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Everything posted by Kilvorian

  1. Kilvorian

    1 Mill damage?

    Wasnt 7 and dont be hatin'. Them healers were crazy hard to kill!
  2. who is more powerful? a shadow hands down in terms of survivability, utility, and 1v1 pvp. Sages can typically take the edge over a shadow in terms of overall damage and healing done but have next to no survivability in dps spec and wit hthe healing nerfs hitting sages pretty hard in 1.2.... the answer is shadow.
  3. They can win so long as the other person is horrible and lets you cast and does not LOS you. A turbulence/tk throw/tk wave combo with tidal force and tk effusion procs can dish out some massive burst dmg. However overall the hybrid 0/13/28 spec is considerably better in WZ's. I lol when i see tk sages in wz's
  4. Kilvorian

    1 Mill damage?

    anyone top the 1 mill damage mark in a WZ yet? I came close! Too bad I went in with a fort stim and died once or else i woulda been there Almost 1 mill!
  5. the musics from negative ph btw. Good stuff!
  6. proof is in the puddin'! Fresh 50's can do fine if I can do it naked! lol
  7. the only one thats fairly difficult to beat 1v1 is the marauder. Due to their interrupts, vanish, and their 99% damage reduction, 1v1 vs these guys with CD's up is tough. Healers you just have to time your mind snap/force stun correctly and you can win eventually assuming your fairly well geared... if not they will probably be able to outheal your dps. Against tank spec people just run away/kite when they blow a defensive cd and once it wears off continue to destroy them.
  8. well as stated in the first post I do not claim to know everything and I welcomed the chance for discussion on any ideas that differed from the guide. IE the person saying not to keep concentration up for tk sages. If your following a perfect priority rotation and more specifically casting project every 6 seconds then yes you would want to keep concentration stacks up or else you would indeed run yourself out of force. As far as the accuracy posts I was told through second hand information passed on by a sorc in the top raiding guild in the game <CKN> currently that accuracy could be added as a stat to use. Rather then simply say youre wrong about accuracy explain why im wrong and if your reasoning makes sense then the post would be edited to show this information. Now that another player has posted that information and I have indeed looked at it more closely yes I believe accuracy can indeed be scratched from the stat priority list. If it reduced their damage reduction then it could stay as thats initially what i thought the stat was referring to when it referred to lowering their resistance.
  9. Resistance for force is not whether the spell lands or doesnt land its how much damage they take from the spell. something with a 10% resistance to say internal damage means that turbulence deals 90% of the damage it could have otherwise done. So again accuracy is ok as a bottom line stat priority assuming that mobs do indeed have resistance. Now if raid mobs have zero resistance then yes accuracy can be scratched from the list but my understanding is that raid mobs do indeed have a small resistance rating.
  10. accuracy is ok as a bottom priority assuming your where you need to be for everything else above it for TK sages. Balance sages it means less since apparently the resistance check is only done on their first dot tick the rest of the ticks, tick against the mob/opponents full resistance. It does not need to be completely removed. Just know not to work on it at all unless you have everything else above it to where you want it.
  11. willing to bet you dont raid much? Even as a Tk sage if you dont pay attention to concentration stacks your force will eventually go to a point where u will either be stuck spamming disturbance and only disturbance for a long time or NS'ing and causing more grief for the healers. If you cant handle tossing a disturbance in after every 2-3 spells to keep concentration up for a long fight then dont bother playing the class in a raid setting.
  12. many pvp specs use it because they know its OP in pvp. It should remain usable in pvp it should just be affected by resolve. If you want truly competitive pvp fix this. the normal snares i dont care if those remain usable but the 100% snares or roots should absolutely be affected by resolve
  13. I am quite sure the vast majority of people can agree that when someone has a full resolve bar and then they get a 100% snare put on them it is beyond frustrating. There is no reason that when someone CC's me, then stuns me, then uses a 100% snare on me that all of them should work. Heaven forbid someone works with another player to use two stuns then the 100% snare then your completely screwed no matter what you do.
  14. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3236860#post3236860 my personal guide to every spec. enjoy
  15. more alacrity = quicker heals which means people not dieing in tough situations. Doesnt matter if you can crit a little more if when you try to heal someone they die mid cast. Hence why alacrity > everything else aside from willpower for seer spec sages.
  16. While there are a few things I have not learned yet about sages, here is what I have learned as far as specs/rotations/ and stat priorities for PVE. First lets cover balance. The specs I would say to use for balance would be 3/7/31 for max damage and 3% extra crit from the seer tree or 0/10/31 for a little bit more force management. The biggest problem with this tree while it hits very hard for shorter fights its tough to maintain steady dps over a long fight due to the poor force management features of the build. Psychic Barrier gives 1% force back each time Tk throw ticks and if you go 0/10/31 you can take 3/3 inner strength to reduce the cost of your abilities by 9%. In a longer fight you may find yourself just spamming tk throw even when your mind crush, sever force, and weaken mind dots are wearing off the targets simply because you do not have the force available to reapply the dots. However in a perfect world where force is not a huge issue or simply for fights that are not going to be terribly long my rotation for this spec is as follows. Lead with Force in Balance, this is your hardest hitting single hit ability and also will allow your dots to tick harder when applied for the first 10 ticks. Then Mind Crush, Weaken Mind, Sever Force, Project, and finally once all that is has been cast you use telekinetic throw. Now you look for procs. When PoM procs you can either use the proc to cast disturbance(you should never be casting disturbance without a PoM proc) or recasting Mind Crush if it is off of CD. You should be recasting Force in Balance, Mind Crush, and Project the second each spell comes off of CD as well as keeping an eye on the debuffs of your targets to assess when to reapply weaken mind and sever force. when all these abilities are on CD and you do not have a PoM proc available to insta cast mind crush or disturbance you should be filling in with Tk throw. Stat preferences for both TK and Balance sages in my opinion should go with this priority. 