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Posts posted by TheGreatFrosty

  1. Why do people compare ambush to rail shot when they dont have the same base dmg.


    Ambush - http://www.torhead.com/ability/SO2A5A/ambush (2431 - 2755 dmg with 50% amrour pen when skilled and flurry shot is on the target) - this mean at 50 with the min max of gear your can crit ambush for OVER 7000dmg


    Railshot - http://www.torhead.com/ability/gHOfwK1/rail-shot (1404 - 1591 dmg increases with 90% armour pen when skilled)


    The equilivant ability in dmg to railshot on a sniper is trickshot or followthrough - http://www.torhead.com/ability/3t3Sz4r/followthrough (1310 - 1532 dmg inceases with 20% armour pen when used with flurry shot)


    Seeing as followthrough is on a 6 sec internal timer too it basically make the attacks the same except that you end up doing lower dmg against heavy armour targets but higher overall dmg against medium or light armour targets based off the higher end dmg and some armour pen added by abilities and skills.


    Also the MM tree and mirror are being buffed so that ambush and series of shots is on a 12sec cooldown down from 15 sec. Also the burst potential of MM is lot higher seeing as you can chain crit ambush instantly followed by a followthrough (2 GCDs) at 50 for over 11k dmg on a light to medium armour target. The most a PT pyro will chain crit you for is abit over 8k.


    Also these points are a bit moot now seeing as all this dmg from both sides is being done with relics and WZ adreanals popped which are nerfed in 1.3.


    Good lord. How are people so poorly informed. Flurry shot doesn't = armour penetration


    To further clarify, it reduces the target's armour by 20%. 30% is a made up figure.


    Armour reduction in no way is anywhere near as effective as armour penetration.

  2. And you people complain about railshot ?




    Aimed shot pre 1.3, 15 second cooldown, post 1.3, 12 second cooldown.


    Obvious reasons why railshot is better :


    - Aimed shot is on an activation timer, railshot is instant and can be done on the move.

    -Railshot has over 90% armour penetration, and will in total do more damage (despite the difference in base)

    -Railshot can have its cooldown reset every 6 seconds, aimed shot cannot

  3. I dont give a flip with YOU can do. I cant out DPS a scoundrel healer. You say that my DPS is OP, so therefore your HEAL is also OP since it outpaces my DPS. That is imbalance. Scoundrels need to be nerfed as well if indeed Pyro DPS is OP.


    Not to mention that scoundrel healers are literaly the only real choice for PVP heals atm. If your heals are head and shouldnt ahead of both commando and sage then thats the epitome of OPness. You need to be brought in line with the other 2. Pyros are not the only DPS choice and sents, sages, and gunslingers all are running a very close race along with pyros.


    You've somehow managed to fail at a very easy class. If you can't outdps a scoundrel healer, the issue is with you. The class facilitates a level of burst damage which will squash any healer 1 to 1.

  4. Hello.

    All those class balance discussions on the forums got me thinking. There's no better way of finding an overpowered specs, than to observe the population numbers. So my request is as follows: dear Bioware employees, can you please publish ANY population statistics at all. I'm especially interested in population dynamics. For some reason after 1.2 patch in every warzone i play both in 50 and 10-49 brackets, i meet 2 to 5 PT's. Can you please explain such rapid population growth of one particular class in one particular spec? Or can you show us that there is no growth at all.


    I'd be 100% in support of this. I think it would be extremely telling.

  5. Ha


    You don't really believe that, do you? There are infinitely more problems than a burst DPS class doing what they are supposed to be doing. I see more marauders, sentinels, ops, assassins, and sorcs in most of my warzones. That, and the fact that marauders /sentinels can out damage, disengage, put up semi god mode, and out survive just about any tank as a more pressing problem. But let's just jump on PT's because you got melted by one who's criticals all aligned with the stars above and made you say ***.


    Nothing can outburst a powertech. You seriously think a sentinel can? You've been blinded by the masses of misguided posters who jumped onto the anti knight band wagon. Before you say, no I don't have one at 50.


    The classes you mention aren't an issue. Your defence is actually that you see OPS? Assassins? Sorcs? All these in DPS cause you, as a PT, issues? If so, you need to practice.


    It is the easiest and the most overpowered class currently in play, and the two issues aren't mutually exclusive, for their OPness is augmented by the groups of powertech I must now face. I've played 9 games on my server today, every single game there were 3 or more powertechs.

