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Everything posted by wutru

  1. Fanboys ruin games. People who actually give constructive criticism help it, because they want the game to succeed. They aren't blinded and they don't accept everything that is currently wrong with the game, like fanboys do. and.. well.. Haters are always going to hate.
  2. Only fanboys say "lrn2play", when it's obviously a problem. Why even give us skills that aren't useful in the first place? If Bioware was competent, they would have consolidated the irrelevant skills from 1-10, then have some of the same skills share cooldowns, in order to replace the irrelevant skills. I know how to play. I know which skills are useful and which are not. There are 3 or more Sniper skills which are rarely ever used for my Operative healing spec. I have 3 bars filled, which leaves 1 bar free. I still have around 3-4 more new skills to learn. So please learn the difference between "overwhelming" and "efficient" playstyles.
  3. Grouping and Helping each other for that mob > single player
  4. Do you know why there's less people the higher level you go? Because people stop playing. That's the major reason. It has nothing to do with going too fast. The game failed to keep player's interest long enough.
  5. I'll support account-wide Legacy, but only if we can change it, even if for a price in-game. Otherwise i say no, just in case i want to start fresh on another server.
  6. 35 Operative here. You get your 2nd one on Alderaan. I was lvl 30 when i got it. You get the 3rd one on Taris. I was lvl 35 when i got it.
  7. OP can't be serious. This game fails at the MMO part, and the RPG part.
  8. The Cloaking Screen bug is so messed up and annoying. It actually bugged on Darth Jadus for me. This really needs to be fixed asap.
  9. I was doing a Heroic last night, and i told the group i was going to Sleep Dart the mob. Then the bounty hunter said we didn't need CC, and we didn't need to pull the mobs around the corner. Group wiped 3 times because he kept insisting he could tank all 4 or 5 elites. I left the group after that. CC is definitely needed, it's too bad most players think it isn't. On another note, i wish we could see the actual Sleep Dart debuff on targets. For some reason, it doesn't show for me.
  10. Should healing Ops focus on Crit too? That also gives crit heals.
  11. Thanks. It's good to know some people actually help out on this forum.
  12. This is ironic. Comprehend what i wrote. I never asked to get rid of anything. Please put some effort in your typing too, otherwise no one will take you seriously.
  13. There is no detailed explanation for certain stats by hovering. This is why i made this post.
  14. I'm not asking for simplification. I'm asking for explanation. Care to elaborate with detailed information on each stat in the game?
  15. Better yet.. Bioware should explain more comprehensively on what they do exactly. Hovering over doesn't explain what Power does. Does anyone know?
  16. Anyone know a website which breaks it all down? or Which classes and/or roles should use which stats? Edit: Swtor's community is terrible. Some of you are responding very defensively as if i'm attacking the game. Relax. If you don't want to help out, then please don't respond. Thanks to those who helped.
  17. That's why you have the choice. The options are there, but you don't want to do it.
  18. Content isn't really the issue with me. There's plenty of it in this game, which Bioware got right. It's just the other issues such as the UI, skill system, and LFG system that bothers me most.
  19. This list below may not be things you like, but stop being dishonest and saying there isn't anything to do at 50. I'm not a swtor fanboy either, just look through my past posts and you'll know. Datacrons Crafting Questing Flashpoints Operations Codex Achievements 16 class stories PvP Dailies etc. etc..
  20. XP gain extremely slows down at around 30. It seems like it's going slower now. Bad memories of the Aion grind post lvl 25.
  21. The real reason high level zones are empty, is because everyone stops playing past 20. The game is that bad.
  22. I made a thread about this before. I listed the positives about it too. The fanboys attacked me though. I swear they ruin MMO's. Some of us actually try to improve the game with progress, and the fanboys just say "it's fine, lrn2play". They just ruin the gameplay experience when the devs listen to them.
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