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Posts posted by TziganeNZ

  1. 1 hour ago, yenzin said:

    There's Rass Ordo. Flirting with him seems safe as there is no official romance yet so no little box will pop up. 🤔Wow, I think that might be all that Agent would have access to. Kira, Scourge, Jaesa, and Zenith are all companion class locked. There was definitely more flirting in the base game. 🤭 And yes, that romance pop-up block is a safety net. 😉 Go forth and flirt all you want to, Agent!

    Major Anri also.  Imperials can flirt with her (both sexes), and republics can flirt with Arn on Manaan.

    Don't know about Arn as I just can't go there with him, but with Anri....


    ...flirts lead to a kiss scene just before you leave Manaan.


  2. When in combat with male paladins in Star Fortresses (story mode), during the fight they will say the line "Not giving in!", in a female voice. 

    Somewhat disconcerting...

    Edit:  Also the line "I will not fall to you!" - female voice while fighting a male paladin.

  3. 3 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

    I am actually a bit tempted to do Aric Jorgan romance because I like him a lot.... but idk if I could get past the trooper sounding like Satele thing to romance her with someone 😅  I will have to play her some more and see (I'm only at like the second planet so far lol  barely started)


    Do it. Somewhat off topic for the thread, but has to be the most emotional, sweetest amazing reunion scene in the entire game.  Cathar mate for life.....so he feels very deeply once he lets someone in.

    It is the ONLY romance/reunion that caught me completely off guard and I burst into tears.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Darcmoon said:

    Originally, QT had a 30 minute cooldown.  I don't know if F2P had a longer cooldown when they implemented it.  If I remember correctly, when the legacy system was first introduced the cooldown unlocks didn't get it to 0 but to a much shorter cooldown.  I believe he is talking about the cooldown perks though.  I'll admit I agree with him that with the changes they have made to QT since the game launched, the QT fees do make it seem like the perks aren't as worth it now.

    Thanks - I knew it was a long time (maybe confused with fleet travel pass - I think that may have been 60 minutes).

    Ossus is the only place I've found where it is cheaper to QT around rather than take a taxi.  For everywhere else, I just QT to the nearest taxi point and go from there.  It's cheap enough (remembering when I had to borrow the credits to fly to the first planet after getting my starship on my first character....).

  5. 1 hour ago, TahliahCOH said:

    It's really annoying to have to pay these costs to use a power we purchased and upgraded. Add another upgrade for 5million creds (or whatever), and I would gladly pay it up front . . . and probably not use that up for a couple years being dinged with these per-use costs. It's not paying for it that I mind, it's paying for it, upgrading it, and then still having to pay just to use it. This is just wrong on every level.

    Bit confused about this - are you saying you paid to initially access Quick Travel?  I ask because Quick Travel is a default ability that EVERY character gets. The only thing that you pay for through legacy perks is to shorten the cool-down period.

    IIRC, QT had a 60 minute cool down at launch. They reduced this to 6 minutes (thank the Force) and gave us the option under the Global Unlocks/Other/Convenience section to reduce the cool down even further, paying either by credits or CC.  I have never paid to access the ability.

    • Like 1
  6. 45 minutes ago, Silbermond said:

    As a pure Solo Player myself, I have to answer the Question as this:

    We do not need the best (or even better) Gear for any Solo Content.

    I would even suppose the pure Green 324 Gear is enough. I did Hyde and Seek on 2 Servers so far, and working on the third, and that is more than enough Gear for everything I'm doing. I do not even feel much progression between the basic 324 and 336 Gear. 

    A sense of progression is what I am aiming for. I'm not asking for the super-duper, whizz-bang BIS gear, but I do want to progress my character and work towards better gear.  Not 'needing' it to complete solo content is beside the point - if I don't have something to work towards, I don't see the point in continuing to play.  And even as a solo story mode player, why should I not want to improve my character to be as good as I can get her, along whatever track is open to me? And it sucks to be treated differently (poorly) just because of my chosen play style. 

    They removed all sense of progression for me when they removed renown. I enjoyed seeing that bar move, and getting to the next level.  It kept me logging in.

    • Like 2
  7. Thanks for your reply - apologies, perhaps I should have been a bit clearer.  I do solo story mode only.  Nothing that involves grouping or PvP in any form. So no veteran flashpoints, and definitely no GSF or operations.

    I have a couple of characters working on the H&S quest, but it still takes a long time to get enough of the currencies together to upgrade an item.  In the meantime, it would be nice if the weeklies crate you get as a solo story mode player had the same mechanics as everyone else to upgrade gear.  Why those who play in solo story mode are treated as decidedly second- or third-class players, is beyond me.

  8. Thanks so much for your reply. I thought I must have misinterpreted what I read (it was a long time ago).  Good point re converting commendations to FP-1 currency - I completely forgot that you could do that.

