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Everything posted by DragonAgeOrgins

  1. How many on fleet. 66. I imagine if tons of people are re rolling but usually it's in the 200 on fleet. I haven't checked the starter planets. Edit You think I'd just complain sincerely if it wasn't true. Why on earth..
  2. Dragoo Pleasure however you spell it. Imperial Side. You happy?
  3. What happened! I played last on Friday, and decided to check in on Sunday night. I see 66 people online. Keep in mind. I am used to seeing 214 on average. This is a high pop server. On Imperial Side.
  4. Why are they hiring people, when they laid off more the half of the current staff?
  5. It works like this. The first perk costs 20k then it unlocks from 2 percent to 4 percent you pay 30k, then 50k to unlock legacy WZ extra EXP boost then for the final perk to unlock it costs 100k. That's combined nearly 200k just to unlock a small perk to give us an experience boost. Who has that kind of credits. They nerfed the amount of credits losing team gets. Unless you are on a 50 and like to grind. It's not fun. I just like roll alt's and play the game. I can't get credits easily.
  6. I don't think that's too much to ask. I mean you are putting extra EXP boosts in legacy. Yet you set the price at 100k? and that's just for PVP WZ Experience. Here's what I think happened. When you go free to play. Everything we used to get in legacy. Your now going charge us money for. Kinda how GW2 charges for extra experience and what not. When you released legacy you didn't know you were going free to play. So you put the prices to suppress our progression. I mean really 100k for legacy perks. That I UNLOCKED. So I got all way to 25 legacy just to unlock the option to BUY IT?..wat.. I mean we're not asking for the world. Just tell us SOMETHING. I mean really. - Highly dubious value, such as the legacy perks that you can only pay for by running something beside your alts - Highly ineffective, such as GF that hardly does the task and laughable PVP changes that have only reinforced FOTM playstyles and an emphasis on gear and being in a PVP guild - Upgrades that were argued for months and months on end before grudgingly being added, like a simple link to your ship to bypass orbital stations that were far out of proportion in time it took to implement to their difficulty - A suggestion forum that is almost totally ignored - Communications that are frequent and yet, at the same time, hilariously vague, mostly consisting of "I checked with X person and we may do Y but we don't have a timeline around it, but it will be coming soon"
  7. This is proof that CE store should NOT be given extras. I don't want that store flooded with perks that people pre ordered for 150 dollars didn't get. This is just sad. At least warn us in an upcoming question and answer or let game go free to play first. I think the people in charge owe bioware fans a sincere apology.
  8. http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2258/3432c.jpg Imagine my suprise when I logged out. I was afford to try out the game with same prices as DDE 79 dollars (Plus Tax) a year ago. Now you can buy all the goody's for a whooping 20 dollars and game itself sells for 15 dollars now. Thoughts, Reactions?
  9. So here's the deal. I'm stuck on picking my next republic class. A trooper or Jedi Consular. I heard some off things about consular. Like one female companion and it's an explorer. What can you tell me without spoilers how interesting Trooper class quest is?
  10. Your favorite moments before the release date actually happened. Something that you used to see and loved but no longer do. Before when we were nearly bursting to blame to the game, before the server's because filled up then died off. I'll start I miss fan Fridays when we could have a detail in discussion with the dev's. I still remember when they pushed back TOR by six months and a giant up roar over the community. When they were in the "polishing" stage. Something you miss Pre release.
  11. So Obi Wan might last longer then Vader due to Vader over confidence. Then Vader might slip up. Still leaves Raven and Yoda left. If Obi Wan could fight Yoda that would be an interesting fight since they are both elite in the light side. But it was Obi Wan who always went on missions with Vader. I never saw Yoda do what they do. But Yoda does seem pretty strong, wise and fast.
  12. Thanks for the link. I am just curious why isn't this in game. Normally I have to lower my screen and it takes about 10 minutes because the game consumes so much memory. It would be difficult for me to switch tracks after one song has ended. I'd like a loop feature in game. Something you can kill things to. Then it falls silent during cut scenes so you can hear what they're talking about then back to music. Why don't they put these tracks in game. It's not like this game is some low budget project where they wouldn't have the money to.
  13. This a thousand times. Before they add some tool they makes more people not want play with each other. I hope they add music. You know something usefull. How many people are actually recruiting and spamming requirements. Not many because the game doesn't have millions of people where you can just drop one person if they aren't making it. Many guilds are just happy to get new members. Wow didn't even have damage meters untill much later. If you want wow..then go back to wow.
  14. This is not something that the Dev's should look at and say "We will look at that in near future" This game has been out almost a year. With all the complaint's about bug's and features. THE MUSIC is over overlooked but it is the one of the most critical factors. It wakes you up. It makes you more into the game. That's why when you do a heroic moment you know you have limited time once the music cue. It's what makes it more..heroic. Imagine going to see favorite movie with just sub titles. We need music. They have enough planet's where they do could a different theme. Or better yet let us pick from a station in game that we personally hear like a impire channel or republic. What do the movies have, the game does not? Good music and not just in cut scenes. I barely hear music in Imperiel Fleet. Why isnt't this a bigger concern. It would make the game SO MUCH BETTER. We could least forget about most the stuff and enjoy the game.