  6. PT will become more and more a problem as 1.3 develops. Let's just hope that 1.4 comes soon, and with it the necessary Pyro nerfs. Without a shadow of a doubt, they are the biggest problem in PVP atm and one of the biggest obstacles against class balance.
  7. should i jsut go hunt for those threats/replyus when people complain about the classes/specs i named?....pls dont mak eme cuz its kinda boring...but they are here...on the first 3 pages..look for it....and BAD FEEDBACK IS BAD ANWAYYS..i dont want clueless people opinions..pure garbage


    People with a low IQ and nonsensical sentence structuring bother me a lot more. To put it simply, you're hardly making your opinion seem a trustworthy one, or one that has been well thought out.

  8. There are far more terrible sage/sorc healers in this game than operatives - it has been that way since launch.


    Sage either appeals because it's iconic or because of its once-easy mechanics. Many weak sages have been unable to adapt post 1.2, where their status as supreme healers was heavily diminished, forcing them once again to use some element of skill.


    That said, I far prefer my Scoundrel healer to my sage healer. (I have both over valor rank 70 with war hero).

    Reasons as follows :


    - Scoundrel healer a lot more fun

    -Scoundrel healer a lot more challenging

    -Sage healer too easily neutralized by interrupts.


    So, whilst I definitely think that scoundrel requires more from the player, I do also think that sage healers are the weakest healer in competitive PVP. They can too easily be chained interrupted. I certainly don't think operative/scoundrel healers should be weakened, but there's definitely room for nurturing of the sage healer within competitive PVP (and that doesn't mean increasing their direct healing output, which is already one if/the highest).



    Why do people think that satirising a PVP forum feedback forum, for providing feedback, is somehow humorous or intelligent.


    From my experience, the only people that do this, i.e. subvert the validity of player's complaints here, are those wielding the characters being complained about. As follows that would be : Sentinel, shadow tank, Powertech.

  10. My concern about sniper is the reward for skills involved. Let's say if you are good at moving and kiting you can go pyro or sorc and kite everyone making them cry. If you can do flawless dps rotation on the move you can play mara and bursting everyone. What is the sniper reward for skills, everyone can sit in cover doing simple rotation, correct me if I wrong?


    If you simply sit and cover and spam a rotation, you're a terrible sniper.

  11. What is this rescue PT's have? Grapple is nice because you can bring people to us and pull in to fire, even though it is a bit situational, usually doesn't work because resolve is full and has a bit of a long cooldown 45s is not short in my opinion. The point is that brings people to us it sure doesn't help us stay alive.


    Gunslingers have cover, you can't grapple them, they do huge dps, they can stop all interrupts and you miss the majority of times you are attacking them because of cover. That is one of the hugest survivability sets you can have, stealth is the MOST OP for survivability and capping utility.


    Commando's can HEAL themselves how is that not the biggest part of survivability that you can get?


    Where in my post does it say Powertechs have rescue. Read again.


    Part in bold is huge hyperbole, cover provides 20% ranged defence, hardly constitutes 'most of the time' and renders them immobile. A PT can LOS them on a pillar, DOT them up and watch the GS sit.


    You can't interrupt a powertech - everything is on instant cast (hence the blatant 100% mobility issue).


    Commando's ability to self heal is much like the sage, it isn't going to save them mid fight against a 100% mobile class. It's useful, but it doesn't = survivability amidst a competitive environment, where healers will look to DPS to DPS and DPS to healers to heal.



    I'm not dismissing the idea that the other classes have utility, I'm just stating emphatically that Powertechs are not without said utility and in utterly no way is that their compromise for overpowered burst damage.

  12. OMG PvP Geared people that spec for single target DPS in PvP with a class that has no other real function other than single target DPS in PvP is doing a lot of single target DPS in PvP ... the horror.


    What other function is a DPS meant to have...? Each one offers some utility, Powertechs and Sages are lucky in this respect, they have two of the best moves (harpoon and rescue). Harpoon is on a low enough cooldown to be extremely effective in objective based PVP.


    I'm not sure what else you want? Gunslingers have nothing as far as that goes and Scoundrels have stealth. This is about the differing damage metrics and necessary skill levels that exist between the DPS classes.


    I wouldn't even be able to suggest what commandos have going for them, with the exception of boink.

