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Everything posted by SowanutZ

  1. google 'taugrim mmo keybind'...or click this here link http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/
  2. Brah, u into stocks? seems to me like youve got killer instinct
  3. players like Gigarye are the worst kind of players. theyre bad. fine. but they are all about beating their own drums when they talk about how great they are, refuse to take advice, and do the same retarded things over and over and over again.
  4. hop in during the day. im clearing outta the army and staying at a buds house so i havent been on much. i also get up at 4 am to lift cuz im getting yoked now. u n combat should come to bastion hahahaha
  5. Makks u misspelled bastion in ur sig dude
  6. SowanutZ


    pub side ftw! the fleets nicer http://i.imgur.com/WO8TP64.jpg
  7. This servers just fine. Admittedly the imps tend to win more often but if you don't suck and make friends, roll a rep premade and you'll do fine.
  8. hahaha he called him a neckbeard
  9. Dang Going, such anger. when i flame ret ards and get a dubmsas response, i just blow it off and try to remember the next unresolved childhood conflict i can take out on someone. http://imgur.com/IBRxToF
  10. people can run w/e they want, ultimately people let ranked die cuz in 4v4s theres no denying the fact that youre either 1. good and can pull your weight or 2. as bad as the trolls said you were and are now faced to admit it cuz this isnt an 8v8 warzone and theres nobody to carry you. problem is, the bads stopped doing them cuz theyre bad and the goods stopped doing them to protect their ratings
  11. heres the hierarchy. 1. ranked 2. regs 3. PVE 4. CS
  12. answer ur gØddman fone! i had a layover in RVA today and u 2 screwballs didnt answer!
  13. dont get mad and take shots at others just cuz you suck
  14. p5? fμck thatttttttt s!htttttttt bastion ftw scrub
  15. bof factions idiet. ive been told i suck a mean d¡ck, i'm not above doing it again
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