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Everything posted by Terrahero

  1. Change the daily. Have people complete 3 warzones and they will participate. If instead you punish them for leaving you'll get 1) People will join less, if you try solo queu at the wrong time it can take hours to complete 3 wins. Not worth the trouble. Increases everyone's queu times 2) People will join, and just AFK. Contributing even less.
  2. Plus the passive 35% they get from High-velocity gas cilinders. Thats 55% armor penetration. And most of the attacks they throw out are counted as Tech, so they cannot be dodged or deflected. Versus the 20% passive only on Ambush + 20% from debuff. And everything dodgeable+deflectable. I see no excuse why alot of Sniper moves cannot be changed to Tech (undodgeable/undeflectable) and passive Armor penetration can be ramped up to atleast 25% on ALL abilities.
  3. The MM tree is poor in pvp and lacking in pve. What little utility it had has been crushed with the nerf to Diversion. Ive been the gimp class before in WoW and i see all the signs here with the Sniper class. Poor itemization, weird talent setup and interaction, forced to stack more stats, simply less powerfull and other design issues. Since Bioware doesnt acknowledge anything i dont forsee anything being done any time soon. So i'll either reroll or downright quit. I refuse to be stuck with another class that requires double the effort for half the reward.
  4. I dont care what your pvp rank is, i have been pushed out of Entrench and i have pushed others out of Entrench. Period. Wether it is a bug that happens sometimes or not, i dont care. It happens, its broken.
  5. I had it happen aswell once, happend when i didnt have the 2.5k damage medal yet. I got that one instead and not the 5k medal.
  6. Entrench does not protect against knockbacks. Neither does Balistic Shield, so its childishly easy to counter entrench for any class with a knockback. Which is most.
  7. I refuse to read whine about whine posts from someone who insists everyone should just spec Lethality for everything.
  8. You are correct that Crushing Darkness deals kinetic damage. However Thundering Blast and Death Field both deal Internal damage. Just like Cull, Corrosive Grenade and Corrosive Dart. This gives Lethality, additional to the ones named above, Interrogation Probe and Orgital Strike as abilities that ignore armor. And for those wondering, no Expl. Probe and Frag grenade do NOT deal elemental damage. they deal Kinetic damage whichs gets affected by Armor. A sith Sorc has: Shock, Lightning Strike, Affliction, Force Storm, Force Lightning. And either Chain Lightning+Thundering Blast or Creeping Terror+Death Field. So, a total of 7. Not counting CC abilities like Overload and Electrocute. So, thats more. And then we arent even considering the practical side. A Sorc doesnt really depend so much on his (one) kinetic damage ability. As an Sniper you will use Probe, Frag grenade and Weaking Blast. Which all do not ignore damage, and thats assuming that you are Lethality. As MM almost everything you do does not ignore Armor. So, you are right Sorcs have an ability that does not ignore armor. But you are wrong, Thunder Blast and Death Field are internal damage. And Sorc do have more armor-ignoring abilities then a Lethal Sniper.
  9. Ive said it before. -Move most abilities to Tech so they cannot be dodged and deflected. -Passive Armor penetration of 30%. -Entrench protect against knockbacks. -Evasion grants a reduction to Tech and Force damage. -Target Acquired extra effect to ignore damage reducing/sharing buffs. To counter stuff like Guard and other defensive cooldowns, with an offensive cooldown. Afterall, we are the pure dmg specialist. If to complicated, just the heal debuff marauders have. And a few fixes: -Being rooted does not deny you use of Cover. -Using an ability that takes cover, instantly puts you into Cover and uses/starts casting that ability. To smooth the class over a bit, instead of double dipping into latency.
  10. Obvious troll is obvious. Im steamrolling a great deal faster on my Merc Bh, Marauder Warrior and Sorc Healer. Especially in PvE.
  11. It is a pretty poor talent. Regen is not based on total energy, but % energy. The full 5 per sec regen happens when you are at, or over, 60% total energy. Not 60 energy, but ofcourse if you dont have the talent its the same. So it only adds a very minor extra bit of actual 5sec regen space. Very disapointing talent, just like Gearhead and Snap Shot. Gearhead is near redundant as taking cover is off global cooldown. And Snap Shot doesnt carry over to outside cover (if you got for example Gear for on the run Snipe) and still invokes 1.5sec gcd. So as far as actual dps, its virtually no gain.
