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Everything posted by Thehellfire

  1. Do you feel patch 1.6 has been a money grab by bioware with the cash shop event ? Yes I know Bioware claims there is no event, but with everything an event would have being sold (and not cheaply) in the cash shop it sure looks like it .
  2. Am I reading this right, this is the only MMO ever to not have a xmas event? And then no info on future events? Ya sounds like making events is trumped by making cash from lifeday packs
  3. Are people really threatening to leave the game because there is no gay love stories? Wow you people have you priorities really screwed. Don't you think money is better spent on content everyone will enjoy versus 1 percent?
  4. This is indeed true, likely the current lead designer has moved in a different direction.
  5. Your reading comprehension sucks. No where did I claim to "know". But the world is filled with the uneducated.
  6. I am going to guess that what they will be working on is 80% items for cash shop, 15% bug fixes and 5% new content.
  7. Good thing this falls in that .1%. But really I believe they just said that to appease the 100 or so people that keep bugging them about it.
  8. Sounds like a lot of what you want you can only find in single player games.
  9. Lets all hope its something that never ever gets into the game, after all only .00001 percent of the population want this and far more don't.
  10. As a new subscriber I have no issue with load screens they are no worse than other mmos out there.
  11. These arent singular to tor these are gripes trhat you can have with ANY MMO. Id add players that run to the forums calling out other players thinking their **** smells like roses.
  12. This seems more anti-f2p than anti-gold seller. Are you sure you aren't just being discriminatory to f2p?
  13. I would like to thank Bioware for its great timing, the servers go down as Im heading to bed. Keep up the excellent work.
  14. One I have not played myself, but like you said it was pvp to start.
  15. Also, who the hell plays a tank for pvp? You cant kill anything, and smart players will ignore you and laugh as they kill your healer.
  16. Just to provide clarity, tanks suck in all pve games that have some pvp. I cant name one mmo where tanks weren.'t worthless in pvp.
  17. Well its the inference that f2p players are beggars. They aren't they are why the game has hope of survival now.
  18. Its not too high, if you want too high look at Funcom's The Secret World, 20 dollars for an outfit that is character bound only.
  19. I'll point out if it weren't for the "beggars" this game would have shut down. Just saying.
  20. DDO and Lotro are still populated, hell CO and STO are still around I think you are overreacting a little bit
  21. Why would f2p need a security key? They have no CC info or even email info on hand until they sub.
  22. I disagree that they need to make it easier for f2p. I found the restrictions tolerable, and I subbed after a weekwend. They want more they can pay
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