  13. People are hypocrites.

    "Powertechs require 0 skill to play", but instead of offering more tools and options when they reduce the burst, they still labor for one dimensional nerfs that will kill the class in PvE and PvP.

    In other words: "Class X has annoyed me with this that and that, please kill their spec for me BioWare."


    The same people who equate skill to the number of buttons in your rotation are probably the people that I put dots and assault plastique on, then LoS and go drink tea while they stand there baffled, as they suddenly can't press their awesome series of buttons and take about 20 seconds to come up with a backup plan.


    Reading comprehension.


    Bottom counter argument of my post is as follows, for those unable to read through :


    -"You can't nerf PVP without destroying PVE". If this is true, it is simply not my problem but Bioware's. Their job is to settle the balance within this game and not have issues with PVE affect PVP in such a drastic way. Bioware would have to find some way to deal with the class' burst, whilst aiding their sustained damage in PVE.


    I am not advocating for them to destroy the class' PVE ability. I'd prefer the introduction of a new ability, to bring diversity to the rotation and offer more sustained damage whilst softening the currently over the top burst.

  14. Sorry but this compared with your "Sorcs don't have defense" makes you look like someone who is just whining and has a very very limited knowledge of PvP.

    Like several people have stated if you think that your class (no matter what is is but probably a sorc from your post) requires skill you are lying to yourself.

    And yes contrary to you I play a sage and a vanguard in the 50s bracket.

    Take the time and look up the threads we already had, I won't waste mine to explain again to someone who doesn't understand how the class works about its strengths and weaknesses.


    I bet you played a sage first, then rolled a Vanguard. See the pattern. Assumptions are fun.


    I know it's tempting to dismiss someone's argument with "bet you don't have knowledge/skill", but it simply isn't true.


    As I've previously stated in this thread my classes, at 50, are :






    All of which I PVP regularly with. I never said sages have "no defense", it's considerably easier to get an upper hand in discussions though when you make up what the other guy said, I get that.


    What I did say, was that the sage has proportionately weaker defense than any of the other DPS classes. It's not by chance that many people go for sage/sorc, as a means of maximising their damage. Or that the class is now played by very few.


    EDIT : I feel this will need further clarification. I am not complaining about sage's position within the game, or that this is at all about that. That point simply provides a counter to those who would suggest PT is a "glass cannon". On a scale of DPS survivability, it really is not. Sage is glass without so much of the cannon. If this were meant to be Bioware's way of providing a compromise to PT's burst, then their defenses should reflect that - they currently don't.

  15. As soon as anyone makes this claim you can immediately disregard their post and chalk it all up to a L2P issue. Not that I think Pyro-PT's are balanced compared to other classes (which are UNDERpowered) but the whole "0-skill" argument is that of a baddie. Period.


    I admit, it's a slight use of hyperbole to convey the extremity of the point. They aren't without a single element of skill, as nothing can be, but relative to all other classes they require by far the lowest.


    To put it simply, there is no scale to which a PT can apply himself, no "top end" or "low end". The spec itself is where the power exists, seldom (if absolutely ever) in the player.

  16. I bet you are a sage that doesnt dispel my dots so i cant railshot

    I bet you are a gunslinger that doesnt entrench fast enough so i cant stun and **** you with my railshot(cause cover counters railshot)

    I bet you are a scoundrel who doesnt dispel my dots so i cant railshot


    nuff said


    Oh dear. One of these.


    A sage cannot dispel tech DOTs. Even if they could, a cleanse is 1 GCD, if I spent 1 GCD not fighting the Powertech then I'm already dead, regardless of what I do (with the exception of kite and fight)


    Yes I do entrench.


    Yes I do cleanse, see as above.


    Must be the worst reply to this thread so far.

  17. Be glad he didn't call if flop ball or commie ball. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, because 99% of the world is too poor to play football.


    Also, the use of the term "soccer" is originally from England and predates the term "football".


    It's almost as if you were suggesting elements of your language originated from England... or as it were, the English... interesting...

  18. More QQ from melee regarding Powertechs? Check. :rolleyes:


    At some point, you guys are going to need to learn to play your own class instead of whining about others. Let's say Powertechs get nerfed to the ground and are rendered near useless. Then what? Who's next on the chopping block?


    Snipers. Then the other ranged classes. And why? Because you saber swingers can't get it through your little heads that you are NOT an alpha class just because you saw Obi Wan owning newbs. This is NOT the movies. Get over it.