  12. I just had to comment here, i have the greatest difficulty getting the 5k medal on my MM Sniper. Ambush can only crit over 5k if i have 15% Expertise + relic active. And then i need a good target, something squishy that doesnt have an absorb or defensive cooldown running. And then i need to get lucky and get a crit, and not a dodge/deflect. Ive gotten the 300k damage more then the 5k.
  13. -Alot of Sniper abilities should move to Tech. Undodgeable and Undeflectable. Dont tell me its unfair because a BH has mostly Tech abilities and a Sorc is nothing but Force, both cannot be dodged or deflected. -Moar Armor Penetration. 20% from debuff and 20% passive to ONLY Ambush from talents. Pisspoor. Look at Merc, 35% passive on all abilities + he can debuff an additional 20% armor penetration. 55% on all his abilities. Sorc is completely ignores all armor all the time. -Something to make us stand out as a pure dps. A pure dps tool. Either the healing debuff that Marauder has. Or perhaps tune Target Acquiered so its not such a mediocre ability. When TA is active you ignore damage reducing buffs on the target, specifically the Guard buff from Tanks. Actually lets you burn someone down through defensive cooldowns every once in a while. -Fire whoever designed Sniper gear. Our set bonusses are awefull and for some reason certain pieces of Rakata gear are worst then Columi.
  14. It is absolute crap. But some people seem to be in a dream world and think its all fine and dandy. Some even say "look we already got like 40% armor penetration on Ambush! What more do you want!" Well, what i'd like to do right now is put things a bit in perspective. Perspective granted to me, us, by looking at our other 2 ranged classes that inflict pain over a distance. The Merc and the Sorc. Lets start with the BH, shall we? As a Merc you get a passive 35% armor penetration. Just like that, no need to spec or anything, just take it already. 35% on all abilities. But there is more, their Tracer Missle stacks an armor debuff. Another 20% for a whooping 55% armor penetration, on all their abilities. And as an added bonus, most of their abilities are Tech. And Tech cannot be dodged or deflected. And then we have the Sorc. Who ignores all armor with all the abilities he uses. You might aswell not be wearing anything at all. And since everything is Force damage, nothing can be dodged or deflected. Kinda put that 40% armor penetration on ONE ability in perspective, didnt it? Doesnt look all that amazing now, does it? And all your ranged abilities can also be dodged and deflected. Yeah, think about it.
  15. Are you living under a rock? This isnt "one day" This kind of lengthy, middle of the day maintenance has happend to Europe over half a dozen times. And the game has been released barely more then a month! Regular maintenance alone is always, every week, set to happen in the middle of the day. Please, dont post here if you do not know whats going on and why we are pissed. But it must be easy telling us to relax when you're from the US and this stuff never happens to you.
  16. Expertise is a redundant stat. If your aim is to make a pvp experience where the players own skill and understanding if his class (and other classes) is the major factor in succes. All stats can simply be normalized in pvp. No matter what gear you wear, stats are all pulled to the same equivalent. This ofcourse means there is no gear progression in pvp. So what is the reward for pvping, outside some cooler looking armor and other fancy rewards? Well there is still the possibility to give out items usefull to pve, where there is still a gear progression. But above all, your reward for PvPing should be the PvPing. Why do millions play FPS games online? They dont really get better for it, other then their personal skill and personal enjoyment for playing. That wouldve been a very good direction to take PvP to in SWTOR, sadly they went with the WoW system where not skill but Gear is king. Not to mention PvP would be easier to balance when stats are normalized. -"He killed me in 5seconds!" +"Well thats not okay. Ow wait, he has 500 expertise and you have 0... then it is okay." -"so when is it no longer okay?" +"We eurh... We'll get back to you on that"
  17. I agree. Everyone just wants to slap punishment and penalty on leaving when all lv50's want to do mostly is get that damned daily done. Which can take hours and hours and be more like a weekly at times! So how about they change that instead? Instead of winning 3 matches you just need to participate in 3 matches? Lets try that first and i can pretty much guarantee you the number of people leaving a warzone will go down drastically. Ive seen alot of threads about farming other teams with premades and hows its okay because thats just the most efficient way to do it and we should just blame Bioware. Well, not sticking around an obviously lost Warzone (which incase of huttball becomes clear in less then a minute sometimes) is more efficient for me. And neither am i looking forward to being forced to stick around when the other team has managed to get their 2 premade battlemaster team in the same huttball. And they scored 5 points after 2min and are not refusing to score the last just so they can farm our team on our spawn.
