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Posts posted by Illidor

  1. Shh don't tell people these secrets, they might L2P.


    God forbid that happening.


    Yeah, I definitely wanted to target that guy right behind me or to my sides, instead of the one I am facing. Definitely.


    No one in their right mind can possibly defend the targeting system in this game. It is horrific.


    Tab should cycle between the targets your character is currently facing, period. Not the guy somewhere off the screen. I love hitting tab 3-4 times before I can select the ball carrier RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

  2. After 50 there are two things you have an incentive to do Waku.


    1. Run Flashpoints

    2. Repeat the same dailies over and over again on Illum and Belsavis.


    That's oversimplifying things a bit, don't you think?


    1. Flashpoints

    2. Operations

    3. PvP

    4. Dailies

    5. Level alts to experience the different class stories.


    Not all 5 of those will appeal to everyone, and that's fine.


    I don't mean this as a troll post, but what sort of end game content do people want?


    Even in WoW there isn't much more than the above. Yes, WoW has LFD, LFR and Arenas, providing more ways to experience said end game content, but in the end it boils down to pretty much the same thing.


    So let's try to make this a little more constructive, answer this: what kind of end game content would make the game fun for you at 50 and keep you entertained for weeks if not months?

  3. maybe the point is it shouldnt take three people to kill one?

    me: i disagree with nerfing healers as a whole. just a certain one. . .>.>


    It doesn't take 3 people to kill a healer, whether it be a mercenary, operative, or sorcerer.


    And if we're talking about killing a healer with guard and taunts that's getting peels, then maybe try some teamwork.


    I've been bursted down in 2-3 seconds by coordinates teams. Healers in this game as squishy enough as it is. It just boggles my mind that anyone can think they're too strong.

  4. I agree on this. I see healers just easy outheal 3 v 1. Even using interrupt doesnt help to much since they just take another skill.


    What game are you people that post crap like this playing?


    No healer will outheal 3 dps that focus someone. They just won't.

  5. l2play? get better gear? I crit for 5800 in warzones


    Not with Trauma you don't.


    The medal is easy to get as a Corruption Sorcerer though. After a death, wait for Trauma to fade away, get yourself to 50% or so with Consumption, pop Recklessness and whatever power or surge relic you have, and Dark Infusion should crit for 5k easy.


    Oh, and a pet peeve of mine, PLEASE do not do this at the start of the match. Do it when the downtime won't hurt your team, such as after a death when you're waiting for the door to open, or when you're guarding a node in Alderaan.

  6. I love people who constantly bring up WoW's "overpowered healers".


    Stacking healers in BGs is OP in WoW. That's it. Try playing a Disc Priest and going against a TSG, and tell me healing is OP.


    To get back on topic, I struggled with healing in SWTOR at first. It did seem like healing was utterly useless, and it still does seem that way at times, but in the end it's simply a different game. There's a lot more reliance on your team keeping you alive, tanks guarding you and taunting off you, etc. It can be utterly maddening when you're grouped with idiots who just chase kills all over the map and couldn't care less about protecting their healers, but on the other hand, it's quite fun when you have a balanced group that knows what it's doing.

  7. Playing on a server with a heavy Empire population, I'm currently using 27/12/2.


    Just curious what other specs PvP healers are going with. I started with 31/8/2, but seeing as I play Huttball 80% of the time, the Overload root seems much more useful than Revivification, even if I lose 6% healing.

  8. Source? Did yellow posters said anything about that sort of thing being implemented? If that's the case then I welcome cross-servers wz cause everyone would be happy but if that's an urban legend and nothing more then there definately should be implemented an option to choose whether you want to group with people from other servers or stick to your own.




    Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


    Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.

  9. Funny, it did exact opposite in WoW.


    Are you kidding me?


    On my server you use to know all the horde players as alliance, as you always saw them in BGs. When cross-server BGs were added, that simply stopped being the case. Any rivalry or sense of community vanished.

  10. Cross server ranked warzones is the only way to ever get remotley even games. The "pro"pubstomper premades get to face others of the same instead of crappy noobs.


    Nothing wrong with cross-server ranked warzones, as I assume you still have to field a full team from your own server.


    The OP's points regarding non-ranked cross-server warzones, however, are completely valid.


    To add to this, I love zoning into a warzone and seeing a bunch of familiar names. It would be a real shame to lose this.


    Now, to be fair, Gabe did say that "With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server", so it will really depend on how well this works.

  11. I do not care for cross server warzones. I like to look across and see enemy players I recognize. I just don't care for fighting random players we probably will not see again or not see for a very long time.


    I agree that this is a serious concern. The response that the cross-server queue system will still attempt to match players from the same server is encouraging, but it really depends on how well it works.


    After playing enough warzones, you see a lot of players over and over and it helps build a sense of community. It would be unfortunate to lose this.

  12. My last win of 2 that somehow counted for 3 was a 6-0 Huttball win, so that theory's out. Folks in the match were worried about it too, but it was fine for me. I've had it count before as well. I think we're still out on a common theme besides poor coding and dev->patch note writer communication.


    Hrm, okay, thanks. I know in this specific example, we were up 5-1 and just holding it to let the time run out, when two douchebags grabbed the ball despite repeated warnings not to score, and decided to "test the theory". The win did not count.

  13. Just had someone say this in ops chat, and it seems to hold true so far:


    If you score 6 points to win Huttball, it will not count towards the daily. If you win by having a lead as the time runs out, then it works fine. I don't know if there are other situations that make it break, but seems to be one of them.


    When it bugs out, no one on the team gets credit. It has nothing to do with tracking or not tracking the quest, or whatever other workarounds people have been suggesting.

  14. Are you aware of the resolve bar?


    Resolve needs to do more.


    Applying DR on subsequent CC depending on the amount of resolve would be a good start.


    You could make it similar to WoW DR, but based on resolve, and have the duration reduced by the amount of resolve you currently have.


    25% resolve = next CC lasts 75% of normal duration

    50% resolve = next CC lasts 50% of normal duration

    75% resolve = next CC lasts 25% of normal duration


    If that is too much, you could make resolve reduce the duration of next CC up to 50%, so:


    25% resolve = next CC lasts 87.5% of normal duration

    50% resolve = next CC lasts 75% of normal duration

    75% resolve = next CC lasts 62.5% of normal duration


    Something along those lines, numbers can obviously be tweaked.

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