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Everything posted by BoneEater

  1. Thanks for posting. Much appreciated. You need to get a medal, OP.
  2. I always find it friggin' hilarious when people name D3 as an MMO killer. ... Are you inSAYAN? Srsly, you need a reality check, why even name it in the same breath with completely different game categories. I'm 100% sure that *insert random multiplayer game here* will kill all MMO's. *trollface* You doomsayers need to get out of here.
  3. Just finished Agent storyline. I had a lot of fun with it, good ending also. That said, I just cancelled and hope that 1.3 introduces a good, solid LFG. I'll be running around in Azeroth again till then. Have fun.
  4. This. Currently I'm pushing my Agent to finish the main storyline, and then I'm outta here. I have 7 days left and I will not be renewing. I find it unbelievable that they expect pve players to be content to wait for 2-3 months for an lfg tool which won't even be cross-server. Never thought I say this, but I'm going to watch the pandas roll into Azeroth. At least I don't have to waste my time there to get something done, I can actually use it. Also, I'm not paying a monthly fee for a singleplayer game. Get me an lfg which is on par with other examples, and I might renew subscription. On a side note, lfg has nothing to do with "casuals". If people measure hardcores at time wasted for nothing, I'm gladly a casual. Lfg is about accessibility.
  5. So, I saw the trailer for patch 1.2, hoping to see something about a lfg tool (which is already in the game for pvp, so why not for pve?), but I got nothing. BS legacy and more laggy warzones. Thanks a lot, ****tards. This is the main reason why I have no motivation at all to play endgame, because it takes too *********** long to get a *********** group for *********** FP's. "unununu it destroys the immersion" - ToR Dev. No it doesn't. Does it brake the immersion for pvp to get ported instantly to a wz? At least I don't hear dev's whining about that, so I assume it doesn't. So get your *********** **** together, unbelievable. /rageend
  6. Good post OP, agree with (almost) everything you said. Endgame and the tools for such, have to be adressed in this game. I might just go and see how awful pandas really are in WoW...not that I want to, but I hoped ToR would be a real alternative, not "only" awesome story.
  7. Yeah, those sentences may be funny at first, but not anymore. You don't use your "feelings" to notice when you stand in fire, you use your eyes. Saving your taunt as a tank is always a good idea. It's like you're saying add-on's give you more threat. No, they don't, you still have to manage it, but I'll say it for the 1000th time: you can actually see what you're doing with your threat, that's good for tanks who want to build threat, and good for dps who want to know when to lay low a bit. Really? That's how you tell? No. That's how you tell that you've failed your threat management. Allthough, as it is now in ToR, I can't really blame anyone who get's aggro from a mob because, as you all know, there is no way of seeing how much threat you generated. Players are already forced to adapt. And that will not change when you have a threat meter, ingame or otherwise. Don't see why you're bringing that up. And tbh, for me, it doesn't make the game more exciting to play, not knowing how much threat you generated on a boss as a dps. It makes it more frustrating. I don't know why you guys don't want a threat meter. It doesn't need to be an add-on if that is what you all are pent up with, it can be ingame. This. And that's not good. It shouldn't be a guessing game, because it has nothing to do with skill at this point. It's just luck for the most part. Skill is about having all the information availible and doing well, luck is about not knowing what you're doing but still managing to do good. But there's of course always the possibility that you run out of luck. Also, I feel like I'm repeating myself for 2 days now, and it's getting quite tiring.
  8. Actually, playing with add-on's is more like being able to see the red signal light before you pass it and using your brakes accordingly so you don't die. So, no, it's not like having a phone to the ear while driving and being overwhelmed by information, it's the exact opposite. Btw, might I add that I love your kind of posts? Again, it's the other way around. Although to be fair, it works without add-on's as well, but the thread is about threat (haha, see what I did there?), specifically. This is also entirely possible without heal add-on's. You still have to look at the health of your raid-members. Not paying attention to your enviroment in a fight is about the player, not about the add-on. No they don't. I'll quote myself for a moment here: Managing your threat still requires "skill". Only difference with a threat-meter: you can actually see what the hell you're doing.