    After you've burned your leap or popped out of stealth, you melee classes are cannon fodder. You have to walk around at reduced combat speed chasing down your targets trying to position yourselves, while we just stand 30m away and burn you down. That's the REAL issue here. All these tears shed over different classes being OP, and it all boils down to lack of fundamental understanding of how to play as a team and knowing your role. It's that simple.


    I have a Powertech tank, and a Vanguard DPS. I also have a Warrior DPS and Guardian tank. There is a serious difference in how those classes play, yet I manage to top the charts in every warzone I'm in because I've figured out that some classes have different roles. If you guys can't figure it out for yourselves, just quit the game. Go back to WoW or Xbox Live. Good grief...


    I'm pretty sure you've read the post, and then made up for yourself what it said. At no point did I mention I was a melee or suggest that to be the issue, I have the following classes :





    Sentinel (though not at 50)


    May as well mention it now to avoid all the predictable "OMG JTUST ANOTEHR OPERATIVE TRYING TO KEEP US PTS DOWN LOZL"


    Not that I don't appreciate a Star Wars' movie reference, but how on earth do you believe that to be relevant here?

  19. Pyrotech PTs deal burst damage by dumping their resources with DPS cooldowns (relic, adrenals, and explosive fuel) active. The adrenal nerf will have a larger effect on this burst damage then on tanks, healers, and sustained DPSers (like annihilation marauders)


    1.2 had a nerf to the pyro tree. Specifically the rail shot reset was given an internal cooldown so as to have it occur no more than once every 6 seconds. In 1.1 it was possible to have rail shot be over 30% of all your damage attacks, this is much lower now, and heat management for the pyro took a substantial hit.


    The pyro is a glass cannon class with no escape mechanic. If it dealt less damage there would be no reason to bring it over a marauder that needs to be killed 3 times before it dies or a sniper that can achieve the same damage numbers from 35m away.


    I'm getting a strange sense of Deja Vu with these threads that want to focus on the first 15 seconds out of every 3 minutes.


    Glass cannon... I absolutely bet you haven't played sage, gunslinger or scoundrel at 50. You don't know the meaning of the phrase. You're a DPS, accept the fact that you're going to take the punches as well as give them.


    Stop thinking it's unique to just your class. Talk about De ja vu, it seems there are a few things about powertech's simplicity that allure a certain player to it.

  20. Railshot changed to 10M and then have mercs/commandos get a 30M range at 10. It's similar to the way some skills work for consular/inquisitors and smuggler/IA.


    The Pyrotech is still most effective at close range. Rocket Punch is needed in the rotation to do the most damage.


    At least this would supply a way to counter the class, in a similar way that a range can counter a sentinel.

  21. I dont know what to do, if you take away VG/PT burst, they will be free kills, but I dont see how its an issue. Most good maras still beat my PT (I run in plasma almost all the time) if they remember to snare me, if not I will kite them. Also putting HIB on 10m wont really change my dps much at all since I always close to to damage anyway, since my nastiest ability is Ion Pulse which is 10m.


    If you take away their burst, give them more defensive cooldowns, and I am tired of the "heavy armor" nonsense, as heavy armor is not as effective at all in pvp as it is in pve. I run around 30% damage reduction in Plasma cell and my Sentinel runs at 25% percent in inferior armor (VG has 4 pieces of WH, Sent is in all BM). That means when my sent is hit with 100 damage, he will reduce it to "only" 75 damage, while my VG will take 5 damage less at 70. 5 points of damage is NOT a significant reason to base class balance around.


    If my VG had the MULTITUDE of defensive cooldowns a sent has maybe, but we get 1 long timer defensive cooldown that can be reduced by talents (though anyone who knows the VG/PT offensive tree wont take those talents because the best dps spec is VERY tight) somewhat but not enough to have it up every fight.


    Also dont give me the stun arguments as anything significant, because a vast majority of the time when I need to use them my target is already full resolve and resistant to them cause newbs wanna blow their stuns in the first seconds of the fight.


    I'm not saying anything about taking away the burst, but simply softening its power to bring it on level with A ) other DPS classes and B ) the skill necessary to deliver it consistently.


    For me, this would involve lowering the amount of armour penetration. It would not destroy the burst at all but simply lower it to an acceptable level.

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