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Everything posted by Adelbert

  1. Still no more updates on this... but yeah, graphics just got worse today: now we can't even look at the screen with all that ****** flash going on on our bars, lol.
  2. What's the last status update on high-resolution textures for patch 1.2? Are we gonna get them?
  3. I'm gonna link this into the Official Hi-Res Textures post. Thanks for the info OP!
  4. http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg Enough said. Added that pic to the first post.
  5. Updated first post with some really interesting stuff provided by Lemon_King, about what's going on in the RemoteRenderer.dll.
  6. Today is monday, so I really hope that today is the day we get a response on this. I mean, it's been 120+ pages of people wanting an answer, I think it's about time we know what's going on.
  7. At this moment, SWTOR probably has the WORST looking textures on characters in the MMO market: - WoW - EQ2 - Aion - LOTRO - WAR - AoC - Lineage 2 - Fallen Earth - EVE - DCUO - CHO - RIFT And the list goes on. Seriously, just look at your character. It's been like 10 years since we have seen something looking THAT bad.
  8. I updated the first post with some information I recieved from an user via PM. Seems like the texture nerf is being applied on the RemoteRenderer.dll.
  9. I'm updating the first post with info extracted from these 33 pages.
  10. The truth is, at THIS moment, WoW's textures are better than SWTOR's. And that's a fact.
  11. And some fanboys still saying its just a "lighting" problem. lol.
  12. 9 pages. No Bioware answer, and they are posting about ability delay. Guess you guys are right: they are just "patching" this issue so no new players notice that there won't be real high textures in the game for a while.
  13. Ok, from public test realm forums: "There are now only two textures options low and high, I checked the public test client. I guess medium is the new high lol." ROFL.
  14. So, this is what the game looks like all the time: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ And this is when you click on your holo terminal, just for 0,5 secs: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ So yeah, somehow high-res textures are already in-game, but no way to use them outside cutscenes.
  15. This is the 5th post about this issue: 1st post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 2nd post (112 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151787 3rd post (125 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569 4th post (148 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=164481 *New Update 11/01/2012* So here we go. The answer we wanted, and also probably the answer nobody wanted: So no, we won't have high resolution textures in a 2012 AAA game anytime soon. Thanks all for the support on this subject guys. New Update 09/01/2012 We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it: I'll update this post as soon as we get that info. Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. //Update Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: And a WoW vs SWTOR comparison: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg Also, I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code: It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: //Update. So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
  16. This is the 6th post about this issue: 1st post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 2nd post (112 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151787 3rd post (125 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569 4th post (148 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=164481 5th post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=167957 Off topic: If you are looking for some information in order to increase the graphics quality of the game, and since nothing can be done with model textures until Bioware gives us real hi-res textures, I recommend you to visit this post in order to increase the scenario texture quality: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=178454 *New Update 11/01/2012* So here we go. The answer we wanted, and also probably the answer nobody wanted: So no, we won't have high resolution textures in a 2012 AAA game anytime soon. Thanks all for the support on this subject guys. New Update 09/01/2012 We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it: I'll update this post as soon as we get that info. Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. //Update Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: And a WoW vs SWTOR comparison: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg Also, I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code: It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: //Update. So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
  17. This is the 3rd post about this issue: 1st post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 2nd post (112 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151787 *New Update 11/01/2012* So here we go. The answer we wanted, and also probably the answer nobody wanted: So no, we won't have high resolution textures in a 2012 AAA game anytime soon. Thanks all for the support on this subject guys. New Update 09/01/2012 We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it: I'll update this post as soon as we get that info. Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. //Update Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: And a WoW vs SWTOR comparison: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg Also, I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code: It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: //Update. So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
  18. I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. //Update Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: Also, I'm getting this from the user Lemon_King. I can't confirm it, so I'll just leave it here so we have as much information as possible (at least it is more information than what Bioware is giving us atm): It is important to note that after 90+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: //Update. So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
  19. *New Update 11/01/2012* I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code: *End of New Update 11/01/2012* *New Update 09/01/2012* We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it: I'll update this post as soon as we get that info. *End of New Update 09/01/2012* Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. *First Update* Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: *End of First Update* *Original Post* So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
  20. This is the 4th post about this issue: 1st post (117 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 2nd post (112 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=151787 3rd post (125 pages long): http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569 *New Update 11/01/2012* So here we go. The answer we wanted, and also probably the answer nobody wanted: So no, we won't have high resolution textures in a 2012 AAA game anytime soon. Thanks all for the support on this subject guys. New Update 09/01/2012 We finally got a first response by Stephen Reid. I'll just quote it: I'll update this post as soon as we get that info. Original 1st post with 117 pages: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=140954 I want to thank EVERYBODY for the support we are all giving to this post. Many good opinions here. More than 50 pages in 1 day clearly shows one thing: as customers paying for a 50$ product and worth 15$ a month, we deserve an answer. //Update Ok, since this has become the "official" post for the High Resolution Textures issue, I'm going to update this post for newcomers with the information we have at the moment. So, here are the facts we know: 1- The game had high resolution textures during beta. But they disappeared before releasing the live client. 2- You are NOT playing in high settings, no matter what your preferences window says. At this moment, medium=high, and there is no high, so you are all playing viewing your char's textures in medium quality. 3- This was expected to be fixed in the PTS. However, at this moment the issue hasn't been fixed for 1.1. What is more, they deleted the "Medium" quality option, and now there are only two options. Low and High. And yes, you are right: High is just the new Medium, as you can see in this screenshot: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png More info on this, by MaxWham: 4- Somehow, the high resolution textures are already in the game. But they are not being used while playing with your character. You can see em during dialog cutscenes. You can see them on your companions wardrobe preview window. And you can see them for 0,5 secs after clicking on your holo terminal in your ship. Here are some examples: Medium: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/59/screenshot2012010419385.jpg/ High: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/851/screenshot2012010419390.jpg/ Medium: http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8974/screenshot2012010710454.jpg High: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/553/hirez.png Medium: http://imgur.com/NqI7j High: http://imgur.com/M7Geg ToonPhil shared with us this one: http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/3646/swtorhightextures1.png Another one from Adamant: Medium: http://i.imgur.com/PsqBo.jpg High: http://i.imgur.com/U1RMk.jpg And yet another one: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/The%20Old%20Republic/TORTextureComparison.jpg One of the best high/med comparison photosets I've seen in this forum, by Rhykker: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/5493/hirez.jpg Gif showing the difference between both: http://m.uploadedit.com/bac/1325903803236.gif and another gif: http://i40.tinypic.com/ip8wmb.gif And a video: And a WoW vs SWTOR comparison: http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r277/UnruheEndlos/TORWOWComparison.jpg Also, I'm getting this technical information from the user Lemon_King. It's really impressive what some users like him are finding inside the code: It is important to note that after 200+ pages, Bioware still hasn't said anything about this. I'm also quoting this very well written post: //Update. So, this is what the official known bugs forums says: If you installed prior to 5:00AM CST on January 4th, 2012, your graphics will display as "Low" even if actual in-game settings are higher due to automatic preference detection. Workaround: Your graphics setting will display properly once modified and saved. Workaround: Individual preferences will display properly once modified and saved. Also, it was stated on 1.0.2 patch that: Upon a new installation and first launch of the game, settings files and in-game graphics preferences are now consistent with each other. So, please Bioware, can we get a clarification on this? Does this mean that if we reinstall the game using the online installer, we will get high resolution textures everytime and not only during dialog cutscenes? If not, any ETA on when the high resolution textures bug will be fixed? Thanks in advance for answering this confusive situation.
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