PERIOD. But from what i understand that is not really the case. P.S. I will even give you this. Willpower stacking is BETTER for HM flashpoints because they are dps checks more then anything else. But if you need to tune your gear to beat HM flashpoints you my friend need to L2Play. If that is you end game goal is to run HM flahs points then YES you are right to stack willpower.
  5. I find this hardly game breaking. HOWEVER OP does has have the right idea that with such tight story driven leveling as they have they should have not blindly copied it from other MMO's ( they had no problem no copying tons of other good, almost necessary things tho)
  6. I have zero issues pulling in any HM flashpoints is did all 6 on + raid on normal on Republic side. The game have @$@zilion issues and you COMPLAIN ABOUT SHADOW BUFF? get a life.....
  7. There is NEVER more then enough HP to cover Oh snap momenets. NEVER unless you massively overgeared for the content ( in which case it make zero difference does it?) Or content is way too easy in which case yet again it DOESN'T MATTER....
  8. Stoped reading there. I have ZERO threat issues on single target. So no dps does not have stop dps to not pull agro, wall of text and 100% pointless.
  9. God when armoring mods will come out and these noobies will be able to stack willpower and run around in hardmodes FP with 14k hp claiming they don't need more .... some pugs will have alot of fun lol.
  10. Yes, as it stands right now and with lack of combat logs it is somewhat vague but no class is WAY behind on dps.
  11. I have 100% lack of interest in player housing. But i keep seeing this pop up in different MMO's. Clearly there are people who want them. So i support your cause. That said with 100s of urgent issues, ya i think it would break their back.
  12. You two sure go at it. Yet self healing is hardly even main reason why tank stack HP. There are 2 main benefits to HP. 1) protection from OH #$%% moments, when things hit hard or healers mess up or w/e. Ok this does suffer somewhat from a diminishing returns, but only somewhat. 2) Healing efficiency. Take absurd example of 100k hp tank. Healers can keep him under not fully healed 100% of time resulting in ZERO over heal. Any time you are at full hp you waste self healing and hots. Any time you at full hp and you dodge while heals goes of you waste the full heal. And at this point it is impossible to reach HP level where it would stop to matter. Stacking willpower suffers badly from scaling. You suffer tank damage penalties, you lack most dps increasing talents etc. If you look at raid over all adding willpower to a tank is horribly inefficient way to add dps to a raid.
  13. RIFT say hi to PhillyBop, PhillyBop say hi to RIFT
  14. So tired of several anti meter arguments: 1) It gives people tunnel vision and they stop cc/interrupts/moving out of fire... You know what mod is direct extension of combat log and recount? FAILBOT. That is the only thing we had spammed in raids. It showed this exactly who fail at fight mechanics. So no Recount does EXACTLY OPPOSITE of making people fail at combat mechanics. 2) It makes forces me/others into XXX. Lack of dps meters forces me into XXX, how is that fair? Oh wait because it is not you it doesn't matter does it?
  15. Funny i don't even tank the adds, between sage aoe/stun and my knock back they don't get even 1 hit of.
  16. This imho is biggest fail in any MMO lauch up to date. And the fact that it is not even in next patch notes is staggering. It will literally take 10 min of development time and testing given that whole /XXX emote system is already implemented. Add a new emote that instead of returning a constant sting returns random. I mean to me as a developer it is just .... hell i don't know words for this fail.
  17. As long as dps stops attacking him with shield up it didn't seem back and as dps check is WAY easier then the directive 7 co#k blocking boss. 5 wipes at <10k hp (out of 400 mind you) But so satisfying.
  18. Easiest to Hardest Esseless/Taral V Maelstrom Prison False Emperor War for Ilum Directive 7 (beware it is a major step up from other 5, We finally cleared it today and are pretty much face rolling other 5 for a few day now.)
  19. This whole post is full of fail. It is 7 years later, standards are different now. No new games DO NOT NEED 7 damn years to get to where wow is now. Proof? RIFT. That game came out with EXCELLENT MMO core, it had several MAJOR innovations like their talent tree's or Rifts and zone/world events. They had all the core MMO features that wow has now. Not saying they didnt have their pitfalls, and some of the innovations didnt make everyone happy. They also had major story fail since i after playing to 50 twice don't remember any of it. RIFT developer = people that know how to make MMO, and that is what they delivered MMO, RPG part was pretty bad. BW = best RPG company out there, and that is what they delivered RPG, the MMO part is crappy at best. WoW on the other hand does pretty well on both accounts which is why it still successful.
  20. I am sorry i quit coz of the LFG system. I am not a hater on LFG but the uber nerf to all T2 instances was brutal, What use to be a amazing 1-2h struggle became 30 min faceroll that drops half the gear. To each his own i guess.
  21. Forum usage 101: Lesson #1: READ STICKIES before asking questions. Chances are they answer them AND what is more important they answer correctly compared to some random who know who answering it.
  22. If they make an rtarded attempt to make a private combat log, i am gone. They clearly have no hope imho in that case.
  23. You lost me somewhere... So you saying there is 1000th post saying class is IMBA. So they test it internally and it turns out it is IMBA so they nerf it... Where am i wrong? I said internal tests lead to nerfs not misguided masses. If masses were raving about legitimate issue that internal testing proved, then they were hardly misguided were they?
  24. There is a huge difference between catering to popular demand (which is necessary for company to be successful) and following misguided masses. You still fail to make the connection.
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