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Everything posted by wutru

  1. come the 20th.. Bioware, are you prepared??
  2. The Guild column should be removed. And please center the character numbers in the Character column.
  3. the roots of dubstep are amazing.. modern dubstep is terrible..
  4. http://www.torhead.com/player-classes i'll be going Sith Marauder
  5. http://www.swtor.com/server-status edit: changed the title
  6. http://twitter.com/#!/swtor Yes, the fourth wave was the final wave for the day. New invites will start at 8am CST tomorrow - 6AM PST/9AM EST/2PM GMT/3PM CET
  7. Bioware should be ashamed. A $150 million MMO can't even get a launch day correct. Lesser MMO's have launched better.
  8. This is an MMO. Keeping players apart = flawed design.
  9. http://www.swtor.com/server-status Good job on closing shop way too early. You could've rolled out more waves throughout the night and filled them up. This was the most important day for this game, and you just packed up and went home? Where is the communication?
  10. Their poor execution is no excuse. Some of their devs worked on, and even played, previous MMOs. They know how it works. They had an exact date to be ready. They failed. Their grade is an F. Any smart business would be prepared. They should have planned a 24/7 support team for continuous invites. Instead, they stopped inviting. They must have known this would happen. What is their excuse?
  11. ratios, thresholds, and algorithms are Bioware's friends.
  12. To test the capacity of x amount of clients online simultaneously, and to ensure server stability. (anyone have a more clear & concise definition?) Did Bioware really have enough time, between their last stress test and the 13th, to meet this criteria? What was their criteria anyway? And why did Boba Fett have the most underwhelming death in the history of films?
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