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Everything posted by Arstechnica

  1. Would love to see an option to buy a cartel single time use character class respect tool. This one time use item will allow you to respect into an entirely different class, while maintaining the current level.
  2. Don’t mean to high jack the post, but consider adding Chef for a profession for a variety of buffs. I want to be SWTOR version of a sushi master chef.
  3. That rotation is fine in PVE but in PVP, take position and cover first. Once they leap on you it’s hard to recover.
  4. Sounds really cool and game changing. It sounds as though we will be able to use an armor set for any class on a particular legacy - can someone verify this. Meaning my Sniper armor gear set will give the dps set bonus for Operative depending on the spec.
  5. Just give me back knock down. Return operatives back to glory.
  6. Not sure if this is already in game, but would be nice for the game to remember or allow us to save configuration of character after a respec. These are new times since the good old days, today's environment requires players to swap different roles if they want to be invited in an OPS. This rapid change out can happen anytime and may require a very fast switch to healer, dps, or tank. If you want put this item in your Cartel Market, I’ll pay good $$$$ and love you long time.
  7. I like toxic haze better then then the old way of spreading dots with the knives, the old way had a very high failure rate. I think they should just remove knives, remove the need for TA to use Haze and just put it on a reasonable timer.
  8. Wow, very cool. They really need to implement this in game to Galactic Trade Network some real feel. To take it a step further, allow players to invest in stocks that track the raw materials; maybe even short a stock or buy options.
  9. Would be neat if they could add information similar to the stock market to track the buy and sell of items to show what materials or items are in demand or not. Could add a chart that tracks the buy and sell each day that could be displayed just like a stock chart. I believe EVE online has this very same system on their game since launch and thar game is much older than SWTOR. I think this would add another uniqueness to a very fun game that I already love to play!
  10. All this sounds great! I have a request about adding a visual animation while you are changing the DPS of the set bonus. There is a visual animation for the Mercenary where he hunches over and launches a rocket out of his back pack, not sure what commandos do; but is it possible to implement this animation to the DPS rotation we currently have? Thanks.
  11. I made a female operative because hearing her giggle gives me a chubby.
  12. I think one possibility is to either allow the acid grenade or the toxic haze spread the corrosive dot and bring back acid blade animation to concealment.
  13. Forum administrator please make this guide a sticky!!!
  14. Very good guide! Really enjoyed the Operative vs Other class portion. I can definitely tell that you know how to play this class and will definitely frequent this guide! Any plans on doing Lethality or Combat Medic? Thanks for sharing this very well written guide!
  15. I would just grind your toon to 70. Work our way out of the gutters/ditches, keep doing all PVP dailies and do a lot of SM Ops. When you get 242 gear, you can start doing HM ops to get 248. Save all unassembled to buy main and off hand Gemini gear. When you get to Tier 4 (300 GCW rank) you can RNG purple Gemini gear.
  16. I remember when the game first started Fusion missile animation was the default animation for the current animation on Tracer missiles. Personally I really like the way the rotation looks with the arsenal mercenary bracing for the missile to launch off his/her back. Dev: Is it possible to rework the code to allow the animation of Fusion missile to be the "non moving or rooted" form of Tracer missile and keep the current Tracer missiles to be mobile form? In combat, I love seeing Merc use Fusion missiles in PVP. The aoe damage it does is not very impressive, but the animation and the explosion looks awesome. I really want to see this more in PVP. Please make it apart of the Arsenal rotation.
  17. Ops are overpowered? LOL. I guess everything is relative, when skill is involved. I have been in a funny situation where a bunch of guys were stuck at a camp for 5 days. Very quickly as the days dragged on, girls that where a solid 5 on a scale of 10, got a big buff on the 4th day to 9 and 10, fast.
  18. I tend to agree with those in favor of Arsenal vs MM. I played each one in every type of content right when servers went live. I measured one thing, my enjoyment level of the rotation and dynamics of the class in PVE and PVP - winning or losing. I gave Arsenal a 9/10 and MM 8/10. Some situations MM was very nice, but overall I think I am going Arsenal. Thanks for sharing your experience with the two.
  19. This is unacceptable. We pay you guys to be professionals, to perform a patch means doing all the necessary implementations to avoid screw ups going live. Either you are professionals or you are not. Compensation for this needs to be in the form of money, in this case cartel coins; 1000 - 2000, would be bare minimum for the error on your part!
  20. I would love to see my little mouse droid and probe bot fight in combat along me and my companion. Not asking for a dps boost, just a visual combat state of the pet when the owner is in combat or is healing.
  21. You guys owe us a free character name change and guild name change.
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