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Everything posted by tonpu

  1. tonpu

    35 Bags, 1 Item

    There can only be a certain number of instances where the gear that you bought equals the remaining cent comms. A screenshot of your cent comm remainder and your current pvp set would reduce the doubt. TBH I'm sick and tired of these types of threads.
  2. tonpu

    35 Bags, 1 Item

    Screen shot or it didn't happen. 102 centurion commendations or a combination of cent gear/comms equaling that amount and your single piece of champ gear. print screen, screenshots will be in your documents/star wars - the old republic file/screenshots folder Use imgur.com to upload images and provide an image link
  3. Blue on blue is too hard to read. BW NERF IT!
  4. No, its not a bug, its a combination of class skills/guards/heals. Its perfectly fair that higher lvl players have an advantage. Think of the opposite scenario, you just spent 1 month grinding out lvls and gear, and someone who played for 2 days is lvl 20 and is just as effective as you. Would that be "FAIR"? Once you grind out the same lvls and gear, you'll obviously be on an even playing field. If you want a fair game play chess or something, progression based mmos will never be fair.
  5. There should be a mandatory 10 question multiple choice quiz on what you wrote before anyone queues for WZs.
  6. Go play chess brah. Better yet buy a Star Wars chess board, and it'll be the game that you wanted swtor to be.
  7. Progression based mmos are never fair, and they will never be.
  8. My 600% more time invested only amounts to a 45% advantage? Talk about a crappy ROI.
  9. Horrible idea, do you realize that you are promoting AFKers in WZs ? Every change in a sociodynamic game like an mmo will have unwanted consequences. Its not A - B = C its more like A - B = ASDLKJQW(*$@#.
  10. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/115573-1000-Player-FPS-Sets-New-World-Record-UPDATED The tech is coming.
  11. I agree with you, and if you think that why the F__K are you playing a progression based MMO?
  12. You're perfect pre-made has no offensive pull, which is pretty damn handy. My opinion of a perfect pre-made would be. 2 hybrid Sorcs 1 Powertech with pull and leap (not sure which tree this is in) 1 Assassin (only cause i'm an assassin)
  13. tonpu

    valor 71

    LOL here lets dissect your original post. "So I'm valor 71" - Obvious gloating is obvious. The valor could be from valor trading, but I don't know so I'm not going to assume that you did. "valor like 62 got full bm gear (and i am missing 4 parts)... " - QQ about rng rewards. "same whit valor people around 10-30 got full champion gear and are bloody pve player. " -Moar QQ about rng and a rant about PvE players. "so when u gonna spend some "dollars" on pvp. And dont say u listen on commity because u dont. (sorry english im drunk )" - A cry to BW to fix PVP. There's nothing constructive about your thread so I responding with something that is just as worthless. A crappy thread deserves a crappy post.
  14. tonpu

    valor 71

    wait huh? Then what's the point of your thread? That you love seeing lower valor ranked players have better gear than yourself?
  15. tonpu

    valor 71

    They've removed the dupe capability while upping the amount of times you need to get a BM token. All they did was turn the BM dupe QQers into BM rng QQers.
  16. tonpu

    valor 71

    oh look the 11ty billionth bag complaint thread.
  17. Welcome to the grind. It's really not that bad. http://i.imgur.com/kdXJl.jpg
  18. Has anyone tested this? Find a WZ that shows your character as not being in the WZ ops group, and then see if the win counts. OR Find an instance where you're in the WZ ops group and your win does not count.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/aYEwS.jpg Currently using BM MH + champ everything else. Cent pieces purchased: MH Legs Gloves Compared to other QQers I feel like I lucked out.
  20. Shadow/Assassin pull builds are awesome goalies Stealth, pull, and aoe knockback
  21. It's called a TRACER missile for a reason.
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