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Everything posted by Valcutio

  1. They need to give players an option to vote kick.
  2. Now you have a funny story to go with your legacy. Well done.
  3. As a guy, I really enjoyed his character as a friend. I can understand not liking him as a romance option though. Funny post.
  4. Why do you think so many ppl rolled on PvE servers? The only reason to roll on a PvP server is to gank or get ganked while questing. That's it.
  5. To be fair, a monkey lacks the required vocal capabilities to do all those voice overs.
  6. The grind makes its return at level 50. Like dailies? You'll love level 50.
  7. There's exceptions to the rule but the maturity level is definitely higher on Rep side. A lot of emo teens playing Imps.
  8. Also, anyone that was a slicer up until the most recent nerf can pipe down in this thread. The people that earned their credits should be speaking.
  9. 13. The warzones got real boring, real fast. Especially with no rewards for being level 50 except grab bags that you need an INSANE amount of pvp tokens for. As of now I just run the Ilum dailies - only thing worth doing.
  10. I actually agree. The speed increase just doesn't feel worth it. It's like they're planning for 3 expansions down the road with this 10% speed increase crap. Don't set us up for the future at the expense of the present, Bioware.
  11. Actually I've been PvPing quite a bit and I think how they've designed the system is great. You're rewarded for being higher level with more abilities and the talents to boost them but low levels are still very effective. So, here's a vote to keep it as it is.
  12. Guild banks? Sure. AC switching? No. Definitely not. Dual Spec within your chosen AC? Should have been a priority for day one.
  13. On the way to 50 I pretty much had to skip every group quest in the game.
  14. Apparantly Bioware mods cant handle moderating more than a handful of forums at a time so the customers of the game have to suffer. Wonder where that 15 bucks a month is going to.
  15. Sorry, if they cant even handle server forums then they get no credit or respect.
  16. God forbid somebody gets offended on a forum. Cause that's never happened before. If the mods can't handle their jobs - maybe Bioware should find better ones. Edit: Infact, I'm sure several posters in this thread would more than welcome a chance at working for Bioware and moderating server forums.
  17. I enjoy this game but the lack of server community sucks. Not constructive enough? Too bad. It sucks, plain and simple. The game needs server forums and Blizzard figured that out 7 years ago. Catch up, Bioware.
  18. Merry Christmas! And ignore the politically correct crazies.
  19. I'm a 42 Scoundrel right now and I do decent damage in PvP but nothing that warrants nerfing. It's too easy to knock us out of Stealth - which is the only way we do our best dps. What your friend is talking about is using Flachette Round (or whatever it's called) with Shoot First. It gives us some pretty sick burst dps at the start of a fight... but that's the only advantage we have. If Bioware nerfs Scoundrels... well, that would just be pathetic considering how few of us there are.
  20. Well, people will eventually end up moving to servers without queues and things will naturally correct themselves. Remember, this is Bioware's first MMO - they'll learn fast. Then again, I'm not on a server with a 5 hour queue (my heart goes out to ya). I have a 1/2 hour queue as I type this.
  21. Just wanted to update this to let you guys know I found a kit vendor on Taris. It has kits for the all the republic starter companions, except for Qyzon for some reason. I'm guessing that future planets will have more kit vendors for later companions.
  22. I've searched high and low... I cant find a single companion customization kit vendor. Not on the starter planets, Coru or the Rep Fleet. I'm actually wondering if they took them out of the game....
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