  18. Against a good players, nothing much and you will die. How do you know if its a good player? Simple. Use Entrench, if they dont use a their knockbacks to break you out of it, they are a bad player. Even worst are the peanuts who then proceed to use their CCs on me. And abuse the "you cant take cover while rooted"-issue as much as possible. Funfact, i can pretty much remove another Sniper from the game for 19sec and still not fill up his resolve bar.
  19. This sums it up nicely. Play a Sniper and you're fighting an uphill battle, especially against pvp geared targets who you cant seem to hit worth a damn. And you'll notice soon enough you have to work harder, with less, to achieve the same. Oddly enough our damage suffers more then anyone (marauder a close second) from mitigation and random avoidance. And for a pure damage class our tools are pretty low. And our damage not very impressive. Especially since all we do well is damage, we dont heal or CC and have you ever seen a Sniper pick up a Huttball? Well, pick up a Huttball and not get splattered in the following 3seconds? We might pass it on and such, but anything that draws attention to you gets you killed fast. We're pretty squishy. Yet despite all these weaknesses and areas we do not do well or do nothing at all. Our damage part is frankly, not that great. And that baffles me. We should have the tools to be an excellent dps.
  20. Sorry, but thats wrong. Sorc can spec to 35m range on a couple of his damage abilities aswell.
  21. The OP makes a few good points. Im amazed at how much flexibility the Force-bar allows. You have a ton of that stuff and it regens fast. Unlike an Agent or a BH who needs to manage his resource well just for healing, going full dps mode will hurt him and his healing. This seems to be much less the case for the Sorc. And yes, i too sometimes wonder why a Sorc (or counsular) is given so many diffirent tools. Lets sum it up, shall we? -Whirlwind; a casted 8sec CC that breaks on damage. 30y range -Overload; AoE knockback. Funny enough on only 20sec cd, BH has 30sec and so does Sniper. And Sniper even req. Cover. -Electrocute; instant 4sec Stun. 30y range. -Force Speed: 50% speed increase for 2sec. -Jolt: Interupt, 30y range. -Force Slow: 50% slow for 6sec, 12sec cd. Also 30y range. -Extrication: Pulls a friendly target to you. These are all the BASELINE tools that every Sorc, regardless of spec, will have. If specced Corruption (odd name as its the healing tree) they gain: -Fade Out: Static Barrier also increase movement speed by 20%. -Conspiring Force: Affliction slows movement with 20% If specced Lightning: -Surpression: Maybe a little stretch, but Jolt's interupt lockout lasts an extra 2 seconds. 6 sec unable to use the interupted ability. On as 12sec cooldown. Looking like the best interupt if you ask me. -Electric Bindings: Overload also Roots its victims for 5sec, breaks early on damage (2sec). -Backlash: When static barrier ends it aoe blinds ALL nearby enemies for 3sec. When specced Madness: -Haunted Dreams: Whirlwind is cast instantly, and if the effect is broken by damage the target suffers a 2sec stun. -Creeping Terror: Root the target for 2sec (and inflict a bunch of dmg over time) 9sec cd. It is possible to mix and match talents and get tools from diffirent trees. Altough i dont know if such a build is favorable. Anyway, alot of tools? Feel free to judge for yourself.
  22. Absolute and blatant LIE. They could, very easily, normalize ALL stats the moment you enter a Warzone. Regardless of what your actual gear is. then PvP would not be based on who has the better gear anymore. Wether to do it or not is what you can argue about. But not if its possible.
  23. And ill be looking forward to seeing how they adress this issue. So far maintenance has been scheduled when it best suited the American playerbase, regardless of how much it screwed over the European playerbase. If you think about it, last saterday was a patch to benefit the US side. They got their maintenance in a period that the servers are quiet and when they get back to playing they'll have some of their issues resolved with no inconvenience at all. However the Europeans missed out on 5h in the middle of a saterday. To fix relative minor issues (i dont care what Bioware says, the issues noted are minor.) Causing more inconvenience then it actually prevents. Infact, i never had a "disconnect to login screen", ow thats not true. It happend today for the first time, funny as they supposedly fixed that yesterday! The only people i can see saying "this is fine, get over it" are either the die hard Bioware fans who will idolize anything they do. And the US, who are simply scared to **** that Bioware might realize half their money comes from Europe and plans the next maintenance in US prime-time. In closing, seperate the damn downtimes already so no one has to get shafted. But if you insist Bioware, then spread the burden around. If not, i can guarentee you're European subs will drop.
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