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Everything posted by Rafkin

  1. A guildmate told us to save our daily tokens because 1.2 has some nice relics for 200 tokens but the examples he gave had dps or healing procs. Anyone on test seen relics with tank procs?
  2. The biggest drawback for me was ops don't get a gap closer. So all those knock backs bosses do take you out of the fight longer than the assassin. And for pvp assassins get many good skills whereas the op doesn't get any really.
  3. What are people sick of? Dailies What are you giving us more of? Dailies Brilliant!
  4. Defense will increase your chance to totally avoid a hit. Armor will lessen the damage you take when you do get hit. 9 defense is pretty trivial. If the armor rating is much higher go with that
  5. My suggestion is to hire new programers. The designs seem solid and interesting just too many bugs.
  6. What really annoys me, and prevents me from playing the classes, is that you only use one hand to wield a double-bladed saber. It looks ridiculous.
  7. Won't matter. Test server is to test the changes they have already made. You're looking for bugs. They are not going to change anything based on player feedback. They've proven that.
  8. If you look at the cost of the top gear and the amount of tokens you can get from solo content you would have to run all the dailies for over a year to get all the armor pieces.
  9. Won't matter. Their track record shows that for every fix they introduce a new bug so who cares when they fox it.
  10. I don't know that we used your program but last night one of the pylons started off with one wheel already solved so the solver website the leader used did not list any spins for this wheel. Of course the puzzle wouldn't solve when it came to this wheel so we were screwed.
  11. Its the worst game ever thats still fun to play. Its getting me by until new games come out this spring/summer.
  12. There is an agent bug where they can only send one companion out at a time. Seems to happen after a certain companion is taken away from you as part of the storyline. So you end up doing all of Corelia with only one companion capable of doing missions. For me this was 3 levels. I don't know if that qualifies for this bug list.
  13. Juggs have the best animations and since people think they suck they won't blame you for..well...sucking.
  14. You pretty much said it. Not much going on with tanks. Especially from a pve standpoint. With these devs no news is good news.
  15. I don't know about all the number theorizing out there but I can tell you mitigating damage is the least of our problems. Our defense stat is generally higher than other tanks and thats the best mitigation out there. Maybe after the healer nerfs i'll be more concerned but as it is now we never wipe because I die. 99% of wipes in both flashpoints and ops are from enrage timers.
  16. My favorite response from my sith warrior is "stop talking. I'll do it." I wish that was available for every quest.
  17. A common filler talent for healing ops is from the middle tree that increases the amount of healing received by 9%(?). Still wouldn't account for such large numbers but its something.
  18. I'd rather see the leveling take longer and them add significant things to do at all levels. There isn't much they can do though. The WoW culture has players racing to the cap so they can enjoy "endgame".
  19. Well I asked because say I have two companions at 5k affection and I'm trying to decide which to focus on. Maybe one of them only has a couple conversations and one has many. Maybe 5k is enough that I've finished one of them. There is no way to know.
  20. The dev blog mentions unlocking passive stat buffs when you complete all a companions quests and conversations. How do you know if you've done this? Is it only complete when you gain 10,000 affection?
  21. So because of a bug with the story line I'm level 47 and I can only send out one companion on a mission at a time. How is something like this not a priority?
  22. There are no technical challenges unless their programs are truly horrific. Games have been merging servers since 1999. Server mergers look bad to investors and upper management. The "guys in charge" are probably trying to line up a new job before they announce server mergers.
  23. I was just coming to the forums to report this. Happening to me too.
  24. Because you enjoy it or because there is nothing else to do?
  25. Yet you have no problem with an agent Human companion that can turn into a zombie? Or one that shares a hive mind with some insects? Suspension of disbelief ship sailed a long time ago.
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