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Everything posted by alexsamma

  1. I've read your initial post multiple times and the part that sticks with me is that you only pvp when you feel that you have to (to get a companion or to help with conquest) and you also specifically stated that you are not interested in learning how to play your character more effectively. I'm not condoning raging, I was simply explaining why I think people rage and pointing out that in my opinion, based on reading your initial post, your attitude and approach is toxic.
  2. Ditto, noticed you posting again, are you still playing Everquest? I come and go and really try to avoid posting on the forums. I play on SF, SS, and DM depending on where my friends are playing.
  3. Not reading your entire post, but you specifically left out the part where I said "he doesn't care about getting better." I have zero issues with someone sucking at pvp who is playing because they want to play and try their best, but when people come into group play to pursue selfish goals (like grab their 1000000000th companion) and they express no interest in learning how to play their class effectively that is an entirely different story. Stop cherry picking segments of a comment to make a podium to stand on.
  4. I feel like people rage at the individuals like the OP for 1 of 3 reasons: 1: They enjoy putting people down 2: They hate losing and this is how they vent 3: They're frustrated that people like the OP have no consideration for other individuals and that Bioware gives them little/no methods to deal with people like the OP in warzones. While raging, regardless of the rational, is probably not the healthiest way to handle this situation I have to admit that I find myself fitting into category 3 very often as of late; when this happens I feel like I ultimately have two choices: 1: Stop playing the game 2: Talk to the person Not playing a game that I enjoy because of the actions of other players, and the in-actions of the development studio, simply leads to more frustration. Talking to the individual who is engaging in disruptive behavior often accomplishes nothing, after all they're usually there for a very selfish reason and they don't care about how their actions impact others. It's challenging to feel pity for someone like the OP when the OP is fact being toxic by engaging in group activities that the OP is not prepared for and has little/no interest in attempting to pull his/her own weight in.
  5. Once again, I said good, and if a class can stay in the fight and take 350-400k damage POST MITIGATION (aka, not running away to off heal/get a second medpack) I just can't see how you don't define that as "good"; sins and maras can carry harder IF they are able to stealth/camo out and heal, but if they're not able to (forced early cc breaker, then net on white bar, or a root right before camo, white damage or engi spam on sin stealth out, stealth scan as examples) they're actually going to soak less damage than a jugg. I capitalized the POST MITIGATION above because many of jugg/mara/sin's best dcds require anticipation on part of the player, and while that can be hard to pull off in the chaos and generally dis-organized mess that is solo ranked, their dcds are still strong when used correctly. At this point what would you give juggs that would not make them broken? If juggs had a dis-engage (such as camo/cloack) and retain the ability to soak this much damage through pure dcds that would be the definition of broken... Finally you have to focus a jugg first because if you don't a good jugg is going to protect his team through peels/taunts/off guarding; this is technically a problem for all three tank acs, but jugg dps are the best at off guarding. BW needs to bring back stances so that if a dps spec wants to guard it has to give up it's passive defense/dps buffs.
  6. Learn how to use your dcds effectively, you can take 350-400k post mitigation... If you're playing vengence/vigi you can rotate leap/endure pain to keep up your dr (and cc immunity on leap) Saber ward + adrenal is very effective, esp. if used during white bar. Mad dash and reflect can negate a large amount of damage, if you use reflect correctly you will also punish the enemy team for focusing you. If you're the focus target you can use your cc, taunts, intercede, and even skank tank to help your team. No one is saying juggs are OP, but if you know how to play the class they are definitely in a good spot for solos.
  7. Juggs are in a good spot for solos now, a solid jugg can eat 350-400k damage without off heals and the ability to use ED while stun allows them to risk not breaking a first CC if they get caught without any other defensive abilities up. Mara is still better if you camo out to heal, but the changes to RA make it much easier to catch a mara in a hard stun and force an early cc break.
  8. Tank/healer matches are fun when everyone on both teams are high caliber players, one sided when one team out matches the other, and long winded stalemates at low elo. Arenas with support classes when both teams are balanced are infinitely better than arenas without support classes because they require more strategy than "tunnel person x;" but I think 4 dps vs 4 dps matches are better when you have mismatched teams since large differences in healer/tank skill often determine the outcome of the match.
