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Everything posted by BlueWanderer

  1. Tell everyone if it is your first time for any new group content (FPs or ops or even grouping for a heroic/daily). If they aren't willing to help you out and/or let you watch the story, they aren't worth playing with anyway, good riddance to them.
  2. They are a little inconsistent about repeating the "news cast" event missions. Some events are repeatable and others are only doable once per character. You can always do it on an alt if you want to re-see the full mission.
  3. The only weapons worth using are the legacy bound ones. Nobody notices what your sabers looks like anyway.
  4. Here is an example of the golden rule of MMOs and/or the internet... If someone publicly says X is the best or they like X the best, someone else will feel obligated to publicly say X is the worst or they hate X. Nobody bothers to justify these opinions, so both sides are equally wrong.
  5. Does anyone else find the small conquest reward of a piddling number of a random green mat insulting? They already have green jawa scrap, if they want to give us a handful of green mats as a reward for all our efforts to get to our conquest objectives (personal and guild), that'd less useless.
  6. There are people that like to play together for everything (couples with friends). The fact that you were forced to do almost all of KotFE/KotET solo screwed those people.
  7. Operations typically require a little knowledge about mechanics, so you probably shouldn't just queue for your first op and expect a random group tutor you about the op. Go to fleet and reply to people saying they are looking for people for an op (but tell them it is your first time for the op). Most groups will give you advice if you warn them you need it.
  8. What I really want to know is when will the expansion after the expansion after the next expansion be release? How can I properly plan for 8.0 if I don't know how much longer I have in 5.x, 6.x, and 7.x? And, will SWTOR be like OSes where they skip OS 9, so the expansion after 8.0 will be 10.0 or even be called expansion X?
  9. Imagine the billions of bugs if they changed out core engine stuff and didn't rewrite all the spaghetti code that they've made to work around issues with the original engine. Just look at the problems they introduced when they decided to make a percentage of exp earned apply to conquest too... There'd be thousands of issues like that with a significant change to underlying graphics/threading/etc.
  10. The term for orange shells is custom gear (adaptive means it adapts to light/med/heavy and there is non-customizable adaptive gear).. There is also an appearance tab where you can set your appearance to be anything you like and therefore your appearance isn't tied to the pieces you equip for the armor/stats. If you get a drop in a fp or from an heroic, just equip it if it is better than what you have on (it won't mess up your appearance unless it is a weapon). A lot of people have shown that gear (while leveling) is nearly meaningless... People level naked except for a weapon. Leveling is also so fast, if you get something decent for your current level, you'll level out of it before you really notice anyway.. Bolster (in unranked PvP and FPs) also tend to make gear pretty meaningless. The game, as it stands now, doesn't need any gearing while leveling fixes (unless they fix it to make gear meaningful again).
  11. Double XP weeks are typically done to promote a patch.... Patches typically have bugs. The bugs are probably due to laziness rather than malicious intent.
  12. SWTOR does not have a "leveling system" any more. If you want to do the story missions, it is almost hard not to over level doing that, but it doesn't matter since over leveling doesn't mean much with level sync. You could just as easily argue that people doing PVP exclusively, or re-running the same FPs over and over is just as bad/broken/counter to the "leveling system"... There are so many ways to shortcut/circumvent the leveling system, nerfing this one way seems pointless... Especially during a double xp event that is specifically designed to speed up leveling...
  13. if they sort by the text, they need to make it yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm (24 hour clock), since that's the only format that sorts in chrono order both US and Euro formats are bad
  14. They also said that difficulty of content will matter... I don't remember if they provided more detail, but it either means that the odds of getting a 264 item from Tython trash is infinitesimally small (but not zero), or that you are more likely to start getting better stuff from harder mobs (so maybe there is a chance of 270 drops in your example when doing a MM FP, but only 264 drops from easy/SM stuff). Just remember when they said that command crates could drop Ossus gear... How often did that happen for you before they increased the odds (in 5.10.3)?
  15. Again, once 6.0 drops, the "best top-tier gear" will not be the Ossus gear. They will likely follow the same pattern they have with every other expansion/level cap increase/gear tier increase and make a cheap/easy to obtain level (that is still better than the best from the previous expansion) and a harder to obtain rating that is even higher. There will be little point in bothering to get the previous top-tier gear when it will be a step below the "cheap/bottom" rating new tier...
  16. Even the super expensive 240 augments will be obsoleted by the next tier of gear/mods... I suspect there will be cheap/easily crafted augs that higher rating than 240, and then expensive/hard to acquire augs that are even higher rating than that.
  17. I usually just turn the sound off (ctrl-s) when I feed comps, even voice overs I like get annoying after 500 repeats...
  18. When 6.0 comes out, Ossus gear will no longer be top tier. What will be the point in spending credits on it? This is the way of MMOs, expansions come out, level caps get increased, current gear is obsolete.
  19. I love when companies setup an official forum and then don't use it... Seems like this sort of thing should have been on these forums or at least cross-posted to both from the start.
  20. They were probably trying to update the guild totals too, maybe even looking up which guild you were in every time or something silly like that.
  21. Nobody should expect the game to "not" break when they launch the expansion... That'd be the definition of insanity (or at least not learning from history). There will be days/weeks of patches fixing things before the game is really stable...
  22. I think they should just make it go to 11 and call it a day.
  23. On star forge. I logged in to a lvl 65 that was on fleet and it looked okay, so I then switched to a lvl 70 in the Tatooine stronghold (that is a gm of a guild). That took a long time to load, and showed he was not in a guild and the mailbox was empty (got a couple emails before I quit, but didn't open the mailbox to check if the 100 or so emails I should have had were there). I quit and relaunched the game, but then got the queue for connecting. I'm a sub.
  24. Since the laser weapon tuning is on sale, I previewed it on several different weapons and it seemed odd that weapons (pistols and rifles) with scopes still had it come out of the barrel instead of the scope... That seems wrong to me. Is there a tuning that has the scope do a laser sight? Not sure it is worth buying for 900cc + unlock fee with the effect looking so off.
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