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Everything posted by uziforyou

  1. Apparently from the customer perspective, this is true of every game developer. Every MMO I've ever played from DOAC, EQ, WoW and several others, this is always a complaint from the playerbase. I'm not really sure what they can do to address it since its purely a subjective view of individuals and they will NEVER all be pleased.
  2. Because some people (OP included obviously) feel better if they can get others onboard with their take on things. You know, misery loves company kind of thing.
  3. Well, thanks for making yet another pleasant read in the SWTOR forums. As another responder said, goodbye, good riddance and don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
  4. Word. Scum and Villany isn't a new operation, it's all the posters that have nothing to say but to whine and complain incessantly about SOMETHING, anything.
  5. You have to unlock them all to get the one hour CD. You do have the ability already 'Priority Transport: Personal Starship' right? I ask this because people will go in, purchase all the CD reducers and then complain that it's not working because they never purchased the core ability that those CD's effect.
  6. Exactly. This was a cave in to people complaining about having to endure the flight time from point A to point B. A silly complaint in my mind but obviously not to everyone.
  7. I suppose it's possible that it's not affecting everyone but there have been several posts in these forums on the topic. I personally have experienced it many times where you click an ability button or hit a keybind and the ability takes a second or two to actually go off or doesn't go off at all. At first I attributed it to server latency but it's happened so many times where my latency is basically nil (<50MS) that I know at this point it has nothing to do with latency. And I'm one of many players to experience this. EDIT: And no, said abilities were not on any CD global or otherwise. So that's not it either.
  8. I see where you're going but I don't see how they'd make it work without gimping the mechanics of how the FP's/OPS work. Probably of more concern though is that while this might increase the number of tanks available, the tanks it would attract are already the ones you don't want in there with you because they have a dps spec and/or gear or have no clue how to actually tank, they just queued as tank to get in a group faster.
  9. Sadly, from EA/Bioware's perspective this is a no-win situation. They can keep it the way it is and there will be people unsatisfied like the OP because they feel there's not enough 'goodies' to entice them to run these FP's. On the other hand if they did increase the quality of loot, increase the number of comms that dropped etc., guaranteed there'd be posts in here about gearing up being too easy and happening too quickly. As I said, a no-win situation.
  10. So, you're saying if somebody purchases a gift card for say a restaurant, you'll be unhappy because you don't get to decide what you'll spend it on?! I'm glad I don't have to shop for your ungrateful attitude. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth...............
  11. Everyone knows they're bumping a thread about the game being boring that is coming up on being a year old, right?
  12. Obviously this is entirely opinion but I would disagree. I have and actively play every basic role in SWTOR (although my preferred role in groups is heals). To me most challenging to play in order from most to least is tank, healer, dps. Understand when I say challenging I'm talking about playing each of these roles well. Any of them can be played but playing each well is a different animal. Tanks never get enough credit for what they do. The difference between a good one and a so-so or bad one is immediately apparent from a healers perspective, yet they are little things; grabbing the strongest mob first, turning a mob away from the group because of an AoE they do, noticing when they've lost aggro on mob that is now on the healer (or dps) and grabbing them back, being careful not to break CC's etc. There's a lot of situational awareness required to be effective, more so than other roles. Heals is bit easier to play effectively as long as you're good at knowing where you're at, where the rest of the group is at and what everyone is doing while at the same time watching health bars for debuffs that need cleansing, who is the highest priority heal at the moment etc. DPS while the easiest role in my opinion is actually more challenging in this game than other MMO's. Generally as DPS you can't go wrong with attacking the tanks target. But in this game that isn't necessarily true because of the makeup of mob packs. The tank should be grabbing the gold and elite mobs while the dps burn down the standard and weak mobs first. While this SEEMS simple its something that is often messed up by DPS in groups and those normal/weak mobs end up on the healer. I enjoy all the roles because they do function differently from other MMO's I've played. As I said, I freely admit what one considers harder to play is purly a matter of taste or opinion.
  13. Albert Einstein once said "Anything asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
  14. You're correct, Bioware does not care about PvP and rightly so. They know that no matter what they do, people will find something to complain about. This is especially true of PvP where the saying "A happy PvP'er is a complaining PvP'er" is right on the money. If we could only harness the energy PvP'ers put into complaining we could significantly reduce our reliance on oil?
  15. Agree with this 100% I have no sympathy for people that rush to level cap, rush to gear up, rush to reputation cap etc. and then come to the forums and whine there's nothing to do, that the xpac didn't have enough in it, you name it. As far as I'm concerned they can go away and never come back. The vast majority of the player base is still enjoying what Makeb brought to the game. If you exhausted it so quickly you have no one but yourself to blame.
  16. This. Peoples sense of entitlement astounds once again.
  17. Are you talking a kinetic spec with dps gear? I ask because on the surface it doesn't seem like that would work considering you wouldn't be taking full advantage of talents and gear that increase shield chance and absorption. I'm not saying you're wrong. I've never tried it. It just seems counter intuitive.
  18. 3 level 55's in item level 72 gear........already! Your name is appropriate, I'm envious. On another note, you have way too much time on your hands. You need to find a girl friend mate.
  19. Hmm, a picture? I'll give it a go today.
  20. I loved the mission lines attached to the seeker driod and binoculars. I had no trouble while searching for seeds in the introductory missions. So I know how to use the seeker droid. Having said that, in practice the seeker droid is a royal pain when trying to accomplish dailies. You go into an area to search, you get the message that your droid has detected something in the area, you deploy said droid, find nothing and get ziltch for a direction to head to continue to search. Okay, I can deal with that. So you reposition, drop your droid, find nothing or find a piece of trash, whatever. This time you get half a green circle pointing to your left. You move a moderate distance in that direction, deploy your droid and now you have a quarter green circle pointing in some direction. You move a small distance in that direction, deploy your droid, find nothing and now are told there's nothing in range of detection! What? And this scenario is repeated over, and over, and over. Finally, seemingly at random you find one of the three items you need after searching for 20 minutes. And this while using the buff items for increasing the search radius for your droid. I love having something to do other than dailies to 'kill x number of things' but come on, this is just a little too frustrating for one smeesily basic commendation. Can we have seeker droid directional signals be just a bit more reliable? Just a bit?
  21. Because they said so. It's their game, they do as they please.
  22. Ahh, another call to action from players who are 'owed' an answer. Don't hold your breath. I'm pretty sure EA/Bioware's attitude is that they owe you nothing except access to their game as long as you pay.
  23. Indeed. It's like complaining about an entire meal after eating half the main course. It appears to me the OP had their mind made up about this update before it ever came out and then immediately started looking for data to back up the preconception.
  24. I'm sure that last line was very clever but you're obviously smarter than I am because I have no clue what it's about. An attempt to make light of the doom and gloom nature of the OP?
  25. 85% of all statistics are made up on the spot.............or so I've heard. Many people (I doubt it's 90% but that's just a guess, much like the quoted poster's 'data') do skip dialogue but that's mostly becuase they've heard it many times over. A lot of people (how many? don't know) do listen to dialogue the first time through because unlike a lot of games there's actually a story to this one. In fact, it's really the ONLY thing that's truly different about SWTOR. Frankly, as a player if you've never listened to the dialogue as least the first time through, you've missed out on the only truly unique thing about SWTOR and that's a shame.
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