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Everything posted by harpuax

  1. Appearance tabs have always seemed like a duct tape fix to me. Champions online did it right. Create any look you want and just make the gear stat sticks. More appearance options get unlocked as you go. And you can create multiple looks and switch between them on the fly and edit them at any time.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZrzg62Zj0&feature=related
  3. Worst race in the SW universe IMO, would rather see ewoks or gungans before cathar.
  4. Yes you can, except if you want bis gear you have to try to proc orange gear you want with augment slots. Which can be an expensive and slow process, if the recipe even exists for the gear look you want. The point of orange gear being an alternative to an appearance tab fails here because people will grab orange gear with augment slots regardless of looks. The augment slot or augment itself needs to be something we add to a base piece of gear. Also add that social gear remains useless at endgame because you can not get it with an augment slot.
  5. The OP is not talking about an appearance tab. He is talking about a way to switch gear sets (IE: pve to pvp) at the click of a button. And yes it would be a great feature.
  6. Which will do little to help the OP, since most people just aren't 50 yet. My own guess based on my server and 3 different guilds is that only about 30% of the playerbase are 50 or at least play their 50s and aren't continually leveling alts.
  7. Add a (LFD) Looking for derp que so these people stop spamming chat and we can get back to community building things like Chuck Norris jokes.
  8. That is how some other MMOs are, STO, EVE, CO to name a few. It's not really 1 physical server but 1 world or realm.
  9. This issue is that it isn't dumbed down enough for the masses to figure out. It needs to be 1 click insta flashpoint or people won't use it. Anything more is too much for most to handle.
  10. So you have to wait 30mins, not a big deal. Just continue questing till your group forms. It's not like any planet takes 30 mins to complete and you will be gone by the time the group forms. Are people really this impatient?
  11. There are quests that require grouping, they are called heroics. The game is only 90% solo if you solo 90% of it. You can group to level through the entire game and nothing is stopping you. The game was designed so if you wanted to play solo you could or of you wanted to group you could. People say they need incentive to group, there is incentive, the fun you get from being in a group. If you don't find it fun, you don't have to. Anyone who feels this is a single player game has no one to blame but themselves for playing it that way.
  12. They don't need to give you incentive to group. You group because it's more fun to play games (or do most anything) with your friends. Nothing is more boring than playing games alone for me, why I play MMOs.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZrzg62Zj0&feature=related
  14. 2 hours a day for 30 days is 2.5 days played. My fist char which I took my time with was just over 5 days played. I am not sure 2.5 days is even possible without some exploit. and 6 per week? That is level 50 in 1 day played if done in 1 month. Like to see a screenshot of that.
  15. At about 5-6 day played (120-144 hours) to get to 50, for someone who plays 3-4 hours a day is well over a month to 50 if you don't play everyday. And that is just 1 char, many give a few classes a try to find the one they like. I have allot of people in my guild still working on their first 50.
  16. Did some dailies, ran a hard mode flashpoint, did some guild recruiting, did some space combat, now off to level and alt for a bit. Just not enough hours in the day to do all I want to in this game.
  17. I just wish Bioware would come out and say SOMETHING regarding server pops. And something more than "we are aware and working on it". Right now people feel like there is no hope and are quitting. No one wants to play a massively multi-player game without massive amounts of players.
  18. Dividing players into 2 categories like this is ridiculous, especially when neither category has any measurable means to define its group. ALL players have different habits. These can be broken down into playtime and/or play style. But regardless of either, their ability to play the game well is completely unrelated. So I doesn't matter what term you call yourself, at the end of the day all that matters is if you know not to stand in the fire.
  19. It does effect the GCD for abilities with cast times or channeled, just not instants.
  20. I left wow in wotlk, so I can't say how hard it is today or not. But back then it was pretty dam easy. Regardless I was just trashing the game for its IP and overly cute look to everything. Anyway that is off topic. I understand your reasons for not wanting to reroll and I support them. My point was, If you are going quit over this anyway, give a reroll a shot. Either way you lose those social attachments. At least if you reroll you can still play the game you find fun (assuming the LFG is the ONLY reason you quit). If you quit you have nothing.
  21. 2 issues with the current gear: The first is the med res textures. GO preview your gear on one of your companions and compare it to what you see in world. Huge difference. What those are actual armored leggings? I though someone just spilled grey paint on them! The detail on the high res textures really helps allot of the gear. The second is mostly with endgame gear. If they make the Tier 1 gear looks amazing they have little room to improve it for the next tier. Once you get the super model how do you move up from that? (I know, IQ, but you get the analogy). Now I think boiware's mistake was making the 3 current levels of gear all look the same, with different color schemes. It seems they could have given us some more verity. If for no other reason than to have people want to do hard content so they no longer look like a hobo. Reason one is hopefully being worked on (Pretty sure they said so). Reason two we will have to wait and see for the next level of sets.
  22. yes, because running around in circles in the same zone gathering is sooooo much fun. So glad bioware god rid of that awful grind. And who is forcing you to roll alts?
  23. Yes but you have to suffer their lame IP and cutesy world. My little pony seems more bad@ss than wow these days. Sorry couldn't help myself there.. If not having a LFG is the ONLY reason people want to unsub, why not at least try rerolling on a high pop server till it is released. What do you have to lose?
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