    It totally sucks that story mode players are treated so abysmally and miss out on pretty much every opportunity to upgrade that others get.  I really don't understand the hate that we seem to generate in both other players who do other types of game play (how others play the game really doesn't impact on anyone else), as well as the devs.  Making it so unrewarding for us may drag some into play styles they don't like, but certainly not all. It just limits us in what we can do, and that's never a good thing for a MMO game as eventually it will be so unrewarding and limiting that people leave....

  9. Quick question - I thought I read somewhere that crates received from completing weekly activities (xx number of dailies - story mode) were guaranteed to give an upgrade to the lowest rated equipment piece equipped.  This doesn't seem to be happening, but I'm not sure if I misinterpreted whatever it was that I read (and can't find again, of course).

    Example:  My sniper has an IR of 326, made up of various pieces at 326, 328 and an off-hand at 324.  I'm doing the dailies/weeklies and receive a crate that, on opening, gave me a set of 328 Noble Decurion Targeters Boots, when she is already wearing this exact same piece.  Headgear - IR 326, exactly the same as what she is already wearing.  No upgrade to 328.

    Is this working as intended, and the only way to get any upgraded gear is through the vendor?

  10. 24hrs ago, it was a 2Gb update. Right now, it's doing the full 35Gb update again.  While I don't get the server version mismatch error, it seems that the 32Gb update is happening every 2-3 days.

    I live in New Zealand, run Win 11, and never had this issue prior to the 7.2.1a update.  I'm very thankful that I have an unlimited fibre connection and don't have to pay for usage.

  11. I live in NZ, so my ping to SS, SF and DM ranges between 250-400ish on average. Not brilliant, but pretty steady and definitely playable (if sometimes a little jerky).

    I've noticed that for the past couple of days, I've been getting massive intermittent lag spikes on all three servers, ranging from 'normal' to in the tens of thousands, the dreaded red X in the ping-o-meter, and the game becoming unplayable.  This hasn't happened for a long time (used to be fairly regular a few years back), but now seems to be happening again - not sure if it's tied to the new APAC 'cloud' server or not (averaging 34-38ms on that server). 

    While I'm happy to putter around and test things out on the APAC server, all my main characters and legacies are on SS, SF and DM and I have things to do there.  Logging in to claim the login reward is a bit of an effort, and forget doing any dailies etc - the latency is atrocious.

    This has only been happening in the past couple of days - has anything changed?

    There's nothing wrong with my computer (it's only a year old), and I didn't have this problem until only a couple of days ago.

    Edit: I've just pinged 2568ms on Shae Vizla....

    Edit 2: Just hit 15143ms on SV...something's not right.

  12. Update to my earlier post - am resident in Auckland, New Zealand, and finding that ping averages around 34ms. Had the odd time where it got up to 37-38ms, but that was rare.  I have characters on SF, SS and DM, with an average of 295ms, 403ms and 283ms respectively, so 34ms is just amazing. No stuttering, no jerking - very, very smooth.

    Can't believe how responsive and smooth game play is.  Picking up loot is so quick now, that I often miss seeing what is in the window before it closes and loot appears in my inventory!  Also, graphics definition seems to be sharper/clearer, colours are brighter/deeper and the worlds just seem to somehow look better.


  13. 33 minutes ago, MaryEO said:

    I have the same problem and have yet to get anyone to group with me.  As a result, I'm stuck at this point.  Very annoying.  After reading the comments here, I see what the developers have done.  I was afraid I'd somehow taken on a heroic, but apparently, they just put the mission in a heroic area.  Wish they'd fix this, so I can move on.

    What I did was work my way through to the group outside the 'hidden room' - I can manage the other groups if I take them slowly and carefully, but that last group is just too difficult. So I did a kamikaze run - ran through them (yes, I was yelling "Banzai!") to where the hidden room was and died on the stairs outside it (it is down a level from the floor). Once I revived, I moved to the green door and slipped through while still invis....

    Not ideal by any means, but it moved me forward and I managed to finish the mission line. I'm now stuck on the relic hunt mission - have got all mission terminals *except* the one in the heroic tunnels, and I just can't work up the courage (or whatever) to go there.

    • Compared to an existing server, how is the performance? Seems smoother somehow (not a technical person), more responsive
    • Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened?  Unable to tell at this point
    • What region/country do you reside in?  New Zealand
    • Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla.  See below
    • Is grouped content working properly?  N/A - solo only
    • How quickly can you get into a match or Flashpoint you’ve accepted?  N/A - solo only
    • Is travel to any location (planet, Stronghold, Fleet, etc…) hindered?  None so far
    • Are there any issues with the UI such as missing assets or loss of functionality? None
    • Are there any issues with visuals or sounds with the cinematics? None so far

    Pings between 7.30-7.45pm NZT:
    Darth Malgus (on board ship) - 283ms

    Satele Shan (Imperial fleet) - 403ms

    Star Forge (on board ship) - 295ms

    Shae Vizla (Odessen) - 34ms (FANTASTIC)

    Edit: as a preferred player, I don't have any of the features that I have unlocked for my account, i.e. being able to hide my head slot etc.

