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Everything posted by Zarthorn

  1. A few things that can be changed without going into class nerfing. 1. Adding a Soft Cap to the power stat, right now it's possible to pump up to insane levels of power for short windows drastically boosting your burst (right now I can get my Biochem Scoundrel to 600+ power in the 10-49 WZs, thats a rather large and noticable damage boost) 2. Relics having a universal cooldown timer, when one is triggered the other is put into cooldown while the effect of the first disperses, this encourages more prolonged use and lessens the burst effect of popping a power relic and a crit/surge relic at the same time (this is how I get big sweep crits followed by a blade storm and Dispatch crit for quite a lot, popping both relics just before I sweep on my Champ geared Guardian) 3. Expertise hard cap lowered to 20%-25%, BM's can get 30% expertise when BM geared and using a WZ expertise adrenal or grabbing the WZ buff, this creates a huge disparity gap even between Champs and BM's. And none of it requires nerfing any class, just balancing/fixing things that should have been in already from launch.
  2. Zarthorn

    Scoundrel is OP

    Scoundrel was: -BM geared -Using Cunning/Power Stim and Power Adrenal -Popping Relics for Surge/Crit and Power -Scored several crits including a crit on Shoot first Gear disparity shining through more than anything else, not to mention the power stat having no cap = massive crits still. Easiest way for them to stop the massive crits is for both relics to go into cooldown when one is triggered (the untriggered one having a lesser cooldown however so it can be used once the effect of the first is dispersed allowing for prolonged use and less burst)
  3. There already is one... Nerf dem Vader muscles.
  4. Thanks for the pearls of wisdom, now this sounds super noobish but I wasn't aware that chat window creation was even implemented, now I feel stupid =p definatley gonna do that in future, as a player that really only uses chat to talk to friends/guildies and helping people that might ask for it or being on TS with guildies/friends thats good to know.
  5. When it's the occasional one, easy enough to handle, when it's an entire premade of them which are purposely stunlocking people while spamming emotes and insults, then you begin to realise why such a system should never have been implemented in the first place. What I tend to do is just switch to another char when they start doing that, but again should I really have to stop playing WZ's just because I might run into an abusive premade that do nothing but act like jerks for the entirety of the match?
  6. Like I said it's an annoyance, does it get me Emo? No, doesn't stop me thinking it's stupid when some kid runs around spamming /laugh /spit /whatever and talking trash like a true keyboard warrior.
  7. I can handle it, doesn't stop it being annoying. Remember most players play video games for relaxation, not to stroke there epeen and act like a jerk, most of us work 40+ hours a week and would rather the childish behaviour be kept to kindegardens and facebook, not in our hobbies.
  8. I see all the trolls came out of the woodwork for this one. Quite simply you folks should read the EULA some time for a starters since it sounds like a few of you are offenders, it falls under the harrassment policy. Sure I can /ignore someone talking trash, but you cannot ignore emotes coming from them and it doesn't stop them telling a teammate to do it either, which falls under harrassment. Now, I don't mind the whole RP aspect of it, but really on PvP and PvE servers it serves no purpose than to open up the breach for kids to abuse. Btw just because it's Star Wars doesn't give you an excuse to act like a complete tool to someone else, this is a game afterall.
  9. Quite simple really, noone really understands why this was put in in the first place, all it does is cater to those annoying children that spam /spit /laugh and smack talk. This isn't WoW we don't want these tools for kids to generally run around and act like trash. Get rid of it, we did just fine without it in DaoC and WAR, we don't want it here.
  10. Hate to say it but Mercs/Commandos actually take quite a bit of micromanaging to play well as a healer. Heat/Ammo is quite a restrictive resource when it comes to the heal spec and you can easily find yourself running on empty if you come under any kind of focus. Unlike there Gunnery/Arsenal counterparts, healer Mercs/Commandos need to actually think beyond one button and need to have a little thing called situational awareness to be successful. I recently switched my Commando over to healing and actually enjoying the class since it's actually a heck of a lot more challenging now than it was when I was cheesy Gunnery spec since I have to use my brain, kite and generally work with my team.
  11. My Scoundrel can stunlock somone to death. And you need to stop trolling.
  12. It's on test atm, chances are the coming week though.
  13. The QQ would be considerably less since now you won't have annoyed players because they got beat by some 23 hour gaming day neckbeard that farmed lowbies for a month solid and were already champ/bm geared by the time the 50 bracket and Ilum changes rolled around. Would I mind the gear that much if people hadn't exploited a poor system? Probably not, but it does not change the fact that a bunch of people got handed there gear on a silver platter and are now milking that advantage for all it's worth.
