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Posts posted by beattlebilly

  1. not my problem, a game that has 5 years+ in game time shouldnt have a problem like this. Hence the "get 500 complimentary coins every month" is a, hey its free you'll get it when you get it. This way of thinking is why everyone is angry at BW and EA. They dont care.


    I've had this issue before and have submitted a ticket, and I gave you the info they gave me. There's a few days time period that they have to put the coins in the account. Going over by a couple of days is the way the system is set up. If it goes over by close to a week, it's broken. **** happens dude. If you always quit a game or a company because you run into a problem, you're always going to be leaving because everyone has issues like this, and their time doesn't make them immune to them magically.

  2. 2 days and counting since my ticket. Definitely will NOT be subbing again. They don't care, just the money.

    They're swamped with the new release. To which dI'd you send the ticket? Billing or general?


    Plus it's the weekend.


    Arcana, when you look in your Cartel Coins section of your account, what days have you gotten your coins? The day you get your coins isn't always the same day you paid your sub. I get my coins around the 3rd of the month, even though I pay my sub around the 27th. The day you get your coins is sometimes pushed to a different date because of past times they've had issues with it, so it resets the time to when they fixed the issue, and not necessarily back to your sub date.

  3. I think I am gonna ask a obvious question... why saturday? Saturday is the day off for most people. Now people on their day off cannot play your game Tait! I for one am kinda pissed you do maintenance at this day. Just do it tomorrow please.


    Also please consider changing CXP and the valor rank idiocy from cosmetic weaons PLEASE.


    The maintenance isn't going to take all day. It's scheduled to take 3hrs in the morning.

  4. the real exploit is getting rewards for losing in pvp. why does every pvper get a participation trophy even if they lose?


    Because they don't give the rewards as you earn medals in the match until the match ends. Even if you lose, you still did some effort to gain exp, credits, medals. In a PvE encounter you get the rewards as you finish each encounter or bonus. You kill a group of mobs or a boss, you get the reward, it doesn't wait for you to finish the FP/OPS/Uprising to give you the rewards you accrued. Unlike in PvP, you have to finish out the match to get the rewards for what you've accomplished during the match.

  5. Can we pleash have more thigh high boots?


    Yes, there's ridiculously RNG'ed and priced on the GTN Satele Shan boots. But they don't dye very well(silly gold trim, and the buckle straps for the armor plating don't dye) and we have enough knee pads in this game already.


    And no, there are no other alternatives in the game. Calf boots with a front flap that sticks up above the knees don't count :p

  6. Doubt they will so that. What I see would happen is people would be trying to combine set bonuses from different sets together. Like a set bonus from two different dps set bonus or a healer bonus with a tank bonus. Basically bringing back hybrids which is why they removed talent trees to begin with.


    Make the set bonuses abilities you can only use if you are that specific AC. Not all healing or tank abilities are available to DPS, not all DPS abilities are available to tank or heals. Not all of the DPS AC's use the same DPS abilities either.

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