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Everything posted by DarthAgonny

  1. Its funny because the OP joined December 2011. Serious thread is serious.
  2. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1040917-SWTOR-Tweaks-Includes-Chat-Bubble-Toggle
  3. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1040917-SWTOR-Tweaks-Includes-Chat-Bubble-Toggle hope it works for you:cool:
  4. Im playing with my fiancee and we speak in the party chat all the time, nevertheless, general gets annoying and want to log off from it since i have a companion already:rak_tongue: Is there a way to leave general chat??
  5. Very interesting. I beleive there is an undeniable truth here. Both guys who said were lvl 50 feel like there is noone while people who are questing admit they find tons of people. Well i gotta tell you there is a simple explanation. In wow most people dont do quests they just grind or craft or stay in cities cause of the ah or arenas or bgs. Those things in tor are not necesarily in cities i.e crew skills. GTM or warzones (accesable from anywhrre) so most people dont crowd themselves in citiea cause everything is not centered there. Plus at this stage people dont hang around,they do quest all day in diff instanced planets. In WoW noone do quest anymore they just grind and thats exhausting so they hang around in cities to relax wich doesnt happen in swtor. Tl;dr quests in swtor are amazing people do not hang in cities they just do quests all day all over the planets. In wow quest suck so people stay in cities. Wrote this on a samsung galaxy s1.
  6. in order to change the color of your armor. i.e LOTRO
  7. social are not designed for pvp pve. mostly for social ocassions. i.e a tuxedo.
  8. first of all i'm deeply sorry for any grammar atrocities. please don't think too much of it since i'm using an smartphone to write this. back to the topic, i'm really interested wether or not we have surpassed the 2mil users. anybody has any clue on how many users are asigned to a server? perhaps that way we could get an estimated number?
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