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Everything posted by CygnisJunior

  1. You get 5 stars good sir. Why does no one else vote on these damn forums
  2. Logged in to give 5 stars. Why on earth this is a 3.67 rating at the moment I have no idea.
  3. So...confusing...just...don't click it! It should only belong on RP servers?! ALL DIALOGUE OPTIONS ARE RP. If you don't like to RP anyway, think of the flirt option as the "press number 3 and watch companion affection increase" button, and continue to spacebar through the dialogue. Who cares if code and pixels supposedly "flirt" back with you then?
  4. I don't share my opinions too much on these forums, and I know this is a billion pages back so no one will ever see it. However I feel the burning desire to say if you think grinding and freakin' FISHING are end game content, perhaps this is not the mmo for you! I figured this mmo was supposed to get rid of all of that unnecessary content and just allow players to focus on the fun aspects of the game. And actually a bunch of mastercraft gear is better itemized than columi. Go browse the auction house for those, or go grab a new crafting profession and grind out mastercrafts yourself!
  5. And you assume the people complaining about getting groups together are the same people who are filtering out melee dps because...? They happen to post on the same forum? Also, melee dpsers can dodge stuff while they attack because most of their attacks are instant. Not so with ranged!
  6. What you calculated was the probability that 11 smuggler jackets dropped AND THEN 2 more dropped. This is deceptive, as the chests need not drop in that order. You didn't account for all possible permutations in which these events could happen, making it seem way smaller than it should be. Your answer should be multiplied by 13 choose 2 (i.e. choosing 2 spots out of to place the non-smuggler jacket in the ordering), or 78. Still unlikely, but 78x more probable than the answer you gave
  7. You actually get 15k xp per quest when you level their affection in a timely manner. Also having 10000 affection makes your companions do missions faster (though not by much, maybe 20% faster)
  8. Dresselian http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dressellian Industrial level technology, so they run around using muskets. Hell yeah. Plus they're very "human", so they fit with all the romance options.
  9. Whats wrong with AP for PvE? It does about 500 damage more than ion pulse, so if you toss that into your rotation instead of the occasional ion pulse it provides an extra 30 dps in the long run, which is an extra ~3% for just a single talent point. Is there something I'm missing?
  10. I was wondering this myself the other day, so I kept my eye on it. It always ticks 3 times, even if I'm being beaten on by 5 guys.
  11. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801G0GrdorogzZMsbZb.1 This is mine. This gives you the maximum mitigation you can get from talents, and I opted for Heavy Stock and Blaster Augs over 3% endurance to help with threat /damage for when I need to switch to dps gear in ops.
  12. It could take FAR longer to get places in WoW... Just as an example, I remember the flight path from Winterspring to Tanaris was over 20 minutes. I guarantee I have the crappiest computer in this thread, and I bet I can get anywhere in the galaxy within 10 minutes no matter where I am, and probably more like 5.
  13. What am I paying you for? Get back to work! *cracks whip*
  14. There is a limit to how far "skill" will take you in an operations setting. If I spec half way between PvP and PvE as a tank, the PvE tank right next to me will take ~5-10% less damage than me, period. It's not like I can somehow make that up by dodging bosses attacks myself or something. The dedicated pve tank wins out, and I never get to play.
  15. -Finish class quest -Warzones -Find Datacrons -Ilum/Belsavis Dailies -Flashpoints -PVP Dailies -Craft epic gear to sell until you crit and make Mastercrafts for yourself -Eternity Vault/Bragga's Palace with your guild -Grind Lightside/Darkside points -Gather gear for offspec -Level up affection with your companions Thats what I've been doing at least
  16. No one in my guild was online, so I tried to get a group together for False Emperor. Took over 30 minutes. WoW did it awesome, there was no sense of community lost (at least from Release-WotLK, which is when I played). I would often recognize people who were looking for a group.
  17. I don't think so personally. You're probably going to get a bigger upgrade from your earpiece/implant than you will from bumping up your armor that little bit. Those things are huge upgrades over the level 49 crafting purples.
  18. It certainly did, especially since I was terribly confused about the different attack/damage types. Its unfortunate that shields/defense proc on so few things in pvp...I looked through my abilities last night and realized that only hammer shot and HIP would be affected by someone else's shields (and full auto, but I never use that). It probably is best to just wear dps gear! This guide also showed me that accuracy isn't nearly as helpful as I thought it would be, since only hammer shot and HIP are affected, as Tech abilities are all 100% accuracy already. Very useful post indeed.
  19. Totally agree. I for one would not give two craps if I couldn't romance people any more as long as I could play Yoda's race, or something equally unique. If it can speak English, it will still make a good "hero". And there is still a host of species that are humanoids that aren't "I have a human face but also happen to be blue" races
  20. Companions are "dumb" and will simply sit there in AoE spells. They could make the AI better, but then honestly they would be better than 50% of players, so what would be the point?
  21. Dude...NO ONE WOULD DO THAT. You can easily get geared up from the GTN, since crafters sell their level 49 purples for about 30k (Or in other words, 10-15 minutes of dailies/space missions). From Corellia you get BLUES. These are not game breaking items, they are simply nice to have while leveling to make sure your gear doesn't get too far behind. 2:1 ratio is perfect
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