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Posts posted by beattlebilly

  1. It is at the bottom of the page. Or you can just remove the billing information.


    And to point out to the ones saying "This is how MMO's work", the 60 day is only supposed to be a one time purchase, it isn't supposed to be recurring. Says right on it when you're on the purchase page.

  2. Huh... so I went in to the game to do the other alliance mission. I just found out that I still qualified... But I don't have the quest or anything.


    It's available from your ship quest terminal.


    If your sub lapse was just for a day or two, you will still qualify. I had it happen a couple of times, changed credit card but forgot to rebuy subscription :p

  3. Wait, you're bagging on a game that has LASTED for 11 years? Yea, I don't play WoW anymore, I lost interest in it, and I did find it numbingly easy sometimes, but can you seriously sit here and put down a game that has lasted that long? SWTOR is 5 years old, are you going to stop playing it if it lasts that long?


    And I don't know what game you're playing, but SWTOR isn't exactly that difficult of a game either.

  4. Yes...because they've done a smashing job of upkeeping the servers. Seriously, how many servers are dead or dying, but they won't let the people on them transfer without paying? Then you have all the bugs still in the game. Plenty of threads about those. Still think that's what the sub money is going towards?


    The last xpac charged for beyond sub money was SoR and 3.0, and people really need to stop kidding themselves that KotFE was "free". Bioware went to this model precisely to keep subs running rather than see a large spike and then nothing. It had nothing to do with "other content", you know, that stuff they don't care about anymore.


    Retaining players(in the game, or on the servers) isn't the same as server upkeep(as in, the servers are able to be played on). And yea, they should be merging servers, or giving us cross server queues. No freakin' idea why they haven't yet.


    I won't disagree with you about bugs, that is part of what the sub should be paying for.


    Ah, OK. I wasn't around for SoR, I left the game for a bit before it was released. I came back for KotFE, and don't remember if I had to pay anything extra beyond renewing my sub. I only referenced the last one that I knew for sure that I paid for. Thanks for the clarification.


    I, personally, never tried to say that KotFE was free, I know it's worked into my sub fee. But I'm not going to say that my sub is ONLY paying for KotFE. I pay the sub for access to the game, and to pay for game upkeep, server upkeep, devs paychecks, etc..., since I don't spend money on CC. Yes, I do think they need to do more for the game, give more/better content, but I am using their service because I do enjoy playing what's available right now, so I'm going to pay for it. When I stop enjoying it, I will leave and end my sub.


    They need to spend less time on Cartel Market **** and more time on actual game **** , which is why I pay sub but don't buy CC.

  5. That's the problem though. The main reason sub exists is to finance development of future content - not to keep servers running. Since I don't see value in the content they develop i choose to vote with my wallet. For all the stuff we have now we have paid 10x its development so i don't feel any moral obligation to pay for it.


    The sub pays for upkeep of the game, keeps the servers running, and helps pay for future content(in games that don't charge for expacs, SWTOR used to charge for expacs but I think it stopped that with RotHC :p ).


    Now I'm not saying this to say you have to pay if you're playing, the game offers ways for people to play without paying. I'm saying this because you're not entirely correct on what the sub pays for. I know they get quite a bit of revenue from CCs, but not everyone that plays this game is buying CCs. I know I haven't bought CCs for a while, so I contribute to the game through my sub.

  6. Pvp you can play without pass if you have a sub guildmate. For some people i guess the credit limit is a big problem but i don't play on gtn. The only consumables really needed are ops passes. And without new ops i don't think it's worth it. So in reality the only thing sub gives me access is the next story.


    I don't play on the GTN that much either, but being restricted to just a few hundred thousand credits does keep me from being preferred. Also, being restricted to the number of characters I can have "active" at one time. I solo PvP most of the time, so that keeps me subbed too. I don't do OPs, probably won't ever do them, so that's not really an enticement for me either way :p The HK sub rewards were meh to OK(my favorite so far is the poster decor item lol ), and weren't why I stayed subbed. IDK, I just feel that if I'm using a service that someone is providing to me, that someone has to work to keep up(regardless of how lackluster the updates have been, the game does still need to make money to keep the lights on), if I'm getting enjoyment out of it I will pay for it. And having a sub, to me, is cheaper(time, money, effort) in the long run than scrambling to use the crap they provide for F2P/Preferred so they can have access to what ever it is they like to do.

  7. Why should we have to pay a monthly upkeep for this game when many other genres offer the same services for a one time payment?


    The guy asked why should we pay a sub and only get ~1 hour of story, and I was pointing out that the sub pays for more than just access to the expansion.


    Don't pay if you don't want to, there are ways to obtain access to the game through unlocks and consumables. But for people that don't want to waste time/credits/CC on that, they will pay the sub fee. While many other games offer a one time pay to have full access for the life of the game, there are still others that have a sub model.


    I don't know anything about B2P games, can you point out some? Are they MMO's? Are they good quality? After paying that one time fee for the game itself, is there anything else you need to buy at all for access to the game, or does that one time price give you full access?

  8. Or a pack of cigarettes. Still, the question remains - why sub at all? Why give them $15 a month if all we got for that is ~1 hour long mediocre story when you can just watch that story on youtube for free.

    Because your subscription pays for more than just access to the expansion. It also gives you full access to the game, without having to constantly buy and use unlocks/consumables to let you do so.

  9. Meh, I've been in plenty of warzones on a team with sub-30's vs 30s+, and we won or had very close losses. And on the same token, have had plenty of spectacular losses with them too. But then again, that's happened when I've been on a team with 30s+ too. It's not their levels that makes it a bad team, it's the players behind the chars.
  10. good. I'm sick of this lowbie **** in the first place.


    Or you could just not do it until you yourself hit lvl 20-25, and let it for people that do like to do lowbie pvp before they hit lvl 20-25.


    And as I mentioned earlier, it's not like they are staying in the bottom of the tier for very long anyway. If they do the Intro quest and the Daily quest, you get 7 levels from them.

  11. They definitely need to do something, not an arbitrary credit swipe though.


    I mean for Christ's sake the only Defiant Vented Sabers on the Ebon Hawk GTN are 75 mill and 150 mill each, which is absolute insanity.


    Yea, the RNG is ridiculous. IDK, maybe I'm looking back on past boxes with idealistic rose colored glasses, but I don't remember it being this horrendous to get the rarer items :confused:


    You're ignoring the most important part of this: the player, seller in this case


    Some people keep prices high artificially by limiting supply.

    Buyers share some of the blame here too. If there weren't people willing to pay those ridiculous prices, then the sellers wouldn't be able to keep the prices high.

  12. TH boxes no longer give credits


    Heh, that's funny. One person was crying about them wrecking the economy because of the credits, and now someone is crying about them wrecking the economy because they don't give credits anymore.


    As for some items being on the AH for insane amounts, maybe the sellers aren't trying to sell them, but instead are bragging about how many of them they have. When I was still on the Bastion, there was a player that was doing that, listing a bunch of rare items for stupid amounts just to show off what he had.

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