  9. Winning in the absence of competition has no meaning, regs are not competitive, therefore winning in regs has no meaning; this may change if the matchmaking changes work and we still have the population to take advantage of said changes. @Eric, sorry for derailing your thread, my original intent was make sure that dev team understands that there are players who enjoy the combat in warzones more than they enjoy the objectives and that objective play is only meaningful if the match is competitive; I hope they keep this in mind as they plan and test changes to warzones.
  10. And once again you totally ignored the lack of matchmaking and competitiveness that is the current state of warzones. If you enjoy stomping pugs or winning vs premades that don't care about objectives then that's a personal decision, but you shouldn't judge others for not enjoying hollow victories.
  11. Winning against out-matched teams has no meaning. Let's actually look at what winning means in most matches: Win - Green screen, more UCs Loss - Red screen, less UCs. Now let's look at the cost of winning: Sitting on a node for 10-15 minutes Rushing a node to stop a cap, getting slaughtered in the process Queuing cancer comps like double tank/heals or troll comps like four stealth so that you can stall or troll nodes vs Actually playing the game for 10-15 minutes Now let's look at Huttball, which is fairly unique in that playing the objective is actually interactive, it promotes combat, and when you have ~even teams playing the objective is actually fun. If Bioware wants to encourage players to participate in objectives they need to: 1: Nail down matchmaking 2: Design games modes that have interesting and engaging objectives 3: Provide an incentive for winning (ranked mode/special cosmetic rewards/titles/etc) Until then I imagine that most people are going to opt for "fun" over a green screen.
  12. These changes sound good as long as the matchmaking changes work out. I would suggest ending the match if the score is 7-0, or giving the losing team the option to forfeit, there is no sense in drawing one sided matches to 10 points. Eric, with all of the changes your team is implementing is there any chance that you will allow players to specifically queue for un-ranked arena; allowing players to queue for unranked arena would provide an avenue for players to work on their actual pvp skill and prepare themselves for solo/team ranked.
  13. Most good players don't play objectives because out playing bad players isn't fun, so instead they create their own "game" inside of the game to keep themselves interested. If warzones were more competitive many of the players who currently "deathmatch "would be more willing to play the objectives because winning would actually feel like an accomplishment. Hopefully the introduction of matchmaking will lead to more interesting reg matches, if it works then Bioware needs to step back and look at ways to incentive engaging in pvp over defending nodes so that average skill level in the game rises.
  14. The counter to operatives in huttball: 1: Know how to do damage (sounds simple but most people really struggle with this) 2: Effectively use your roots and cc If you can do these two things you can stop an operative from solo scoring the ball; if you don't manage to stop them from scoring the ball you do the same thing you would do if any other class was going to score: 1: Stop Chasing 2: Control mid BW is finally making changes to introduce matchmaking and limit tanks/heals; I honestly think they should implement these changes before introducing any other mechanical changes to 8vs8 warzones because if they get this right most of the issues will simply go away. Also, I want to thank Grim for pointing out that combat in pvp should be rewarded; in fact I think a greater focus on actual pvp engagement inside of warzones would potentially lead to an increased skill cap across the board and would result in a healthier pvp experience for everyone.
  15. If this simply eliminated high movement buffs you might have a point to stand on but hinder eliminates a large portion of many classes dcds as well. This change is effectively turning the huttball into electronet.
  16. Eric please ask the devs to reconsider this change, most non-tank classes will not be able to survive with the ball long enough to get a pass off with these changes (vs solid dps). If you want to give players an incentive to pass the ball consider applying a stacking debuff (damage taken increased , healing decreased, stacking slow). Hinder is a terrible mechanic given the fact that so many dcds are attached to or considered movement abilities.
  17. This might work in a coordinated pre-made, but in the average match people are going to very quickly figure out that picking up the huttball = instant death.
  18. Arena changes are good, huttball changes are horrible. Can you add in an option to prevent other players from passing the ball to you? Hinder prevents movement buffs, which in many cases prevent you from using dcds; picking up the huttball makes you a focus target, now you're going to be the focus target who won't have access to all of your dcds...
  19. alexsamma

    Nerf Guard!

