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Posts posted by TziganeNZ

  1. I find it kind of funny that people clamor for immersion, world events, and a living, changing game universe, then when something happens that affects everyone like this event, they complain that they are forced to do something they don't like. These events don't last long at all, and if you really, really, really have an aversion to pvp, then run away and hide, because that is what your character would do if it were real.

    The event itself is fine. No problems with it - think it's a great idea. Bring on more, please!


    Being forced into a playstyle I abhor by the actions of another player is not fine. And, on a PvE server, why should I be the one to "run away and hide"?

  2. <snip>. Han Solo just wore a pair of pants and a shirt wiith a vest.

    My level 50 gunslinger wears pants, boots, and the "Spider" jacket she got at around level 30. Why? Because it looks pretty much like what a smuggler should wear - a shirt underneath, and an open jacket on top. Not a cape or cloak anywhere in sight. No trench coat with huge collar either - she needs to be able to RUN sometimes, not risk being caught by her clothing.

  3. You can easily get to the event vendor without entering combat, so it do not matter how low level you are as long as you have your ship. Get killed by the plague four times and you got enough to buy a customization. It only get better from there...

    He said he was level 10 - he doesn't have a ship.

  4. so its ok to run into a designated pvp zone on a pve server and not expect to get attacked?


    Don't think you're listening too well, here. If I am on a PvE server and I choose to run into a PvP-designated area (such as Outlaw's Den) then I accept that the PvP flag will go on and it's game on. The VERY important words here are "I choose" - not someone else chooses for me. Who are you or anyone else for that matter to choose my playstyle for me? You ain't paying my sub, sunshine!

  5. Hey all, I've been catching up on this thread and wanted to point out a few things.


    If you have any kind of issue with the form itself or questions about why something doesn't appear to be working, please contact Customer Service directly via this page. I'm afraid we cannot address individual queries via the Forums. Every request has to be looked at individually and often your account details will have to be referenced; that has to be done by Customer Service. You can also post in the Customer Service Forums.


    Requesting a character transfer in this thread will not work. If you are currently eligible for a transfer then you will need to login to your account and use the form. If you have issues with the form, please contact Customer Service.



    Right now the initial transfer process is available for eligible countries only. However, we're looking at possible 'edge cases' (like you described) and we'll have more information on that after the initial transfers are completed.


    Regarding the transfer process generally. It's important to realize this is not the final character transfer process. This is an early and somewhat inelegant method of allowing those players who opted to play the game before the official launch date in their country to move their characters onto servers with better local latency. Our 'final' character transfer process is currently in development.


    Lastly, I know many have asked about 'placeholder' characters on the transfer servers. I'm gathering more details and double-checking everything, and will update you further with more details about that soon.

    Just a reminder to any people new to this thread that posting your current server, character name and preferred destination server in this thread will do nothing for you. See Stephen Reid's post above (bolded and underlined formatting added by me for emphasis).

  6. Too bad its ending on Tuesday.

    Is it definitely ending this coming Tuesday (24th)? I have characters on Tatooine that I'm avoiding playing and have put on hold because I have no wish to get caught up in the whole "flag someone who doesn't want to be for PvP" thing, and I want to progress their stories.

  7. No it doesn't. He plays on a PVE server, if it was a PVP server I would agree. His choice of server dictates his desired playstyle and ruleset.

    Absolutely this. I am of the firm belief that there should be no open-world PvP on PvE servers whatsoever, with warzones for PvP for those who want a change. Full open-world PvP on PvP servers? Totally! (well, maybe excepting the starter planets - that would be a little unfair). But those who choose PvE as a playstyle on a PvE server should not in any way be put in a position where they are forced to do otherwise. And their choice should be respected.


    Yes, it's a MMO - that doesn't mean it should be a PvP gankfest. Go to Eve Online or Aion for that. MMO just means lots of people playing at the same time in the same virtual world.

  8. I never saw the party bomb because I avoid the fleet at all costs, but that rally thing is a real pain. As soon as it starts, I move a step or two to stop it. It's not a big enough deal for me to complain about to the devs though - just annoying.