  9. Don't know if you're talking to me, but whatever. Of course they have been able to clear the content. But that's not the point here. The point is, that you can't measure your threat, and that in some cases, a fight will get "out of control" unnecessarily. Furthermore, threat is a core mechanic, it just is. Like fire, because the outcome is the same. Stand in a pit of fire, and you're dead. Get onehitted by a boss and you're dead. Only problem is, you can't see threat like fire. So why shouldn't we be able to see this mechanic I ask? Sure, you don't "need" add-ons, I'm also raiding fine in ToR without them, but the point is, as I said, why shouldn't we be able to see threat like you see indications were an enemy aoe hit's? It also has nothing do to with "holding my hand" or "being a worse player than others" like you suggest, but with being able to act accordingly to the information you have.
  10. Dear Lord, why don't you people get it? "Ununununu, WoW was hard before Add-ons." Of course it was. Like driving blindfolded. But of course you would also most likely crash and probably kill yourself and many others, but I digress. As I stated before, Add-ons only give you the means to work properly with the threat mechanic for example. They are not a free pass to get you loot. I can't stress that enough.
  11. The only thing add-ons in WoW were doing, was giving you enough information about ingame-mechanics that you're supposed to work with (like threat or debuffs for example). Blizzard even inserted a threat indicator later in the game, the little % numbers over the enemys health. But of course, playing blind is always harder then using all the information you could have, but srsly, you can blindfold yourself if you so desire. But I don't see any reason for doing that myself, many other people included I think. On a side note, MMO's changed, and that's a good thing imo, because as you said, over a decade has passed. No one would want to play those games anymore.
  12. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP. Especially on the attack delay and global CD problems. This is what kept me playing WoW for so long, combat was smooth, responsive and fun. In ToR it is unresponsive and stiff. I'm having a great time with the story tbh, but the combat...meh...big letdown for me actually. And don't get me started on LFG, dualspecc, ect. I'm sadly considering coming back in 2-3 months to see how it turned out.
  13. Actually the death of PvP is named, Laggy McEnginebad. Carry on.
  14. They don't measure it at all. They play blind. And that's just not working. We have a mechanic in MMO's, threat, which you can't see in this game but we're supposed to pay attention to it. It's like standing in invisible fire.
  15. I don't think the majority is jealous. Maybe some, but most of us are just annoyed by this stuff, because you can't really prove anything at all mate, it's not like WoW Progress or anything which is actually legit. For that matter, I don't give a ****. Cool, you killed whatever you killed, just don't go spouting about world first or some bs because it makes you look like a attention seeking whore.
  16. "Get me a glass of wine. I want to die with dignity."
  17. Me and my brother are bored and we haven't even hit 50 and the real grind yet. I'll be keeping a close eye on GW2 for endgame content, and hope ToR get's f2p, because quite frankly, I'm not paying a sub for a SP game. Simple as that.
  18. Yeah, I'm considering going back to WoW's friggin pandas...never thought I say that. Unfortunately, ToR doesn't give me enough long time motivation to keep paying my sub. Voice acting is good and stuff, story also, and I mean very good, Blizz failed horribly in WoW in that aspect, but I didn't play that game for so long if it didn't motivate me to do at least, something at endgame. And srsly, no LFG tool? You just can't ignore "standards" in other MMO's. Sure, blahdibeyblahblah, just look for yourself, yeah, but guess what, nobody want's to spend 30 min. at least to have chance (!) of finding a group anymore, that's not time well spent, simple as that, imagine that in BF3 or any other MP game. Sure, you can be lucky to find a group, but it shouldn't be about luck, you should be able to use your time for the actual game you're paying a monthly fee for. I hope that people can accept the fact that MMO's have changed, it's not only about "making friends and shtuff", it's about the game and it's aspects you want to enjoy, not literally losing your free time one evening to, hopefully, be able to play the game (FP's). And sadly, endgame content is not accessible enough for me. I don't have the time, and neither do I want to bring up that time. tl:dr: LFG tool needed. Without it, crazy timesink for nothing.
  19. Are you suggesting that enrage timers actually make....sense?! Get out.
  20. Nice to see faces behind the toons. Love it how it breaks this legend of the geeky loser gamer with a messy room, long weird hair and goofy glasses. This thread is full of win. Also, would love to post a pic, but because I recently moved I don't really know where my cam is atm, I apologize. Hopefully finding it soon though to keep this thread alive. Carry on! Also this I guess: D:
  21. Wow...this thread saved me from a lot of rage I guess. Going into gathering mode now, instead of playing roulette with my money. As some people pointed out before me...need to read the dev tracker more!
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