    Pvp tanks are not meant to be un-killable meat shields with nerf bats... good pvp tanks have always pushed out solid dps since the beginning of the game when most pvp tanks ran hybrid builds and carried multiple gear sets. People focus on the fact that tanks do too much damage (which is not a problem) when they should focus on the fact that 3.0/4.0/5.0 has made it way to easy to push dps as a tank (partially due to stat inflation and a much larger stat pool in pvp). You might want to chill on the dcd comments considering mara's are the worst offenders in that department at the moment and people are starting to wake up and realize just how over-blown mara dcds are in comparison to other classes.
  20. alexsamma

    Nerf Guard!

    Then it's probably best that they don't attempt to inplement stat constraints for specific specs... can you just imagine how they will manage to screw that up (think naked bolster, empty shells, etc, etc).
  21. alexsamma

    Nerf Guard!

    Or Bioware could simply address the extremely heavy stat inflation introduced from 4.0 to now.... I think people would be amazed at how many "issues" would be addressed if Bioware had performed a stat squish in 5.0...
  22. Anni and Carnage have a fairly high skill floor (at least for swtor..) but fury is basically designed for half retarded 17 year old kids who like to play with one hand (essentially all the kids who used to main AP pt ) and text with the other. Honestly, all joking aside, fury is one of the most broken specs in the game at the moment and it is extremely easy to play.
  23. Damage mitigation/reduction cooldowns are superior in larger fights and in trinity comps. Off and self healing cooldowns are superior in small fights and non-trinity comps. Mercs currently have one of the best dcd kits of any class in the game but they are actually sub par in team ranked and behind maras//snipers/ops (and well played sins) in trinity solos (assuming player skill is equal). I facepalm when someone mentions giving merc dcds to dps powertechs... you can actually shut down merc dps... a powertech with merc dcds would be beyond broken because you can't shut powertech damage down (this is not saying that dps pts have lackluster cool downs). Mara's actually have the best defensive toolkit in the game currently, and they have very little in the way of self healing (blood ward and anni heals); people complain about mercs because you smash your head into the keyboard and are healed to full (I guess people complain snipers because they only remember the really good snipers and completely forget about the average snipers they decimate).
  24. There are many solid pvp guilds imp side... some of the top ranked players in the game play imp side... That being said, there are tons of mid-tier try hard pub premades running so your chances of encountering them in regs are fairly high. As far as solo ranked there is only one group that is attempting to sync (or bait imps into queuing and then swapping factions), the true issue is that there are less average/below average players queuing on pub side so when solos are popping on both factions you are more likely to be grouped with below average players on imp side and placed against above average players on pub side; unless bioware implements cross-faction solos the only way to address this is to queue on pub side (or get more below average players to queue on pub side...). If you think SS is an imp solo ranked haven think again, there is a group of players who sync pub side there and the average player on SS is just as bad as the average player on SF... solos on SS this past saturday were some of the worst solos I have ever experienced and they were all imp vs imp (and if you don't believe me feel free to ask Doc). Of course the best way to address this is to find a group of players and form a team for team ranked, SF has had 5 different groups queuing over the past few days and the potential for group ranked on SF is much higher than the potential for group ranked on SS. If you're interested in group ranked or trying to find new people to play with in regs I would suggest joining these two discord servers: https://discord.gg/BN774xk Cross server discord (sorry, I don't have a permanent link, you'll have to ask around fleet for this one)
  25. Both servers are ****, pick your poison or be smart and have characters on both servers.
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