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Everything posted by BCBull

  1. NO IT IS NOT. Maple story has more ffs.
  2. What is this addition by subtraction? lmao A minus is not a plus no matter how you spin it. 1-4 people left in the fourth quarter alone.
  3. Please stop saying this lol. AION has more subs ffs. There are A LOT of mmos out there with more than amillions subs. 1 out of 4 players left in the 4th qt alone.
  4. 1 out of 4 people left. 2.2 million box copies sold. 1.3 millions subs left. Guys WoW lost 20% over a year. Swtor just lost more than this in 1 quarter. I think it's a stretch to spin this as good... The game feel short on the guidance given to investors.
  5. 1. They way they designed the world to lower the probability of faction v faction conflict, world pvp. 2. The inability to design a fun performance functional Ilum. #1 compounds number #2. There are only some many 15 minute warzones a man can do, no matter how well they are designed. 3. 31 point talent trees. They are just too simple and to closed in. This drastically cuts down on replay value for those who do not like to roll a lot of alts. 4. Worlds not worth exploring. There is nothing but a few datacrons out there, and too many "painted on doors" I wish I could go to the Imperial Palace and go up to the top. 5. Load screen after terrible load screen. THIS kills immersion in the story more than any world pvp could... I'm sure they wont read this, but I hope they do. edit- I just read the first 4 pages. This is a classic thread here. It should be passed to a developers and be required reading before they even sit down to think about designing a MMO. /bookmark
  6. Whoa whoa Whoa TSW is NOT a EA game. Funcom 100% owns and is 100% independent. EA is shipping boxes. Something they are very good at.
  7. That was a long time ago The good thing is they have been using the same engine for years now. Updated to dx11 for 2012! From the looks of things they have learned a lot.
  8. Sever - Wrookrrorro 1 person on Republic Fleet right now...
  9. Tomorrow is the big day /popcorn I was reading somewhere that time card users had to but 3 months, so if you bought the game with a time card (roughly 35%) then you will not be expiring until the end of April. I will say 1.1 million will be announced.
  10. This is the new line? Funny I never heard this till I came here. PvPer don't want to move and learn a new system. WoW and GW1 say high btw.
  11. Can we get an NEW update please!!!! A large part of swtor pvp was in this place. It's no wonder pvprs are so upset. UPDATE PLEASE
  12. or a new Opvp area? When is the last time they mentioned it? What did they say? A fun functional Ilum would go a long way towards the health of this game. Communication BW tell us what's going on!
  13. Wise post.. Not much to say to that. wait, BW is a bunch of nice guys!
  14. Resource system as in Heat/Rage/Focus/Will
  15. I wanted to get your take on the free 30 days promotion. I'm wondering if you had already unsubbed, did you come back? If you are currently subbed are you playing more, or has your time been more enjoyable? I'm wondering because this is really unprecedented for such a high profile game to give so much time/money to so many people post launch. Here is my take. The free 30 days seems to have had no effect on me what so ever. If anything it has reinforced my decision to unsub. I still, even though free, have no desire to log in. I still believe swtor has the best resource system, and the best combat feel in the market hands down. Unfortunately for me the lack of Wpvp and a non-working Ilum left me with few options. Thus the free 30 changed nothing for me. I don't claim to be the norm or to speak for anyone else. This is why I'm asking for your take. What affect has the free 30 days had on you?
  16. Idk ESO looks like a swtor clone...
  17. Origin is fine. All they do is let you down load the game... Trust Origin is not the reason for you troubles.
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