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Everything posted by WeppsSWG

  1. After making level 50 yesterday with my primary character, a Bounty Hunter (and perhaps you can read this from that perspective), I'd like to make the following comments... I - I have never felt like a solid character from day one. Until now. From the get-go, this character had the feel of being a Bounty Hunter. The story-progression written for it, the game play itself, the look and the mechanics of fighting ALL lead me to congratulate you on a FINE MMO! Having played MMOs since Everquest, I've never had so much fun in the level 1-50 progression hahaha. I can't express enough how Bioware has followed through on an excellent product as advertised. - (Admittedly, I'm very cynical when it comes to game designers. Even Bioware did not have my stamp of approval before this. This is not the ultimate expression of old-style MMO gaming, that's Rift. THIS...is a whole new ball game. This is a leap forward in MMO design. The bar has now been significantly raised by Bioware, and the gauntlet has been thrown down in challenge. It makes me wonder who will pick up that challenge, and how.) Okay now for the negative criticism. II - At level 50 I'm tasked to head to Ilum for the next set of stories. After a couple failures, I find myself stuck in the storyline. My character is now gated until certain quests are fixed. But also at 50, it's time to re-equip. After a speeder and level III license, and tons of training, I'm still yet to do that. In other words, I need money. So...as the galaxy's greatest Bounty Hunter, I expect to be offered choices of which bounties to take in order to secure my credits. At 50, I had secured, after all was said and done, roughly 1.1 million credits. That was quickly reduced to under 600k. Now this is a sticky point, because every class should have post-50 game play decided by their profession of choice. This has ALWAYS been the case, but it seems in this particular case we once again fail to deliver. AS a Bounty Hunter (or Smuggler, or whatnot), I expect to be most rewarded while taking part in what is my character's choice of profession. In all the game play, my biggest reward should come from hunting bounties, at least credit-wise. That really should go without saying, but it always seems developers never get this point. III - As a result of II above, I'm reduced to scavenging, bioanalysis, and slicing to make the greatest portion of my credits. Now follow me on this - Ilum sucks for these. It's mostly devoid of resources in any form. So after being stuck in story progression, no bounties to hunt, and little reward for being there otherwise, it was time after a day get off that rock. But now what? There's nothing left to do. I'm a Bounty Hunter remember. I expect to be compensated. Well all that said, my task now is to achieve enough credits that I can re-equip, re-equip my companions, get some of their affection up, and after all THIS, I need to build credits again to respec my crew skills in order to craft useful items. I still have a long way to go, but a sudden lack of desire to achieve the end of that road. Conclusion - Perhaps a focus on redesign of the end-game to accomodate the given player's choice of profession, as the end-game reward for all that 'hard work'. I'm a Smuggler, I expect to smuggle for a living. I'm a Trooper, I expect to take part in battles with the Empire. And so on and so forth. Each character should have it's largest credit rewards designed for it in the end-game....based upon what it does for a living. That's the whole point! And now I'm off.
  2. LULZ http://www.snorgtees.com/alderaan-5-day-forecast?utm_source=FB&utm_medium=B&utm_content=alderaanforecast_1&utm_campaign=FBFlier
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu7Bwso_ohE
  4. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/543267/Betty+White+Jedi+Master/
  5. Post patch, I was dumped to desktop off the fleet station. Just so you know. If other players have experienced this, it might be good to remark about it.
  6. Well, I reached level 27 with my Bounty Hunter and was dismayed that I only had 6,600 credits to my name after all-told. So I dropped cyber and others and picked up Slicing, Bioanalysis and kept Scavenging. By the end of the next day, I had 125,000 credits. This included 2 levels of fighting, and constant crew missions out to slice, and putting everything I got in drops that were decent and all crafting materials up on the market. Then, of course, I trained and re-equipped at 29 and that dropped me back to 80k.
  7. Slicing returns money immediately. Just collect lock boxes and keep sending your crew out.
  8. Here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=530
  9. Mine has Biochem, Bioanalysis, Diplomacy.
  10. I don't know why I woke up this morning with the attitude that I would build an Agent, and use the character to report bugs I find. I abandoned the idea after running into so many I couldn't progress. But there were enough to get me killed a few times in the process. Made level 10 and had to go through the tons of missions just to talk to the advanced trainer, which was not adequately explained in the progression sequence, and now it won't even let me buy a social token at the cantina. The explanation is fruitless to try to figure out. Can you sense my frustration? Ah well. Hope the bug reports help. Merry Christmas!
  11. They are available to all characters. They sure do take up a lot of inventory space though, anybody have a solution to that?
  12. I did get a warning. But when I first logged in 5 days before launch, somebody drove by me with one. Checked his level as 25, and looked it up....40k for license, 8k for speeder. We get a free speeder anyway with the pre-order. Since that point, every time I spent money accidently on something stupid I literally kicked myself. But right now I'm at 23 with my primary, and 50k credits. I should be okay. To those looking here, save your money.
  13. It's bugged. They are looking into it. If you can't wait, get Gamecrafting and use the plastic to make your own
  14. It's like day 2. Let's at least wait for the first decent patch.
  15. Doesn't always help to read the answers. I'm very meticulous with this, and often enough I choose what I feel is a darkside answer and get lightside points for it.
  16. Apparently the Pre-order code for early access no longer applies. Okay we all know that now. I didn't when I got home from work. Suddenly I was denied access. After calling EA support, and talking to a polite and knowledgeable representative, I was given the (missing) Product Registration Code. Here comes the odd part - he sent me an email with the PRC on it. No...it wasn't, it was the pre-order code again. The invalid one? I told him so. No....he is looking at it, it's the number UNDER the pre-order code. On the email he sent, there was no number under the pre-order code. He saw it, he was looking at it. I don't see it. There is nothing there. Weird eh? More drama for the dramatic.
  17. With sprint, you'll be able to get in trouble 35% faster.
  18. Even the advice is a natural thing to do in time.
  19. I don't get that. What I get is the sudden eternally-running issue. No matter what I do I can't stop. Eventually have to log out.
  20. I never had this happen, but I had a good one happen today. Was working on my Great Hunt and killed Imperial security in a building in the capital, after which i was required to open the door by clicking the glowing panel. Unfortunately, my character started running and nothing I did would stop him. Eventually I had to relog.
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