  15. Exactly, they obviously put a lot of time and detail into the graphics and other areas. They fail to understand just like when you go to movies. If the movies is on mute. It ruins the experience. I been listening to this trance music and it's amazing. Part of the reason people could become bored is long space from point A to point B with no music to keep you involved in the whole theme of star wars. This seriously should be fixed asap. I bet people are unsubbing for lack of interactive with whole experience.
  16. To be fair. Darth Vader is not exactly the poster child for listening to the person in charge. He not only dismissed his orders but turned to the Dark Side and brought upon the change that killed thousands(millions of Jedi) by picking to go to the Dark Side. He's shown quite obvious since whole series is circled around his giant mistake. He's to blame for killing several jedi and Raven had the same problem. He wanted to end the war so badly he chased them to the end of galaxy and didn't listen to advice either. They are both similar in what to do but as a light saber. The last person left standing I would say is Obi Wan considering he never was defeated despite countless times. Idk if Vader would make it. Yoda likely would make it. He has a knack for leaving when he know's he failed. So I think Obi Wan would defeat Yoda or Yoda would leave early and both Vader and Obi One would take down Revan.
  17. I can hear my own footsteps when I am running on the ground. It's almost dead silence. People often make jokes in general about lack of music. There is even another thread on this very same topic. Do we all have music disabled? Just slight chance we do. explain how to turn this music that I'm not hearing on please.
  18. Thank you. I saved the link. But to change tunes I have to lower my entire screen and because it consumes so much memory. It takes 10 minutes. Why could they not add music. It makes you feel interactive. For example Hoth, Voss, different music theme's that go along with planet's climate or better yet a republic or imperial radio we can listen to. Bioware won awards for best orgoinal music in Orgins. Why did they leave this out of the game.
  19. It's quite sad. The game is almost a year out. How did they NOT know we would get tired of same 2 or 3 maps right away. How hard is it to actually create just a MAP. I'm paying 16 bucks a month PLUS for the DDE 70 dollars for something they are selling for 20 bucks when game goes free to play. I think everyone is just trying pump out content. They don't want shock user base saying it's 6 months or so out. But man this game had the highest potential. I know this has been said before. But like DA: Orgins or DA2. They could just made KOTR 3 Doesn't seem like such a silly idea now, does it.
  20. Seriously. When you get into a Heroic Moment. Your heart start's pumping. You hear the music start up. When you PVP sometimes you hear music. Why is there no music AT ALL while riding a hover bike 45 minutes across the map. SERIOUSLY. I do not understand. It's one of the most critical thing's to a MMO. How does a 150-200 million dollar game. Doesn't have a basic music feature. You hear music in cut scenes and dramatic tones "dum dum" but there should be a radio like feature in game. It would HELP SO MUCH.
  21. It's talking about Vader Pre Suit but at the peak of his power during that time. In my view here's how I see it playing out. Yoda is very wise and a battle expert. Revan walked on both the light and dark side of the force so he most likely knows moves that both sides don;'t know about. However Obi Wan actually did defeat the General in Revenge of the Sith. Managed not to get killed with all other Jedi and actually beat Darth Vader in a one on one fight though they were pretty evenly matched. Darth Vader I see as equal strength in Obi One just more dark side. It'd be a tough fight depending if Obi Wan took on Yoda or Revan.. Revan is good but he's most superman. He managed to nearly die on ship. But he did lead the Jedi to victory and like Vader did turn to dark side.
  22. But playing a game where you play as a Jedi or Trooper with talking aliens in language you can understand. Makes total sense right.
  23. I made one of these thread's a bit back. Thinking back on it. I put the Emperor in it who unlikely has an unfair advantage of being too strong. I decided to tone it down a bit. Obi One was the mentor to Darth Vader and Luke Sky Walker. . He also took out that general in revenge of the sith and beat Darth Vader "barely" in battle. Now if Darth Vader and Obi one teamed up before Vader had to put on machine gear. I would count Obi One as the strongest Jedi. While Darth Vader would be the loose cannon if they worked togther they could be a strong force. I don't recall Obi One ever losing. Against Revan and Yoda. I think it would be equal fight. Yoda has impressive fast reflex's. Revan is almost too strong but he also just a man. Remember he lost his memory and had to fight to get it back. He's not all mighty but he is a fierce warrior. Yoda nearly took out the Emperor but still failed. Revan is just as dangerous and unperditcable as Vader and they are all light saber fights and supposed to be excellent. Who would be the last one standing
  24. I thought it was just me honestly. Sometimes my map would not close correctly. It would stay on the screen. I'm thinking to myself "No Big Deal. It's prolly my PC" then I join a group some time later and other people have exact problem. I have to log out and log in to change it. Also why does the game consume so much of PC space while it's playing. I have a high end graphics card and my entire machine consumes a ton of memory while playing this game. I played GW2 and my fan barely speed up. I don't understand. I'm all for making new content and what not. Why not fix the bugs they have to make the game more playable. With all the lay off's. I doubt EA is going to invest more money to fix bugs. We're almost a year into this game in a few months.. Just saying.
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