    I can imagine how the party bomb would annoy some people though - you've headed to the fleet, about to click on the GTN or vendor or whatever and someone lets off a bomb. If you don't expect it, it can really surprise you (and not necessarily in a good way).

  9. When a bonus mission is updating and the little flying droid is there with the update sign/board, I turn my toon to face it like he is reading it. I don't know why I do this but I keep doing it lol

    The first couple of times I saw that little flying droid I tried to run away from it as I thought something was about to attack me lol - I still take a couple of steps away from it every time even though I know what it is now.

  10. I'm quite disappointed as well that the only companions that give you side quests to go and do things with/for them are your first ones. The others just go and do their own thing and you don't get to see what happens, just hear about it afterwards. And some don't even do that. Bowdaar is just the cook in the galley - I don't think he's ever gone anywhere or done anything (or if he did, I missed it).


    I've almost given up getting the secondary companions' affection up to more than around 3k. No point, other than knocking a couple of minutes off a crafting mission.

  11. When people say x number of people are on the fleet - does that only register the fleet numbers for their particular faction?


    So, if my lvl 50 gunslinger (Republic) goes to the fleet (not that she does unless absolutely necessary - I avoid it like the plague usually) and sees 10 people there, will that 10 also include whoever is on the Imperial side?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is perhaps you can see 10 people at the fleet and go OMG the server's dead, but there could be 100+ on the fleet of the other side that you can't see. Is this possible?


    Does /who 10-20 (and all the other class breakdowns) include both factions?

  12. Look...we have 10 people on our fleet every night. 5 people on korriban, 10 people on dromund kaas, 5 people on belsavis, blah blah blah, 2 people on Ilum at any given time on any given night. I can see how many people are in every single zone in the game with /who.


    DO NOT try to sit here and convince me my server is not dead. I can do a /who per planet and see the server is dead...or I can see that the same 10 people who are on the fleet every night, night after night is a dead server too. Rarely, does my server ever exceed 100 people on the entire server. Go back and play on your fun server and refrain from posting about things you dont understand.


    I never said your server wasn't dead - I was saying that using the fleet as an indication of server population is flawed. I never said that I play on a full server either. You are again making flawed assumptions. I also replied politely.

  13. You are kidding right? You obviously play on a good server...



    Using fleet pop is perfectly fine at determining if a server pop is dead or not. Ill make it easy for you:


    Server: MIND TRICK. 9pm est fleet population: floats around 200 people on the fleet. Every night. PVP games 24/7. Auction house filled with pages and pages and pages and pages and pages of Implants (just a random example) to purchase. Groups forming ALL the time. People PUGGING HARD MODE OPS.. This makes a healthy, fun server to play on....


    Server: CREVASSE CITY. 9pm est fleet population: floats around 10-15 people. Every night. PVP games pop for a couple hours each night then stop. Auction house has ZERO implants for sale. Impossible to form groups. ONE GUILD HAS CLEARED HARDMODE OPS ON THE ENTIRE SERVER! Impossible to actively recruit for guild due to the fact that there is no one to recruit... I still complete my pvp daily on Ilum farming boxes cos pvp doesnt spawn till prime time hours... This is a dead server. And guess what? Every other server that has 10 people on its fleet at 9 pm prime time is the EXACT SAME WAY!


    Now you see why?

    But this only assumes that everyone on the server are looking for groups for Ops and Flashpoints. I only go to the fleet when I absolutely need to (specialty vendors, quest giver). For the other 99% of my time I am out in the galaxy, doing other stuff. A lot of people (all levels) are not on the fleet, but out on one planet or another. Using the fleet as an example of total server population is flawed logic.


    Server population levels are not tied to the number of people sitting at the fleet - it is based on the total number of people who have logged in to the server, irrespective of where their characters are.

  14. Send him on diplomacy mission, enter ship.

    Now THAT'S a good idea! Send him on a crafting mission to get him away from me.


    I actually quite like that he stands by the door/exit - I have a number of alts, all with different ships and different layouts, and it's not unheard of for me to get lost on my own ship *blush*. Having him indicate the exit works perfectly - just wish he would shut up!

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