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Everything posted by Doomsaga

  1. wow far from my favorite mmo i dont even play it anymore but i at least know how gearing works on it lol
  2. Well lemme recap what i said and i want you to find anywhere i said how great wow is because you obviously dont know how to read 1. solo lvling on alot of mmos are always an option with that being said i can make a character on wow right now and at lvl 15 group grind for several lvls b4 its starts slowing down. on swtor grouping slows you down. *nope didnt say how great wow is here* 2.if thats all you did in wow you are fail. t at your do lfd/lfr ASWELL as farm rep for enchants, farm for gemming/enchants, do dailies ect. On SWTOR you spam lfg channel bcz noone uses the fail lfg comment feature(there maybe one server that does but thats too few to even mention).*nope didnt say how great how is here i just mentioned how endgame is on wow* 2a. GL gettin better than below average in arenas in honor gear lol. Did i forget to mention wow doesnt use lucky BS bag system so ppl that are geared is based on time not lucky? oh yea on SWTOR u spam dailies to get geared not warzones....yea im pretty sure thats worse.*just mentioning how dude didnt know how wow pvp worked* 3. And your done You havent played wow at all if you think its a single player game. *mentioning he doesnt know anything about wow* just wanted to add another note: just becuase your a swtor doesnt mean everybody or even most ppl who play this is. i was never into warcraft and i played wow and for your info my first mmo was EQ followed by lineage than ffxi lin2 daoc and several others. in conclusion you dont know what i posted so hopefully you actually learn to read.
  3. holy crap how wrong this is. i didnt spew wow like its gold the fact that you percieved what i said as that means that you prolly should reevaluate what u like in a game and i guess deep down inside you like wow. i mentioned the way the game is in terms of how content is done that is all. NOT ONCE did i say wow>swtor. read my post before you respond serious i know your a fanboy but please. Yea wow is boring to you its boring to alot of ppl but at the same time its not boring to alot of ppl.
  4. lol good point. wait u didnt make a point you just trolled my post. whatever i guess...
  5. every flashpoint ive ever did on this game was silent it has to do with the kinda player playing nowadays not the games(also like to point out in a guild of 40 ppl in swtor conversation happened maybe twice in an 6 hr span if im lucky and it was usually someone asking a question but on wow we have fun talkin about random stuff all day with far less ppl). pretty sure conquest points(yea thats what its called its not called "just doin arenas") are gained for RBGs are well(pretty sure u dont know what that stands for seeing as u either not played wow or played so little of it that u dont understand how things work). did i also mention almost every pvp mmo in the world has a system where you have to grind pvp gear except the bad ones(the bad ones have crap like lucky bag systems).
  6. 1. solo lvling on alot of mmos are always an option with that being said i can make a character on wow right now and at lvl 15 group grind for several lvls b4 its starts slowing down. on swtor grouping slows you down. 2.if thats all you did in wow you are fail. t at your do lfd/lfr ASWELL as farm rep for enchants, farm for gemming/enchants, do dailies ect. On SWTOR you spam lfg channel bcz noone uses the fail lfg comment feature(there maybe one server that does but thats too few to even mention). 2a. GL gettin better than below average in arenas in honor gear lol. Did i forget to mention wow doesnt use lucky BS bag system so ppl that are geared is based on time not lucky? oh yea on SWTOR u spam dailies to get geared not warzones....yea im pretty sure thats worse 3. And your done You havent played wow at all if you think its a single player game.
  7. pretty sure sentinel has less defense just a couple of cd with long cds
  8. empire is alot bigger than republic so obviously its gonna have more 12 year olds...
  9. Key word is Reduces not remove. in the end whoever has the most luck gets geared the quickest instead of whoever put more time into it.
  10. Pvp on this game is pretty much dead to me...guess ill pve it up till GW2 at least i know that game is more centered around pvp
  11. Well i just got lvl 50 and finished sentinel story. Sentinel is like playing the game on hard mode pretty much. Although we can be comparable to other classes they do it much easier i think thats generally why ppl are mad about sentinel. good example. was doing a side quest having a bit of trouble than a commando came and was wiping groups of mobs out like they were bowlingball pins. I was angry at the class but than once i told myself im playing the game on max dificulty i felt better and every sentinel respects anyone who gets the class to 50 bcz of how hard it is.
  12. so far im seeing "this fight is easy if your guardian" or "this fights easy even tho im geared lol"
  13. wow he said a month and a half that means he quit mid pay sub. learn2Listen
  14. didnt watch it or refushed to listen to it all. he isnt trashing the game he's simply sayin why he quit. he constently said how he felt and said he hope everyone isnt having the same problems or if its just him. now if u took it for more than that than it speaks more about you than him no does it
  15. Champ. pvp gear is a higher tier than Columi/Tionese is in pve tier so although champ. gear loses some stats for expertise it still will have gerenally higher dps stats than Columi/Tionese.
  16. reading the forums didnt bring him here his own experience did. Anyways JK/SW is hands down the hardest melee to play in the game(hardest class period). I'd Suggest if you want to melee shadow or scoundrel. Ranged sage or commando.
  17. Theres a way to tell just people are too lazy to do it. Before there was damamge meters it was done manually. damamge meter is like a calculator it just makes things quicker and easier.
  18. I also like that although some bosses arent melee friendly sentinel has cd skills to help them deal with it quite easily
  19. searing saber is broken i would take points out of it and move it somewhere else
  20. Its melee(and on this game being melee is a negative thing) and lacks stun or knockback. 2 negatives dont make a positive. im having fun with the class tho
  21. in his story he is rebuplic (which there is so little of) and in your story you are empire
  22. what server is this..dont tell me its one of the few heavy ones left that make up the vast minority of the game's population? and 100+ ppl per planet arent we exagerrating a bit?
  23. one of the firsts mmos had mandatory grouping. if ur not grouping whats makes it any different from a single player game with online multiplayer. i wouldnt call this game an mmo its an insult to the genre
  24. the reason he's a dick about it is bcz this question is literally asked DAILY! its almost as if u didnt even look at the forums u just skipped to create a topic.
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