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Posts posted by TziganeNZ

  1. Doesn't help out people that are level 50 sitting around looking for groups. But hey, its your game, you paid for it, play it how you want.


    You're dead right there! But you are making an assumption - I am part of a very social guild and we regularly run "safaris" and other groups. All my alts are guilded. Just because I am taking my time doesn't mean I am playing a Single Player Game.


    Having said that, I would far rather play solo than be part of a PUG with people who just want to rush through the content.

  2. I have never found a mission giver on the Fleet other than Flashpoint or Ops ones. I have no idea where the ones for the bonus missions are...basically if it's a quest from a droid I ignore it as being a FP.


    I really like the bonus missions - the only issue I have is forgetting which planet I'm up to with them. Would be nice to have a summary of each planet in your codex like:


    Class quest - completed

    Planet quest - completed

    Bonus series - to be completed


    Would keep me more on track with where I'm up to.

  3. While I feel for those really good people who will be left behind, I can't turn down going from 250ms ping to 80ms....it's just too much of a difference to my gameplay to ignore.


    I also find it quite funny that when the Aussies et al were dumped on the servers at launch that there were a number of threads (not to mention harrassment in general chat ingame) from Americans wanting us off "their" servers, and we should move and reroll on EU servers, not "their" servers because we were the cause of the queues...now they are are starting to freak out because "their" servers are going to be underpopulated and they won't be able to find groups...



    Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

  4. Been playing since launch and just got my gunslinger to 50 last week. Got a heap of alts as I like to change between the storylines, the highest of those is lvl 28. Just taking my time, enjoying the journey, exploring the planets, having heaps of fun!


    Not interested in endgame, not interested in PvP or warzones. Happy to group and chat with fellow relaxed (mature) players who laugh a lot, be silly, and have fun along the way, rather than with the serious, focused, hardcore lot who don't speak in chat but who just want to get their gear (or whatever) at the end.

  5. I agree with the OP - while there's been almost total focus on PvP and Warzone updates, along with endgame (flashpoints and Ops), almost nothing for the PvE or RP player has been put forward as yet. Please Bioware - don't forget the other side of your customer base, the side that will stick with your game for the story once the vocal PvPers have gone to the next new game that is released.


    I'd love to see new planets, new quests (not just class quests either), more options with companions (not romancing them, but more companion questlines). More companion conversations even at max affection level. Perhaps having marriage at the high point of companion affection isn't a good idea - what comes after? There is no room for raising the affection level cap (which may need to happen if the player level cap gets raised eventually).


    Currently there seems to be too much focus on the destination (endgame) and not enough on the journey (the story). From a PvE'ers perspective, anyway.


    Perhaps the devs could look at EQ2 for inspiration as to how it works (or worked, up until it went FTP) with a good balance between the PvE and PvP/endgame requirements.

  6. Tried a +4 heroic on Voss - with 4 actual (good) players, no companions. 3 players level 50, one 49 (about to level). We couldn't take the last mob (Champion). Tried various tactics - stunning the elite it came with, nuking the elite it came with, kiting, all sorts. Just couldn't take down the lvl 46 Champ.


    So yeah, I hear what you're saying.

  7. Incorrect. I have no interest in dueling. I'll never take part in it.


    Same with me. I have no interest in dueling, and would like an auto-decline for duel invites.


    Would adding dueling in the Fleet add to the lag that already bedevils it? Lag on the Fleet is bad enough as it is.


    And only SOME people like to watch duels - not all. I find them inane and totally uninteresting. I certainly do not think "Wow, I wonder if I can beat that guy". OP, please do not presume to speak for everybody by making such blanket statements.

  8. Any chance commendations could be made hierloom (shared between your own characters)? I have a number of low-level commendations that my low level alts could use, but I am unable to send them.


    Or, give us some way to trade them up, maybe 2:1. There used to be a commendation vendor to do this with in beta, but it's been removed for live.

  9. Any chance of a shared bank between characters on the same account? Even if you can't share between your dark side and light side characters, it would be very handy to be able to have shared bank slots between those of the same faction.
  10. I find Take Cover a problem. By the time I've hit the button, there is a 3-4 second delay before either crouching or rolling into cover. By which time the friend I play with who has a trooper has already killed the mob or it's nearly dead. Most of the best abilities are only useable when in cover (Aimed Shot, etc). It is really frustrating to not feel like I'm pulling my weight in groups, and also of course I seem to miss out on a lot of the loot as well...


    Hitting an ability before the animation happens only serves to cancel the Take Cover ability.

  11. The Harbinger is where my unofficial oceanic Aussie-based guild got dumped. Personally I'd have preferred a EU server as time zone differences are much kinder to both this side of the world and the Euro's. I don't think it was expected that US guilds would also be dumped on this server, but they were. For the youngster saying ban the Aussies until their "official" launch, that could be 6 months or a year away - if at all. So why should the 3rd largest gaming community in the world miss out?


    I play EQ2 on a EU server with no lag issues (or none worth worrying about). I like EU servers much better than US servers - I find the community way more mature, polite and actually have manners. I wish we had been put onto a EU server, but we weren't. If server transfers were available, of course we would move.


    As it is, I will roll alts on EU servers, but until server transfers are available, I'm stuck with having to roll a toon on an overpopulated US server to play with friends in my guild.

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