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Everything posted by Quinan

  1. I will be sad to not see your SWTOR vids no more mate, but you have earned my respect and you are a really top guy. I will continue to support you and your channel and will keep watching your future vids. Take care man
  2. Eh? I could keybind all 16 classes if I wanted with 20-30 keybinds on each one. The the other guy said its the system you use to remember which keybind does what. For instance I always use my middle mouse button to use my break free ability, I always use the F key for my stun and 1-5 for my main abilities etc. Not really sure why you think keybinders are restricted to only a few classes. If I wanted to switch from dps to healer for a change then I just move the heals on to my 1-5 keys. Simples
  3. Yes exactly. IcyKills explanation is perfect and his thread goes over a lot of info so anyone needing explanations should check it out. There is also a video at the end of his thread made by myself about bolstering though it misses some info that has since come to light after experimenting etc.
  4. Hi mate Yes you can use the gear on Oricon as its 162. You can actually mix the mods using different lvls on 1 piece of gear. for instance you can have 178 mods in with lower armoring or enhancment. Just as long as the average of the 3 are 162 or less.
  5. Yes this is true. Its great when that happens. People give up too easily and go off sulking. I really don't see the point in playing if that is all your going to do until you get a winning match. That would frustrate me 10x more than just losing a game.
  6. My friends call me Sigmund Freud
  7. Nah outside is boring, inside I get to play with lightsabers
  8. As I said, I would be utterly ***** trying to click, focus and turn well, but its clear Ferreus can do it. I am pretty sure I have seen him play a sin and looked fine to me. Though I have never played sin so no idea really but I reckon he would still hold his own regardless. He knows his stuff and ppl should focus on the tips he can give about the actual match and not focus on the clicking.
  9. What I find incredibly funny is how much ppl instantly focus on Ferreus clicking. Why does this matter? This is how he plays and he clearly does it well. Would he do better as a keybinder? who the f*ck cares! At the end of the day this video was made to prove 1 single point. He clicks and he still does well. This is his preference and he is 1 of many ppl that click instead of keybind so there are many ppl that would enjoy this. I personally keybind, its how i've always played since playing an MMO. If I tried to click I would fail miserably, I wouldnt enjoy it and it wouldn't suit me. Its the exact opposite for Ferreus. This is how he has always played and he has perfected it, so much so he has just as much awareness of his surroundings as a keybinder does. He has memorised where his abilities are so this leaves him to be able to click without taking his eyes off the fight itself. I for one could not do this and I personally (my own opinion) think that this takes a lot of skill.
  10. Doesn't happen now it seems. Or it never has with me mate
  11. Haha well.... This went errrmmm..... Yea lol Well if anyone does end up watching the vid let me know what you think lol My next title will read WATCH MY F**KING VIDEO!!! lol But yea intercede is amazing. Apart from those occasions when you want to intercede, you click on the person you want to jump to and then they run out of range and leave you getting creamed by the enemy lol those times suck ***
  12. Hey peeps So my subscribers are going up and up nicely. What I want to know is how can I improve the vids? Im looking for constructive criticism not just criticism I want to make the videos more enjoyable for you (the viewer) but im stuck with what I can do differently. Anyways feedback is good. Leave me a comment in my video. If you like it give it a thumbs up. If you want to see more then subscribe to be notified when I bring another out. I am bringing 3 videos per week. Thanks
  13. Hi mate, you can add the highest lvl augment if you like and it won't affect the bolster. Personally I waited until I had PvP gear until I augmented due to the expensive costs of augmenting but if you have a ton of credits then you may as well go all out
  14. Nice one peeps im looking forward to playing it. I know until I get my roll ability (whatever that is called) I will struggle and die a lot but I will have a smile on my face while doing it lol
  15. If you want to know how to bolster you can find out how on my YouTube channel below. You can find a thread on the subject here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=797369&highlight=bolstering. I also do PvP tips on my videos. I'm definitely no pro and I am learning new things the more I play so the tips I am giving are good for ppl new to PvP. The most important thing is to have fun with it. Don't become an elitist douchbag. Learn at your own pace. Watch videos on YouTube and you will pick up little things off there all the time. The thing is getting good at PvP does not happen overnight, so be patient and stick with it and as long as you keep learning then you will have plenty of lols along the way
  16. Lol nice. Thanks for the tip dude. Looking forward to it. I'll prob get some games recorded once I can get full bolster sorted
  17. That's good. I have gone with scrapper already just didn't know if that was the better option but it seems it may be
  18. So I've leveled up 3 characters on the Imp side but never played the operative. Instead of playing Imp again I have gone to the Republic and started a scoundrel. Which spec would you recommend me to lvl but which would also be fun to pvp in through the lvls? Scrapper or Ruffian? I basically plan on lvling the opposite version of my Imp classes on the Pub side but the opposite Advanced class so I have plenty of options to mix things up and I can get more variety to my YouTube vids. Any input would be awesome
  19. You are right on the money here dude. I see ppl leaving the game all the time due to the PvP being broken. And when I say broken I don't just mean they cannot balance the classes properly because that is a difficult thing to do to make sure they are viable in both PvE and PvP but just the fact there is no penalty for leaving a wz is stupid. Like you said the population of servers are low as it is so if they were to add in time penalties then everyone else would have to queue longer. The thing is in my eyes is if ppl had a time penalty then they would stop leaving the games so much in the 1st place, so although it may be slow to start with it would get better once ppl realise how crap it is to wait around 30mins until the next game. Also me personally would rather wait an extra 5 mins for a match to pop to get ppl that actually tries to win instead of giving up at the 1st hurdle.
  20. Haha I will take that on board lol
  21. https://youtu.be/1o2Z9HNGX4A Ok so I have just posted this and its been taken down straight away. Maybe because I had a slight swear word in the title lol Anyways what are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think they are doing the best they can or can they do better. Who like myself think a bigger and better solution would be to add a 30 minute lock out from joining a new match in both ranked and normals if they leave? They do a 15 minute one for PvE so why not PvP? Anyways let the ranting begin..... GO
  22. Where is the love for me!!! lol
  23. Thanks for including me in your post dude. Much appreciated
  24. As IcyKill said dude don't play ranked unless you are in minimum full exhumed gear but even then it is still a tough match. better to grind that dark reaver gear then do it. you won't be loved very much if you go in ranked in pve gear dude Also our thread's are not pre 3.0, or at least mine isn't because i only returned to the game at 3.0 after a 2 yr break.
  25. I think pre 60 you should go read IcyKills thread here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=795518 I think you need all slots equipped before it will bolster you. And I believe this is only possible at lvl 21.
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