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Everything posted by Fairell

  1. i once saw a scoundrel in huttball finishing with 452k dmg. dont know the spec though. the second was a commando with 205k, both lvl 50. i couldnt even imagine that kind of dmg^^
  2. come to my server, i assure you, i will hit you for more than 3k^^ saw a guardian recently getting medal for 5k single hit or a scoundrel with over 450k dmg, now thats still something i have to top still not 50 though
  3. i have years of pvp experience in other mmos and also pvp here as a infil shadow. and i honestly believe that it isnt the sorc being OP, it is the amount of them on a single spot. it is the same game as always with ranged vs melee. 1v1, melee wins, 2v2, melee likely wins, but cluster 5 on a spot and 2 melees are probably dead before being in range. sorcs die fast and as an assassin i have more than enough dmg and interrupts to give them a run for their bucks
  4. sorc is using his tools, you dont. the point is? bad sorc dies as easily as every other class if played poorly. YOU are doing it wrong. sorc is powerful, no doubt. but you as shadow are not a bit weaker. poorly played sorc should be a fly by kill for you. stop getting upset and learn the skills you have at your disposal. think about situations and sequences where you could utilize them most efficiently. You use keybinds, thats a good thing. Now you just need to get really familiar with your class mechanic and ur golden.
  5. so if you are that stubborn and unwilling to learn, why ask for advice? i dont have to prove you anything, cause im doing well in pvp and a couple of other shadows too. you have been told what you are doing wrong and you should do instead. think about it, try it out, improve. if you want some sort of magical video telling you a skill sequence to bash everyone, you will be dissapointed
  6. jesus, someone should make a guide with 42 scaling letters saying DONT OPEN WITH SHADOW STRIKE. and dont even think about opening with 2 SS. you might open with SS on a 50% hp target to finish him in one burst, but generally, without proc SS has terrible force to dmg ratio. shadow techniques force breach is best opener for most situations, otherwise just do double strike
  7. this is where you are doing it wrong. NEVER, and i mean really NEVER open with shadow strike, let alone using it twice. without proc it has terrible dmg and after 2 SS, you just sit there with your pants off, meaning no force, unable to do anything
  8. you somehow dont get it. a video would hardly help you since there is no "how to **** on sorc 1v1" rotation. again, you have to watch your procs, fight force efficient and predict his moves. example: if he is 50% hp or lower and didnt use force wave or stun yet, it is VERY probable he will be using it the next seconds to get away and heal up. this is where you you low slash, wait 3 seconds, pop resilience and finish him. again, you have always to plan and time your moves and quickly adapt. you need to have initiative and apply constant pressure. if things go wrong, you **** and come again. you are NOT get up close and personal and smash buttons until death jedi knight. im really sorry, i dont want to offend you in any way, topping charts and destroying any other class 1v1 with your playstyle of the shadow.... i feel very sorry for your opponents. you are bad at playing shadow, and if you kill them, they are just freekill bots, waiting to be picked up.
  9. watched ur video again. and it starts just from the beginning. after the first double strike you get find weakness proc, yet you waste force with non procced breach. proceeding, almost everytime you get find weakness, you still spam double strike and project on cooldown. as a shadow, you have to fight force efficient and plan your moves. you have to plan ahead and pressure your opponent to force him onto mistakes and finish him quick. you arent very good into long oulasting fights. you a very proc dependent, but you seem to completely ignore ur procs. damn, if you used ur skills correctly you would have won way earlier. 0:28 is the breaking point, this is where you could have destroyed him. besides, if you dont have shadow technique, pop force, but still use breach
  10. things i posted should be done by you, and the soc cannot hinder you at it. sorc in this video wasnt even well played. and i honestly believe you misunderstood the class concept. play a knight, they are more about button smashing, though i dont think you would be doing any better. i dont make videos. never did. but since im doing very well in pvp with my shadow, it is certainly a prove that it is clearly a l2p issue from your side, there is no doubt about it. shadow is all about timing, if you screw up, you die. simple as that.
  11. ill explain it to you. i assume you are infiltration specced. 1. you never utilize find weakness,when it is up. 2. against casters pop shadow technique and use force breach 3. didnt find blackout on your bar, dont know if you used it 4. slow his companion. 5. use low slash 6. if he is 50% hp or something and casts dmg spell dont interrupt it, use resilience to resist and save interrupt for heal. 7. use force cloak to get shadows respite 8. if you fight with tharan, deploy holiday manually as a properly played shadow, you destroy just about everything 1v1
  12. is it just me or is our best looking ability nearly useless? somehow it is only usable on mobs that die in 2-3 hits anyway, on everything else it is not usable, even though they are incapacitated. and you cant use it in pvp. What the heck? the only ability for shadow that doesnt cost force with a really long cd and only usable on trash mobs in PVE? cmon BW
  13. as an infiltration shadow, rushed through story on hoth and belsavis to get nadia, so im facing stark as lvl 39^^ i know its impossible, no matter what. doing Wzs now to get 40, so im able to actually hit him. but kiting around piles, boxes, or anything where you can abuse line of sight helps immensely. defeated 5 lvls higher battle droid on belsavis, took almost 20 minutes though, same with lord kyrus, who really gave me a headache with his teleport+shadow strike^^ noticed that actually all bosses are easy as long as they dont outlevel you by 3+. the only one i didnt managed to kill was lord tharsis (balmorra bonus series), didnt try hard enough though. but back to stark. kite him out of his room, sp you can run around that big box. taunt + project + (depending on spec) force breach in shadow technic. use deflection on cooldown. and as soon as resilience is off cd, pop it to resist his bladestorm and unload everything on him. run around box to wait for cd on resilience and medipack, repeat. dont forget to taunt him to not get nadia killed.
  14. hehe, im experiencing the opposite, i can play like a god, but healers still get the votes most of the time
  15. it is not entirely true that healers only get 2 medals. As a healer you likely to being attacked a lot, so you get defense medals, you should be ccing, and when your buddies score kills, you get them too. Sure you hardly will get an assassin medal, but healing, defense and kills, even killing blow is very easy to get. What actually concerns me is that healers get MVP votes regardless. There have been several occasions where i singlehandedly won a match, but mvp votes mostly get by ppl with most medals or healers even if they zerged somewhere not being even close to map objectives..
  16. hello guys. i have one concern about biochem as a viable profession to get some profits. Unlike other professions, every aretifact level item you make is reusable and requires biochem skill to use. so you cant really sell them. so we can sell only implants and blue stuff?
  17. lol, i actually REd just about anything up to artifact level in biochem and never needed more than 5 attempts.
  18. DONT use the google translator or whatever **** you are using ever again. That russian passage is not even remotely understandable.
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