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Everything posted by TheGawdfather

  1. Two Birds on Cup, err stone. Well played Sir, well played.
  2. STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM. I'm a spergy fanboy. I have to tone it down to post in the best forum on the internet, even then I'm at the ****post line.
  3. Good Guy/ Bad Guy Test: Does the end justify the means? YES: Bad Guy Depends: Grey Guy No: Good Guy
  4. But BUT MOM Count on going to a discount Nursing home when it's time, you old bat.
  5. Hmm you may want to go to the Doctor and schedule a CAT scan. That sounds like a serious condition you have there. There aren't even any letters in common.
  6. I speak far too quickly for that. Think Blur from the Transformers Cartoon.
  7. Call it sweator, just once, Come on. It feels so good.
  8. Yep, I'm not even really mad at gamestop. I'm looking forward to playing this game without my characters being welped.
  9. After hanging on these forums, you may want to get that checked again. I lost 20 points from reading "ur". Why? It's a total mystery.
  10. I was having CTDs about every hour/45mins. I hope I don't have that issue after launch. There was no crash log to speak of, just a CTD.
  11. No it uses your computer and internet, you silly girl. Honestly, I think it's a dual core thing tbh.
  12. Your sig gives you away COMERADE, Just say NO....To Communism. It's a really fun game to play..........KOMERADE. lol
  13. wow This guy is from........ THE FUTURE well really it's the current time.
  14. I'm thinking of Implementing the "IMPORTANT DIALOGUE MOMENT" hand Law, during an "IMPORTANT DIALOGUE MOMENT" I'll simply Raise my hand in such a way that tells my loved ones, Quiet, Important Video Game time. I'm fairly sure I won't have to do it long as Divorce should just about free me from such issues.
  15. Thank you I'll remember the difference between Cue and Queue forever now.
  16. To be fair, it's barely launching currently, let's see how they progress. Also, companions and the story are fairly innovative. They're not Discovering Fire mind you, but the game does have innovative gameplay.
  17. Airwin, you're a fairly solid guy, and yeah Kudos for the stones.
  18. I hope you learned a little lesson. Patience is a Virtue. Do you know why it is? Because when you're patient, you don't freak out and make an *** of yourself.
  19. I feel your pain my brother, Bioware kicked my door in, shot my Wife and ***** my Dog. I blame Blizzard, and that GW2 game.
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