  14. Quick question - did you choose the unlock for the character only, or the legacy on that server (across all characters)?

    Disclaimer:  Not in game at the moment, so unsure if you get a choice or it automatically unlocks across all characters on that legacy, on that server (i.e. not account-wide, but server-wide only).

    Edit:  Am now in game, and the unlock is for all characters on that legacy (server-wide) - just checking that you are looking on the server that you unlocked it on?

  15. 8 hours ago, eabevella said:

    That group will be tough for green 320 gears even when you follow the kill order. You'll need every edge you can get.

    I would suggest getting your gear to 324 & proper implants & tactical. Run a few story mode operations to earn tech fragments for implants and tactical if you don't have them.

    Try getting your accuracy as close to 110% as possible to minimize the chance of missing a hit.

    What companion are you using? Ranged companions are usually better at heal than melee ones. Z00M is supposed to be the best heal now iirc but if you don't have her, any will do.

    LV50 will help a bit compared to LV4x.

    It sucks and it shouldn't happen. But if that doesn't work, I would suggest focusing on unlocking Hyde and Seek and get blue prototype 336 gears once and for all.

    PS: TziganeNZ you might want to try Engie. Marksman is my first spec and will forever be my heart but its dps really is bad. Engie rotation is very easy but it does way more dps than poor marksman.

    Thanks so much for your reply - very much appreciated.

    Her IR is 323. She has a couple of 324 blue pieces picked up as drops, and is using a Refraction Point tactical. I have done the implant quest but not impressed with the selection available as there are none with accuracy.  Her accuracy is 112.2%, so I do have a bit of room to move here. Companion is ranged at LV15 - I could change to my highest level companion which is Altuur at level 23 (but would have to turn sound off as that squeaking drives me nuts). I don't have any companion alerts but don't have Z0-0M either on this character - don't know why as I do have her on others.

    Operations are completely a non-starter as I do not group - ever.  Solo only.

    I LOVE Marksmanship....but will give Engineering a look - thanks for the advice.

  16. On 2/25/2023 at 10:37 PM, denavin said:

    Yeah grouped for a solo story mission... Trying to get a group to do that is like pulling teeth with your fingers.... Not Going to Happen

    A Solo Story Mission should NOT be in a Group Heroic Zone.... PERIOD!

    I'm struggling with this mission at the moment on a Marksmanship Sniper - there is one group outside the hidden room that I've stopped at as they are too difficult to get through. I think the longest I've managed to survive (and not sure how) is around 30-40 seconds.

    Yes, companion is set to heals. No, companion is not level 50 (and I really don't think that matters much). A solo story line should NEVER be put into a heroic area - that's just dumb.

    I am now stopped in story progression until the gear IR level goes up enough to make a difference, so will be quite some time until I can work on this character and get to the end of the story now. Looks like I will be taking all my Lvl 80 characters up to this point then stopping.  Very disappointing.

  17. For those who are throwing around numbers like 5 million, or 10 million or 100 million as costs for potential credit sinks, bear in mind that if BW actually takes those ideas and implements them, then the credit limit cap for preferred and F2P players will need to either be significantly raised or eliminated altogether.

    Currently, a preferred player can only hold 1 million credits - obviously they are not contributing to inflation as they can only hold excess credits in escrow (unattainable unless buying a temporary unlock for CC), but they will also be hit by these travel and other costs being brought in.

  18. 9 March and this bug is still happening. I currently have two characters stuck at this point. Republic characters don't seem to have the same problem as the Imperial side.

    Really wish they would get this fixed as it's almost deal-breaking. No one should have to put in a ticket to request being moved forward a step just to progress the story line.

  19. 7 hours ago, casirabit said:

    The workaround is not to let the companion into the conversation.  Once you interrupt him go to the area where the NPC are at,  fight them with Rass, head back to the item to click, and let it go from there.  I had to do that on one of my characters

    Good grief - why did I not think of that?! I had the exact same thought as Dasty!!

    3 hours ago, denavin said:

    There is a way.....

      Hide contents

    Don't Set ALL of the Explosives.....

    Leave ONE unset then Rass won't leave you and you can kill that Gold mob...

    Then just go back and set the last one and let Rass do his thing  😊


    Fantastic! Thank you SO much for this - again, I didn't think that the mob was there until after the convo.

    Very many thanks to everyone who provided such great advice, and so patiently. I'm very grateful and appreciative.

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