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Posts posted by beattlebilly

  1. When Jung, Bastion and PoF were in good state, yes, Open PvP was great there. From 2012 to 2015.

    It was after the lauch of KOTFE that balance really killed it.


    LOL. No, the only people it was "great there" for were the griefers and gankers.

  2. This is probably a dumb question, but when you mention PVP does that mean you can attack any player or just the opposite faction. this is in regards to the PVP in the PVE.


    In most cases, it's just PvP against opposing faction. Two rare cases of being able to "free-for-all" attack anyone flagged including same faction that aren't in your group is Outlaws Den on Tat and that PvP area during the Gree event on Ilum.

  3. I dont like them being separate instances. Instead, players should just individually flag themselves for pvp. Having separate instances splits the population on a planet instead of having everyone present together and it removes pvp from sight.. when people are fighting over a commander base or something it should be in public view so people can talk about it and call for help, flag themselves in and participate, and just have the spectacle be visible. Having all pvp in its own alternate instance means no one just going about their business even knows when fights are going on.


    Just seems to me that letting players choose to flag for pvp and be part of the "main" instance is more inclusive and makes it feel like part of the same world.


    Yea, so that a person that isn't interested in PvP can be force-flagged by some griefing jackwagon and get ganked.

  4. OK, still not seeing people do a lot of CC'ing them either. It's a good explanation you did about CC being better, but again, why aren't people doing anything to stop them?
  5. I've mained Merc since launch. I'm a casual, and I wholeheartedly disagree with your reasoning as to why my class shouldn't be fixed(let's face it, it needs to be fixed). As to being rolled, eh I'm used to it. Like I said, Merc main since launch :D
  6. "rage quitters" already get punished. They get no rewards for the time they've been in the match, since you don't get anything until the end of the match.
  7. Hopefully, this doesn't mean that you are moving away from the GTN as the primary method of getting specific Cartel Market items. I do buy a pack or Hypercrate from time to time with Cartel Coins, but I always get my items from the GTN.

    If someone doesn't have the 50+ million credits to buy the Unstable Lightsaber from the GTN, he should just buy a few Hypercrates and convert them to credits, that would increase the supply on the GTN and there'd be no need to offer direct-sale items.


    Someone like me would be more likely to buy more coins to buy an item directly from the Cartel Market as opposed to buying a few hybercrates and hoping they'll sell for enough to buy the item off the GTN.

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