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Everything posted by Sparckus

  1. Your idea gives a bona fide advantage for time spent, this will become the norm for endgame content, in a few months / years no one who has recently started stands a chance of getting any groups in endgame fps / ops as the extra stats will be mandatory. In addition it gives an advantage in PvP which is not acceptable as it can't be obtained in any other way. Stop being so shortsighted.
  2. Providing they fix the major bugs that are floating about, add some features and more content I'll be here anyway.
  3. I disagree, if skills et al reduce cast times and they aren't reduced because the game is waiting for the animations to finish then its a bug.
  4. More brackets are needed, the ability delay bug needs sorted and dual spec needs to be added.
  5. Couldn't give a toss, as long as they dont gain an advantage in stats or anything that would give an opponent an upper hand in combat. All I want is a PvP spec to switch to for warzones et al (and any other dedicated PvP modes). I couldn't care less if the 2nd spec worked in PvE or not although I will admit it would be nice but again I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
  6. Your right, one requires minimum coding time, the other will divert the devs from fixing bugs and adding new features for a considerable time. Dual spec was confirmed as something they wanted to add soon after release, a Mac client is a hmm maybe.
  7. An acknowledgement from the devs and an ETA wouldn't go amiss.....
  8. Oh yes, a definite +1 here. Sabbacc and swoop racing too would be great.
  9. There are several legitimate reasons been given, but you lot keep sticking your fingers in your ears and go lalalalalalalalala i'm not listening. It is needed for switching between a PvP and a PvE spec. I've asked this in the other threads, all the people against how many of you do regular PvP? Out of all the replies I've had only 1 has replied yes and he/she used a halfway gimped build to do both. OP your idea, anything that grants bonuses for time spent is grossly unfair and shouldn't be considered at all.
  10. This is something that those against it simply cannot grasp, I've gave up trying to figure out why.
  11. Read again, the keyboard that is being described is the British one.
  12. It STARTS at midday, if you get an 8 hour maintenance that eats right into the middle of prime time EU (8pm GMT, 9pm CET), even a small extension on that time is a full day of gaming time lost for everyone in EU (a massive chunk of their userbase). You don't say that anywhere in your OP. Patching at 2am local time for the servers would be good and its what us in the EU has been asking for.
  13. “We’ve done a lot of Mac ports before of our games. We haven’t announced any details yet for The Old Republic, but we know that’s an important and large audience.” Isn't a confirmation that they're doing it. Good to see you don't apply your own logic when its something that YOU would like implemented: As a side note I don't care either way if a Mac client is released or not (would like a Linux version but as ever I wont hold my breath), I'm merely pointing out hypocrisy.
  14. There are quite a few (ok a lot) of things that need ironed out. Overall though the game is great and has a lot of potential.
  15. Very good idea, but in practice the same tools that click need without asking the group will continue to do so with or without dedicated button. Blocking the need option for items you cant equip on your own character would work better imo. To be honest though I don't know what the pitfalls of that option would be.
  16. Just to clarify I'm using a British keyboard and my \ key next to left shift opens the ticket window. The ` key next to 1 and above tab does nothing.
  17. I wouldn't say desperately, there's many things that need fixed before that but aye it would be a nice addition. As a reply to your previous post, I too have no problem if someone asks first when no one needs it for their actual character.
  18. I would also like to be able to bind this key, don't see any reason why its disabled.
  19. And as peoples ignore lists grow they will only be able to group with other ninjas, they're welcome to each other.
  20. Just like they chose not to implement a Mac version of the game?
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