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Everything posted by FRISKI

  1. Not only do you not get any sort of bonus for managing to destroy the other team and finishing the game in impressive timing - sometimes less than 5 minutes, but you also get punished for it by the amount of valor granted? So people are actually encouraged to not cap the last one to get a full game and farm medals while the result of the game is clear? That's not much fun for either teams. Discuss.
  2. What charge are you using? Ps: why not take a point out of dark embrace and get death field?
  3. Title, I know that it should be between the crit and surge but can't decide exactly which.
  4. I'm in full stalker and playing the 2/31/8 spec.
  5. Equally geared tanks or hi armor targets as deception, if I don't get them while my CDs are active then I'm usually done for.
  6. Least enjoyable and maybe knowledgeable class forums of all time.? Seriously, there isn't enough valid content on here to keep me busy for more than 10 minutes. I'm dying here at work, where are the mathematicians and the philosophers?
  7. This. Pretty foolish not to.
  8. Yeah, I'm not too excited about going to bm tier, currently full stalker and sitting at 59.5. Was checking the stat differences and I'm not impressed to say the least... I think I might even lose some crit %. I'm looking forward to the new crystal color on the weapon but that's about it. Am I missing something?
  9. Kind of what I was doing, might have been a positioning issue and or timing.
  10. Can we get a noob friendly run through of this spec? I tried it out and couldn't kill anything and died easily, got frustrated after 4-5 games and went back to darkness. Currently in full stalkers.
  11. Nope sorry, don't agree with your elitist way of thinking. I much rather have the skill aspect be based on positioning, timing, order of abilities used, and precision. And as mentioned by someone's reply - I love how the game looks and don't want to miss out on that in combat. Come back when you've played deception for at least a week.
  12. Good for you, but where in my post did I say anything about the game being hard? Also all I do is PVP because yes PVE is indeed easy in is current state.
  13. We will receive a harder to miss notification animation that shows up when procs are up... Seriously, don't you wish you could actually watch what's going instead of having your eyes glued to the bottom of the screen always watching your buffs?
  14. I'm much better with it than without it, The one going I do want to actually be able to keep my awareness on the combat would be proc notifications in a more obvious and hard to miss fashion, sucks to always have to keep my eyes on the bottom of the screen... You know what I mean if you play an assassin (deception).
  15. Give them everything and they will still ***** and moan.
  16. Maybe you didn't read the whole OP, I already said that I could get medals easy when I was specced Darkness. The issue has to do with the fact that what I was doing as Darkness like some of the things you mentioned were no more of a contributing factor than what I'm doing as Deception now like being in key positions and bursting down important targets ie FC / healers. And the score board (more specifically the medals) don't reflect that, not even close, I sometimes felt like I was doing very poorly or had to be away for some time in matches as Darkness and then what do you know, I've gotten plenty of medals.
  17. Except they do matter, and all the "kiddies" who come into WZs that know this result in losing matches for others and losing matches that could be won with a little bit of focus and team work are very frustrating.
  18. Rank 58 here and I can tell you that if I want to get the most medals each game I have to go into counterproductive mode which does nothing for my team nor the actual objective of each WZ. I play an Assassin and I actually enjoy playing as Deception which I've specced into just recently but sadly I have to go back to Darkness and doing pointless AOE damage and keeping guard up to farm medals. The system NEEDS to change - please alter whom the medals go to and what for, increase the amount of medals given to those actually doing the objectives for each WZ. If I'm just doing something wrong please point that out because this just seems like such an obvious and easy to fix issue that is ruining PVP for me.
  19. Are you guys content with the medal system in WZs at its current state? Do you think the most worthy players of each game are being rewarded accordingly? Do you think it's a good idea to base medals on everything but the actual objectives of each WZ?
  20. I can't see the part where op mentioned hating the game, Also a better question, if you don't hate the game why are you posting here, shouldn't you be playing?
  21. Excellent read, op. I felt all those things and their lack of but hadn't given them words but you just did that for me, thanks.
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