1. Willpower 2. Power 3. Crit(up to 300) 4. Surge(up to 300) 5. Alacrity So look at your gear choices when you get them and mod/choose gear accordingly. For Telekinetic sages I recommend 3/31/7 or 0/31/10. If you already have roughly 25% base crit without the smuggler buff you may want to consider 0/31/10 so you can throw points into upheaval otherwise the 3/31/7 build puts two points into critical kinesis and nothing into upheaval. Tk sages rarely ever have any problem with force management. With using disturbance as a filler spell and gaining 30% increased force regen from 2/2 concentration(and keeping it at 3 stacks throughout the fight) as well as lowering the cost of a lot of the spells they cast by 50% from 2/2 tk effusion their force stays at a point that theyre able to cast anything they want without worry of running out of force in almost any situation aside from fights that require A LOT of movement. A TK sages runs off of a bit more of a priority rotation then Balance sages do. Balance sages look for PoM to reapply MC or cast disturbance only. Tk sages are looking for tidal force proc as well as psychic projection procs to determine when to cast Tk wave and Tk throw. Not too terribly difficult however you just have to look for two procs rather then one. My Tk rotation is... (havent gotten to test this but the rumor is that its good to try to get around 104% accuracy for force)Mind crush, Weaken Mind, Project, Turbulence, Disturbance x3. After the 3x disturbances to get 3 stacks of concentration I then am casting Tk throw only when I get a Psychic Projection proc and casting Tk Wave only when I get a Tidal force proc. Otherwise I am recasting Mind Crush, Project, and Turbulence on CD and also reapplying weaken mind as soon as it falls off. Always make sure to have weaken mind on the target at all times before casting turbulence because as long as the target has weaken mind applied to it Turbulence has a 100% crit chance. Throughout a longer fight I make sure to mix in disturbances to keep 3 stacks of concentration up at all times and again watching for tidal force and psychic projection procs never cast tk throw without a PP proc and never cast Tk wave without a tidal force proc. Seers are the healing sages. The specs you can run for seer are 31/10/0 and 31/7/3 with either spec youre going to have 1 floater point that you will kinda not know what to do with. Just put it where you think best. Seer's can manage their force well so long as things dont get too hectic and they have enough crit to proc resplendence reliably. Getting noble sacrifice procs off of their healing trance through 2/2 Resplendence. A healing rotation for this spec is as follows. Force armor once that breaks cast Rejuvenate for the conveyance proc(2/2 conveyance) then Deliverance x2 then healing trance. Whenever healing trance crits and gives you Resplendence use Noble sacrifice. If youre running low on force you can use rejuvenate for conveyance and then use healing trance for the +25% crit chance to give yourself a very high chance of getting Resplendence to get force back. Use Salvation when aoe healing is needed. Remember to reapply force armor when you can its a cheap spell with 2/2 Preservation and 2/2 Telekinetic Defense it makes it a winner to cast whenever possible on whoever your healing. Stat priorities for Seer would be 1. Willpower 2. Alacrity 3. Power 4. Crit(would place this stat actually up above power initially till its around 200 for Resplendence procs) 5. Surge The last build ive experienced is a hybrid build 0/13/28. I messed with it when i first hit 50 while brainstorming ideas then went away from it but now that I have more experience and better gear this build when used correctly is arguably the best DPS spec in the game for sages. The deal with this spec is that it allows you to use PoM with Tk Wave for great burst damage when needed or you use PoM with disturbance or mind crush to keep your concentration up or to reapply mind crush. This spec also gives you Psychic projection on your Tk Throw whichs is some more added dps since yur halving your channel on tk throw often and since you use that as your filler spell thats pretty sweet. This spec is espicially tricky to manage force with but when done correctly it puts out amazing dps. Also dont sit here and try to tell me that I cannot judge DPS because there are no meters. It is very easy to find a high HP mob have a tank spam taunts and see how long it takes you to kill it and do the math to check dps. Rotation for this spec is FiB, MC, WM, Tk throw until PoM proc then prioritize what you use PoM on from there either Disturbance, Tk wave or MC. For longer fights it is recommended to try to keep 3 stacks of concentration up at all times otherwise you will find yourself force starved very quickly. Use PoM with Tk wave when you need that extra dps otherwise use it with disturbance or MC. So as an added side note with my testing of the specs(while not extremely extensive) in my preliminary findings here is the dps numbers for each spec note im not full best in slot but my gear is pretty good. 0/13/28- ~1400 dps 0/10/31- ~1350 dps 0/31/10- ~1250 dps Hope this all helps all you sages out there and this is open to discussion if you believe something I have up here is incorrect please post and let me know why you believe what you do and if its indeed correct then ill change it. Enjoy! 1st edit thanks to Khadroth explaining resistance mechanics.
  17. so you guys gonna do anything about the people hiding afk in warzones all day? Pretty much ruins the fun of it when your short 2-3 people every match because you have afker's hiding in spots that noone will find them in.
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