  14. Luckly, 1.2 will change how Champ bags work so they do become the steady income + chance of a bonus piece. 15 cent 7 champ commendations per champ bag with BM bags being 15 champ and 25% chance of getting a BM commendation. of course BM bags as daft as it sounds, can get away with the lottery chance since the BM comms are usuable on any piece.
  15. I have a habit of being distrusting of any company that puts out a big announcement that they are doing a "Press Beta", sounds onimous.
  16. That is just the initial phase, after that they will be monitoring how gear effects balance since the aquisition part has been the most mentioned problem with pvp gear. Since we all know how ludicrously well the gear scales between tiers, it's likely there will be nerfs to the gear.
  17. It'd be about 25% and I can understand how people get infuriated, afterall it's less odds than a coinflip to begin. So immediatley you are given a 1/4 chance of getting a piece, not bad to begin with. Then those odds begin to get worse as you get more parts til eventually the odds are something like this (all parts but the last): 1/4 chance of getting a piece, 1/12 chance of the item being the one you need and 11/12 chance of it being a duplicate. That 25% begins to drop down percentage chance of getting each piece and avoiding a duplicate quite rapidly until you get to singular figure percentile chance. Definatley understandable why people feel like they are banging there head against the preverbial brick wall with bags.
  18. 3 pieces for 7, Yea it's easy when you first start getting bags. Then you get duplicates, several daily/weekly bags that are cent commendations and your eyes feel like they are burning out from all the bag grinding. I must have opened about 60-70 bags, I have all but 3 pieces of Champ, I consider myself lucky, some people have gone a lot longer with nothing more than duplicates over duplicates.
  19. Just because they said they will "balance" pvp gear doesn't mean they will make it useless or lesser to PvE gear. I'm expecting them to normalise expertise at the very least so it doesn't = sliding slope of imbalance that gradually gets worse with every new piece of pvp gear you obtain.
  20. Ok, my Guardian has 400+ expertise, mostly Champ geared. If I come against a fresh 50 or someone with a few pieces of Champ or Cent, I walk all over them. If I come against a BM geared 50, I get absolutely destroyed, no chance in hell of ever fighting back since I tickle them. It's no so much class disparity you can tell that much from the 10-49's (there are disparities but nothing majorly game breaking just a lot of frustrating stuff like CC's going through resolve occasionally, Tracer/Grav having too much utility and Sorc/Sage bubble being a little too strong) It's gear and how much of a gap it creates. Again, noone is saying gear should not grant an advantage, they are saying gear shouldn't be so much of a deciding factor that it becomes Gear > Skill. The easiest way to fix this is to drop the damage and healing bonus from expertise and keep the defence bonus only, if they have to adjust the stats a little bit, so be it. But right now Expertise is way out of wack, scales far too hard and generally makes 50's PvP an extremely unpleasant experience. I still for the life of me, don't understand what possessed Bioware to put so many advantages on a single stat, it's bewildering.
  21. Most of us switched to the Classic servers where the best armor was crafted Dragon stuff with the procs enchantments. The ToA servers kinda died off when they brought the classic servers out because everyone hated ToA with a passion, the lesson should have been learned about gear imbalances there.
  22. Big difference actually, just because someone was "geared" didn't give them an advantage the size of the san andreas faultline like BM gear does over everything else. In DaoC sure if you were geared, advantage was....actually noones since the gear was often for sale cheaply on the respective realm markets so anyone could get it, not tied to the select few that lucked out with an RNG aspect and farmed lowbies for the best part of the month. Do you know how advantage was played in DaoC? Realm Ranks. Better Realm Rank = More utility, thus you had more tools for every occasion in RvR, again this didn't mean if you reached the Dizzy heights of RR13L+ that you would be suddenly much more difficult to kill, it just meant you now had better tools to swing things in your favor. Gear doesn't equal skill, never has, never will.....If gear equalled skill then why on Jedi Covenant do the 10-49 WZ's get constantly dominated by republic (even against the premade imp reroll teams) yet when we get into the 50's bracket, lo and behold empire wins it all? Did something magically occur that boosted there skill level suddenly in the 50 bracket? No! it's called gear imbalance, often proven when there premade BM team ends up against one of the republic premade BM teams, they either stop queueing so we end up with Rep v Rep huttball or leave out of the WZ and try to get in another against a PUG. This isn't saying all Empire players are bad players that are reliant on gear, but there is definately a lot of them that are crutching on the imbalance and really are scared of what will come to pass if the gaping issue was to be fixed.
  23. Dark Age of Camelot, best gear = crafted
  24. Lovely, so Bioware are actually allowing this.... massive fail. Looks like it might be high time to make alts to stand in one spot to kill trade with.
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